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Posts posted by tytio

  1. LEV is going to be quite a bit cheaper than jade, but jade may possibly prove to be an investment. but thats a maybe. I would buy a HRoT just in case you want one. but you could buy LEV and TTear if you wanted them both. TTears are always being sold (more frequently than jade SS i feel)

  2. decent amount of stamps, bd pet that can easily beat all DoN challengers, at least 3 rows of trophies (unless they are rich and dont care about trophies in which case their gallery and pet better be good). at least 250 avatars. That makes a medium account. but when they have 500+ stamps, 320+ avatars, gallery with a few 100mil+ items, thats when i start to get impressed.

  3. scorchio and pteri have good resistances. But I use a kacheek for the resasons stated above (cuz he is lab pet). Most species weapons other than the ones listed are generally worthless and not worth getting that pet for. I would use kacheek, with KLP and RFFR which will cost less than 500k.

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