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Status Updates posted by Sweetdang

  1. luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul


  2. oh meh no it's all fake the 400 comes form game posts. :)

  3. Oh. HEEHEE. It amuses ME when I read it. I wan something that makes me happyy :)

  4. Dahlink, I did say. :)

  5. Dearie, look to your left. See you age? Yea. :)

  6. Nevermind red your skyscraper thing. :) Yayyy it was a holidayy

  7. Why are people visiting your house! :O Urgh school holidays over tmr :(

  8. Thank you! Heehee cute, isn't it. It's amusing. :)

  9. Hello! And thank you :) I am currently confused by the way profiles work... I need to sneaky insert myself into one of the current open threads..

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