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The Draik Master

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Posts posted by The Draik Master

  1. You slowly make your way through the opening and into the awaiting darkness. The door slams shut behind you. How unexpected.




    After being lost in the tomb for two days (living off fungus and rain water of course), you stumble across a room you haven't seen before. Could this be the location of the treasure?




    That's definitely no treasure. A giant monster leaps out from the darkness and begins chasing you, all the while thinking about the best way to cook you for dinner. You should probably continue running.


    :grrr: I wish I could sic one of my pets on him so that I'd never get that event again :laughingsmiley:

  2. XD usually more people like Krawks more for some reason....nah Draiks rule I know too much about them, like that they are 3 feet tall o_0

    and that curiosity has never killed a Draik...

    and that Draiks are good at breaking out of the Meridell dungeons...

    I do know too much about Draiks.

  3. Hello, I'm The Draik Master, you can call me Draik, or Master. I was recommended here by yoshinho just like vince who has already posted here.

    I like Draiks a TON and moofins also :D and yes I said M-O-O-F-I-N-S those are better than m-u-f-f-i-n-s muffins just stand around and whine about how moofins are better xD so I hope many of you can become friends with me! :D *is uber happy for no reason*

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