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Posts posted by SyrenSkywolf

  1. I was kind of disappointed that they had to have such an easy dare for the final day.


    Of course, "easy" is all in the eye of who is playing. A lot of people said the games this past week were "easy" and I had trouble matching AAA on them, on of them coming down to the last 30 seconds of the day!

  2. What did you have to do to get Level 5?

    The only challenge I didn't complete was sending scores in 60 qualifying games :(


    For next year, when the "complete ## of qualifying games" challenge is there, just remember, you don't have to spend a lot of time on each game. As long as you have some sort of score, it will count. You can pop in a game, gain a couple points, and send score. Anything above 0. You can complete these challenges in 10 minutes :)

  3. I can't get the hang of the new one at all, so Krawk will just have to make due with me playing side games :[


    I can probably handle a lot of the updates, but I can't get the hang of the arrow keys instead of the mouse, and I hate not being able to see the entire field.




    Edit: @Noog Some of us don't have a lot of luxury time to spend frantically trying to actually win enough games to make a difference. Currently, I work a full time job with overtime, spend time with my wife, helping a friend code up a new forum, preparing to move, and working on a project motorhome. I'd prefer to be able to win a few games without upping my stress level before having to head off and do one of the many above things. Last summer wasn't much different, either.

  4. Yeah, like books - anything less than 400 pages is a short book! :nerd:


    I consider anything under 800 pages a short book! I often read 1000+ page books. The difference is at least with a book, I can read it at my own pace, not at someone elses :P



  5. i think she just set the alarm off..like with a trip cord? in the comic the alarm had just gone off.. so it had to have been set off by something.


    Good point, although a trip cord that obvious would be easily detectable, unless TNT just did that to make it more obvious...



  6. A couple things that should be noted:


    In chapter 4, when Nox looks into the crystal ball and see's he is being stormed, Xandra is sitting on the ground dazed, like something hit her, with a green neon type cord in front of her, hard to tell.


    You don't see her again until Hanso is tied to a tree and they are all sitting around a fire in chapter 6. However, it is implied by Jazan that they were "all" stuck in the castle, which would include Xandra, which is when the Nox imposter showed up.



  7. *waits patiently for time to elapse*


    The boards are always TL;DR. I glanced around, saw what you posted above about the achievements, but not about the time part. Thank you for the info on the 30 minutes bit!



  8. I don't think it has to do with finding one of "the" spells. That just wouldn't make a whole lot of sense.


    Right now the spells seem to be concentrating on the barrier. At some point we will probably get to the main spell, at which point the Cast Away! deed will come into play. That is my theory anyway.


    On a side note, this should honestly be called The Pain of Peace, not The Plain of Peace.



  9. JOAS is the deed you get for completing each task at least once, which is very, very difficult, especially when working with people who haven't the slightest clue what they are doing.



  10. I can't get Annihilator or Tormentor, myself. No matter what I try, so don't feel too bad.


    My stats are:

    Agility : 30 (GREAT (30))

    Attack Strength : 55 (EXCELLENT (55))

    Defence Strength : 38 (GREAT (38))

    Current hp: 102 / 102

    Level : 43



    Greater Healing Scroll

    Patched Magic Hat

    Psellias Fighting Fan


    Golden Compass

    Pike Pike

    Snowglobe Staff

    Purple Sticky Hand

    +Most abilities


    I'd love to get a draw on them as well. Best of luck!



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