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Posts posted by Mike.

  1. I simply do not understand the argument saying that paper books are bad for the environment. It takes SIGNIFICANTLY more energy to create a single iPad or Kindle Ereader than it does to make a book. Like - an unbelievably greater amount of energy. For the battery alone. And to keep that battery charged all of the time. Sure, trees are cut down to create paper but it isn't like it's the major source of deforestation in the world. In fact - North America is more forested than during colonial times when trees were cut down for firewood (I'll try to find a source later).


    Also, you haven't "seen" a book using recycled paper because they look exactly the same. =P


    tl;dr: ereaders are WAY more damaging to the environment

  2. Game of Thrones: A Clash of Kings. I'm attempting to pace myself with this one because I know I could quite happily read it all in one sitting.


    Read all of them!! I finished A Dance with Dragons somewhat recently and I am frustrated that it will be years until the next book comes out. They get really good.


    Currently reading Robinson Crusoe.by Daniel Defoe. Considered a "classic", so I haaaave to.

  3. Stronger weapons help eek out a few more wins, but it's really your pet that will determine your success. Your current weapons are pretty optimal for your pet's stats; upgrading your constants won't prevent the damage they do, your healer is already perfect for the amount of hp you have, and v-pots (and the like) will only increase in usefulness.


    Hate to be a downer :P Try strategy though! What types of icons do certain challengers use most? How can they be countered? Stuff like that.

  4. It seems like you're looking for a cheap, effortless way to get some nice stats. This method does NOT exist.


    Currently, the best way to train your pet is the training school. Courses are honestly not that long (until you get to the upper levels, it gets painful) and they are dirt cheap. The only time you should probably start negging is when you hit like level 250 or so, when courses start to get expensive. Even then, negging should be reserved until times when you have 'excess' neopoints.

  5. The neoboards seem to have a lot more personality than most of the forums I go to. Boards like the BD Chat (woo!), the TC, and maybe even the AC (...) are generally smarter than offsite forums too, like TDN. I see so many people here, for example, that don't know things that seem just basic to neopets.


    They are also a lot more active. ;D

  6. I am in a mall. Not as successful as the mall I was in previously, but it's fine. :P I've found out it really depends on which category you're in. Like, I'm in "1337 NP Deals" right now, and that's not nearly as successful as my "Books" shop from the other mall I was in (FYI Food & Drink is the most profitable category). That's because my current shop is so much more overpriced (and yes, as much as you may not like it, malls make profit from overpricing).


    But you really have to figure out malling by yourself, it's kind of different for everyone. Personally, I keep a list of all of the items in my shop and average wiz prices, but that may not work for someone else.


    You also have to have a lot of neopoints. A size 150 shop costs around 2 mil to make, in addition to all the things you stock it with. Size 1000 shop is around 100 mil I believe. Because of this, you can't stop restocking/reselling and just focus on your mall because with a smaller size shop it takes longer to get profits.


    And yes, there are complete malling guides out there that will help you more but if you have any questions MSN me or send me a neomail. PM is fine, I just don't come on here as often.

  7. Hooray! Thank you so much Ian. :)


    -strangles ad rep-


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  8. This is mainly a question for Ian. :P I recently noticed the annoying ads that come up whenever you click on a page, and it says "Your Page is Loading" or something like that, and it takes forever for the page to load unless you click on a link or something. Are these ads really necessary to the survival of TDN, because they make me want to gouge my eyes out every time I see them. Also, I think they don't really attract visitors...


    Anyways, can we get rid of them?

  9. Yay, happy birthday, V! Thank you so much for everything you've done to help me on Neo, and thanks for everything you do here on TDN.


    Hope you like you're gift. ;)






    P.S. - I'm sorry V, but TJ's banners are WAY better than yours.

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