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Scheming Angel

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Posts posted by Scheming Angel

  1. It's not just about stopping people from doing the dailies. You aren't allowed to play games either. See, I make 60-70k most days, from games. Now if I could do that on my sides... even just saying 1 side, that's an extra 60-70k a day. If I could do it on all 4 sides, that's an extra 240-280k a day. Which makes it unfair.


    How is it unfair if everyone has the same opportunity? What's wrong with people being able to earn more NP than they can right now? I don't understand all this insistence that profitability is synonymous with cheating.

  2. I rotate between wanting the Lab Map, Stamp Collecting, and getting a book trophy. If I picked one and stuck with it, I'd probably be there by now... o.O


    ATM it's the Lab Map.


    A wise choice as the Lab Map is by far the most affordable of those goals. Some of the books and stamps near the top cost as much as BOTH lab maps. I've finished as much of my Lutari talisman as I'm probably gonna, so I'm between goals right now.


    This may sound corny, but all I really do these days is earn NP for my kids to play with. They can spend in afternoon what takes me sometimes weeks to earn. In fact, it was while looking for something kid-friendly that I found and joined Neopets myself. It's totally been worth the effort to make their experience easier and more fun!

  3. I have the SSW but the funny thing is, I don't really use it much until I start to think about canceling my premium service. Then suddenly, I'm on a pricing frenzy to get one last useful burst out of it and I'm sold all over again. I just wish it wouldn't get "tired" so quickly. Ah well, it's still scored me some sweet snipes.

  4. Wouldn't there be fewer neglected pets if ALL the pets you're allowed to have were right there in your "Quick Reference"? How many side accounts have been created (meaning one more user name was rendered useless) and abandoned for months on end? At the very least, they should tighten up the length of time an account can be inactive. On the other hand, if all these extra accounts are needed for some reason, then why not let those who provide the numbers enjoy a little extra game play? I don't see how we're "cheating" each other by proceeding through the game at our own pace. The cool thing about fantasy worlds is that there's usually enough loot to go around. Terms like "inflation" are generally meaningless when food and weapons and stuff can be generated out of thin air.


    Anyway, with all the limitations TNT slaps on our earning potential to keep us coming back and playing, the "five accounts" policy bugs me as being decidedly out of place. If nothing else, why tempt players (who are quite often immature children) with the motive AND ability to break the rules? I doubt they'll ever deflate their pie charts by heeding my advice, but I think this particular policy smacks of deceit and doesn't show a lot of respect for we, the players. Of course, I could just be oversensitive about it due to my impatient nature...

  5. So much fuss is made about not using multiple accounts to get around the rules that I can't help but wonder why multiple accounts are permitted at all. I understand what I've been told - pet storage, multiple guilds, extra galleries, and so forth but wouldn't it be far less complicated just to extend the limits of each account and allow only ONE per person? It doesn't seem impossible to allow 20 pets per account, up to 5 guild memberships, etc. Are they trying to inflate their numbers for advertisers? If so, I don't think that sets a very good example in "playing fair." I hope there's a logical explanation which I've missed, because I'd hate to think that a company this wealthy and powerful would tempt children to "cheat" and then punish them for it.


    All I'm asking for is a little consistency in this policy. If they want to let people have 5 accounts, they should let everyone enjoy all the benefits of said accounts. If they feel that this kind of rampant enjoyment of their site would unbalance the universe, then they should change the "side account" policy. How hard would it be to ask at the sign-up page if this will be a secondary account and then simply disable all the features prohibited in multiple accounts? That way, there's no temptation and no accidents that get people's accounts frozen. It may not seem like a big deal to most adults, but children are very sensitive to stuff like that. I wouldn't mind the situation so much if they weren't preaching honesty and fair play on every corner of the site. To me, it smacks of hypocrisy because the only reason I can think that they would permit side accounts that looked just like regular ones is so that their membership stats look more impressive to advertisers.


    Any thoughts?

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