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Posts posted by leedom111

  1. I tried to get premium a year ago, but there was some sort of glitch because I had it many years ago, and the credit card has long since expired and I don't remember my password. I was given the run-around in emails, so I don't know how to get it fixed. So no premium for me, I guess.


    Even if I could, I'm not sure I'd sign up. I really like the perks it gives, but it'd probably just get me more involved and I'm not too happy with TNT's recent behavior.

  2. First of all, happy birthday! :D

    I never get anything on my neo-birthday... the last time I got zero RE's which was pretty disappointing :/


    I'm sorry that your birthday isn't going so well on the real-life front :(

  3. I love that site! I've actually only picked out one of my permies from there, but I always look there first when I need to find good names. I'm currently going through it for avatar pets (jetsam, tuskaninny, etc)

  4. I personally don't like it. I remember when I was a new player one of the most exciting things for me was finding painted pets in the pound. I was terrible at the games back then, so I made money very slowly and it would have taken me forever to save for a paintbrush.

    There are also lots of people who zap pets into nice colors and put them in the pound for others to adopt, so it'd be a shame to undo their hard work and generosity.

  5. Oops I disappeared again... I think this board has expired so I may have to make another one to post more requests. I don't know if I'll ever get around to finishing them all, sorry :(


    Oh, good, 21 day rule is no more, so I'll continue on :)

    I'm not going to be taking new requests for the forseeable future, but I'll try to finish up the ones I have. It may take a while though (I have a pending art request that I have been putting off for literally years if you can believe it)



    I've been doing some "real" art instead haha

    Here are some paintings I'm working on






  6. I don't see a problem with it. I'd love to get gifted a pet I wanted, but I don't really have any pets to give at the moment, so I feel too guilty to post :P


    But yeah, I think that people should be trying to get their dream pet if it's going to be gifted to them... I've heard from people who gifted a pet and then the other person went and traded it right away.

  7. Well, I always have a special spot on my heart for my first neopet, Lori111. Right now she's a perpetual lab rat, so she's my boochi shield :P


    I'm currently working on assembling permies, and I feel very strongly about all of them so far: Tiberonth, Viserau, and Botak.

  8. I guess waiting can't hurt ^_^

    On the other hand, I'll be waiting until October (Jetsam Day) I might have transparent or eventide to look forward to though *3*


    Of the available colors, I'm thinking about Water, Plushie, or Zombie Jetsam... Of the three, which is the "best" choice? :O

    I guess water is the most expensive, so it'd be harder to save for, plushie is highly valued so it'd be harder to trade, and zombie jetsams aren't that popular so it'd be harder to find at all XD


    I also found a great name for a chocolate jetsam: Bittersweette. Part of me just wants to go for that, even though I'm not too fond of chocolate pets @___@

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