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Posts posted by Fever

  1. *waves franically* Holy hello, guys :D Been a while. I just logged in game for the first time in ages and I found how cheap pirate draiks are...








    Hatched female and adorable and I got 200k NP off the egg price, too. Now I just have to save for the LD pb!


    How have you guys all been? ^^

  2. She was and she snuck off with some NP to the Hidden Tower for a Royal Paint brush, not that anyone is going to complain at her

    Haha. Royal draiks are gorgeous, I love her customization!


    Crappy day today, guess who's gonna be on Neo drowning my sorrows all night :P

  3. Oh my goodness, guys!! I got myself a Draik Egg!!

    I won an auction for 5.7 Mil! It's not exactly a bargain but I really don't care, I've waited long enough and I would rather waste another million than wait another day! I feel amazing right now! :laughingsmiley:

    P.S. Excuse my uncontrollable excitement, I've never succeeded a goal so big and determined, I just couldn't help myself... *blushes*


    :baaasmiley: Congratulations!!!! That is amazing! And hey! 5.7mil is a really good price! Are you hoping it hatches as a boy or a girl?


    i think it will, but the economy is weird, so don't listen to me ;)


    cryo is gorgeous, as always, wish i had acces to nc, i would LOVE to customise Alynniae with NC stuff, but yeah :'(


    Argh, shhh Aly. Dun jinx me. I'm hoping it doesn't go up too much further, I'm halfway to 5mil right now so I'm hoping that it dips to like 5.2 to 5.5 and stays that way for a while... Although Christmas prices might inflate 'cause people might buy them for buddies and stuff. So let's hope I get one from the Forgotten Shore or hit it big on food club :arrowhead:

  4. I was going to wait until December to customize for Christmas but of course I couldn't wait any longer :whistle: so here's Freyyr hosting his first Christmas party 4.png


    D'awwwww!!! So cute! He's such a handsome little draik party host!


    How are all of you guys doing with the last challenge? Anybody else scrambling? I just spent about four hours on one "Key Issue" in my AP Human Geography textbook, in addition to one I missed... Four hours of notes :sick01:

  5. Now I'm trying to catch up on all these challenges sooo...*poofs*


    Same >_< just got the Day 6 ones to go, then tomorrow. Probably not going to be able to make it on the # of games but tomorrow I can attempt to grind and see if there is a goal thing they have. Argh :(


    But I made a Gelert just in case the one I'm applying for doesn't work out. Her name is Rhymeri.. What do you think?

  6. Thank you everyone!

    Yeah, you can call me Liz if you'd like :)

    I went with purple in the end. I do love faerie draiks but I didn't want to overload on the faerie pets because I already have two faerie pets on my main and two on my side. Plus, as someone mentioned, purple is easier to customise.


    He is now a she aswell because all my clothes seem to suit girls more.


    I'll post a picture once I figure out how!


    Purple! <3


    Girl pets always seem easier to customise to me. Well maybe that's because all my pets have been girls so far... Wait say what?


    Aha! Thank you! In that case, here is my lovely new draik :)



    She's gawjus! :D


    Welcome Liz! I'm Liz as well. o_O


    Purple is a lovely color! Hm, all these ideas... I'll have to decide what to do with mine now. Maybe I need some time with DTI.

    DTI date? I know a guy who can get you some candles if you want. Maybe a little spaghetti, grape juice. xD


    Edit: Guess who just got 4,000 points away from a Ugga Drop trophy </3 Plus I'm considering making an alt and putting my Kougra on it so I can make a Gelert. Gelert or Uni to customize? Gelerts ARE so adorable.


    Double Edit: Faerie Gelert Customization idea and beginnings of Island Hissi?

  7. Haha, yeah they are. They reminded me of My Little Pony the first time I see them, and ever since them I've been wanting them. Getting in-touch with my child memories and all-that. :P The other colors you listed are lovely as well!


    Great that it works for you! Honestly, I'm just not capable of obeying a limit once I start to spend a single NP though... :3


    Baha. SOME My Little Ponies hehe. But why ty :D I'm thinking no on Maraquan just because I'm not sure how customisable they are...


    Hah! That's like me in real life though occasionally. Black Friday was terrible.


    Hello everyone!


    I'm Lizzie and I shall be getting my first draik tomorrow <3

    My best friend traded her pea chia for him and said I could have him, bless her.


    He's currently desert and I want to repaint him but I don't know what colour... I'm thinking purple or faerie. Leaning towards purple because it's cheaper and I already have quite a few faerie pets.

    Lucky lucky! And welcome to Draik Lair :)

    Such a good friend! That must be exciting!

  8. What a coincidence, I thought of owning an RG Uni a few days ago myself, and then I saw this. :laughingsmiley:

    Only exception is that I don't own one yet, though I've the pet with the perfect name to morph into my now-top-five dreamies.


    But I promised myself not to splurge at all costs until I get myself a Draik Egg. Regardless of how hard it is to resist. :( [/vent, lol]


    I <3 Unis! I'm extremely and very horribly torn between Halloween and Maraquan... I love both >_<' Spotted and Island are really growing on me, too. RG unis are too... cartooney type for me.


    Hehe. I splurge once in a while but I limit it. I set a goal like "Earn ____ profit today" or something and it kinda works!


    i couldn't talk yesterday, so i'm back now ^^




    alynniae is christmas, for the holidays:



    @wembly: heya, my count von roo time is 7am/8am so ask me if you feel like ^^

    @kasuchii: lucky you, seems like this place is the place for lucky people *pokes aethenlynden*

    @queensorchadragon: i want a royalgirl draik too, going to draw one again, for when i've got one, and then enter it in the BC


    ahhh, good to be back here ^^


    She is so CUTE! :D


    Edit: Was bored, played with DtI.. http://newimpress.openneo.net/outfits/90757

    And for halloween: http://newimpress.openneo.net/outfits/90758

    Double Edit: Uber bored and started on Xuquei's customizing plans for once she's RG? http://newimpress.openneo.net/outfits/90763


    but I'm still wondering if I want her RG or just blue. I know it's largely a set but I rather like her customizing now.

  9. Obsession is when you literally cannot go a day without the game, in my opinion. If you OCD-check neopets (and that's not meant to be offensive, I myself have strong OCD), for your shop and stocks. If you cry if your food club bets fall through, or if the stock market bombs or something, that's a bit excessive.


    Loving the game, to me, is being able to enjoy the game and the people on it (or TDN!) an playing the game to enjoy it and the content, not for success.


    There was a girl on anothe game I used to play who would rage quit for the day of she didn't get a whopping 5000 experience on her horse - hard feat to accomplish. Or if she only got 1 million dollars from mining gems for six hours straight, which is hard for anyone to do. It got so she hated the game because she wasn't succeeding in her mon because she was so obsessed with the game that she had to be the best. That in turned soured the game for many others (also one reason I quit that game for a whole, I was sick of her lol).


    But that's another thing. She was giving up six to TEN hours a day to that game grinding away. Her real life friends weren't happy with her and she gave up time with them and the horse she was lucky to have. So if you're sacrifice stuff like that on a regular basis, it's definitely obsession.

  10. Sadly, I still wouldn't be able to adopt him unless he looses a level. So if someone wanted to adopt him for me an then take him to count von roo and hope to loose a level :whistle: then I would be able to adopt him. But that's asking a lot since count von roo is only awak from 12-1am NST which is 3am for me so I feel bad asking. Also don't know if there is an easier way to loose a level. Maybe I'll check that out then let you know. Thanks though :)


    D'aw! But hehe, I used to stay up that late aha. Its more like 1 for me I think. And no problem, hope I can help!


    EDIT: I splurged and made a uni! Her name is Azelluna, or Nonlemoon which is a mix if two different languages I think! Eh eh? She so coooote.

  11. I made a list of all of the PB clothes I wanted. I never thought I'd get Pirate, because they were so expensive originally. And I skipped Zombie because I didn't like it.


    And Lisa, your Draik has been transferred to you for when you get home. :)


    Ooo good idea! And agreed on Zombie.. It's creepy anyway, and I think it's only got a kind of blah shirt doesn't it?


    Oh sadness. I just found a pet I would love to adopt from the pound but he's level 3 and my side account is only 2 weeks old so I can only get a level 2 pet. Argg, to bad timing. Well here's to hoping he stays in the pound for another 2 and a 1/2 months <_<

    Awuh!! Well do you want me to adopt it for you and sed it to you, would that work? Is that allowed? If it is just NM the name and I can try and get him/her for ya?

  12. I would, only I don't know what's worth what!


    A million isn't too bad, but I've been trying to hit it for three years.


    RSing practice... I AM GOING.


    EDIT: I just took like 200k out of my bank... and RS'ed at really cheap user shops. I'm too chicken for the real stuff. :D


    You're a silly! hehe. What I do is actually have the Shop Wizard in another tab and I just SUPER quick copy/paste/search at ninja-speed. Then refresh once or twice, maybe three if it's iffy, and if I could get at least a semi nice profit from it I haggle super fast.




    And psh. Well it's a good start I guess! I think that's what you call sniping. Just compare the user shop's price to the average of other shops (refresh a few times). If it's lower than the others then snap it up and sell it for 100 NP lower than the average price so you still sell it but hopefully get a profit.

  13. Well it's not possible to win all 10, haha. It's been a good food club week.


    Yeah I'm excited about having the clothes. I might paint it something else to get more clothes, haha. :) It is a great bonus!


    I know I know! Well it could be depending on the set of bets! Shh don't jinx it! Really hoping on good chewin' weather for our pirates tomorrow :P


    Hey clothes are usually a good thing to have! Plus draiks are so customizable, kind of a good thing to have multiple clothing pieces hehe.

  14. Uhh... at current? A million. In the bank, it's been my goal ever since I started Neo. I had an older account, but I've forgotten everything to do with it. :/


    That's not TOOOOO terrible! Try setting a nice and low goal for you to get every day. Like 25k NP a day would get you to that goal in just over a month. Have you ever tried the Food Club? I use Jamila233's bets usually. It's risky but her bets are usually fairly safe. Depending on your account age it can be very handy and a good way to make money. And Restocking is also really helpful if you get some practice in :)

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