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Posts posted by Fuzio

  1. I know it may seem trivial but it bothers me that he was executed on the same day my best friend died 2 years ago. o_x


    In one of the videos on CNN of Saddam's dead body wrapped in a white shroud, taken on a cell phone, apparently they're standing beside a car because as the phone moves around and shakes, you see a Toyota emblem, twice. lol

  2. I just noticed something and don't quite understand.


    Why are you not allowed to post on any of the 'Advertisement' Topics (Neopets Section) but Staff can post in order to haggle with the user. Why can't we do the same?


    Doesn't make sense to me...

  3. If you don't care how people live their lives, then you shouldn't care about what they say. Seriously, if you say "religious" people make more bad than good, then in my opinion, I don't think trying to kill yourself is actually showing that non-religious people can do more good than bad. I've actually felt more threatened by non-religious people than religious people, but I just don't listen to them anymore. And even if I wasn't religious, I would still be against it. I'm not against it, not only because of my religious beliefs, but also because abortion is more dangerous than childbirth (according to the medical facts).


    You're obviously a strongly religious person. So of course you wouldn't feel threatened by others who are on your side of 'thinking'. But believe me, if you had people following you home from school with bats and 2x4's attempting to 'beat the faggot' out of you, or spraying painting your locker with 'die faggot die' or had people threatening you online and via phone to kill you and your family, egging your brand new car causing over $700 in damages, you would feel threatened. All of those people are doing so 'in the name of God' because I'm "a disgustingly immoral person who should burn in hell for my sins and do not belong in any church."


    I didn't attempt to take my own life to show anyone anything. I attempted it to get away from the utter bullshit and ignorance that come from people who claim to be 'Christians', when in fact no true religious follower would ever utter / think the things they have said or done.


    Also, so because a procedure is dangerous that means it should be illegal? Just trying to make sure that's what you're saying. So, then by saying that, almost all medical procedures should be illegal, as most have high risks of death, injury, etc. If that's not what you meant, then I guess it needs to be reworded because that's what I got from "but also because abortion is more dangerous than childbirth".


    Not caring how people live their lives is FAR different than caring about what they say, the actions they partake in and what they try preaching to others in order to indoctrinate them. There is a difference between stating your beliefs and taking it to the extent of hate speech / harassment or physical assault.


    I don't care that people disagree with anything I believe. Hell, one of my best friends growing up is a hardcore republican and doesn't exactly agree with the 'gay thing', but she is still, to this day, one of my best friends. There's not many people in this world who could say they're good friends with someone who strongly does not support or agree with who they are as a person and not get caught up in it.


    I had numerous friends before I came out, most of them religious. When I came out, I lost every friend I had and why was that? Simply because I'm gay. If that's not dividing people, I don't know what is. Apparently religious people can only be friends with others who believe what they believe and support what they support. It's no wonder they're such a divided group from the rest of society. Yes, there may be a large number of them but do you ever see them being friends with someone who disagrees with them?

  4. Never stated it? You actually did mention the 'homosexual agenda'. How is that not stating it?


    I'm aware of the bans that were passed. My state was one of the first 11 to pass that same amendment banning all forms. But, most people are for equal rights for gays and lesbians, just not marriage.


    I'm aware that is offensive and wrong, but it has been stated by MANY republicans over the years. That's why I mentioned it.


    I have studied and spoke with many professors of the old and new testament. I haven't studied all that much, but there are many professors from the University of KY who I've spoken with.


    I have the same rights as everyone else in this country? LOL. Are you blind? Okay, tell me where I have the right to marry who I want. Tell me where do I have the right to see the person I love in the hospital. Tell me where do I have the right to adopt a child. Need I go any further?


    Morally and justly wrong? That's an opinion. Explain to me how having a sexual attraction towards someone of the same sex (something you cannot control) makes you morally wrong?


    Just because people do things you don't like or agree with does not give you the right to strip them of their rights as an American.

  5. Okay, I really need to correct you all.


    It is not 'He is going to be hung' or 'he deserve to be hung'. The correct term is 'hanged'. Sorry, just a pet peeve of mine.


    I'm on the fence about the Death Penalty here in America, probably always will be. I don't think people should sit in jail for the rest of their lives, eating up our tax dollars, getting 3 meals a day, a hot shower, room and board, exercise, etc. when there are millions of people in America who don't even get that. We treat our murderers better than our own law abiding citizens.


    In terms of Saddam, I don't know. I've heard conservatives say they want revenge; but I'm certain Saddam didn't mass murder your people, it was the Iraqi's. Revenge is not something the "Bible" teaches (which most conservatives get their "politics" from), it more so taught 'an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind'.


    He deserve to pay for the utterly horrible things he's done. If he is hanged, it is rumored that it will be video taped and I believe they should show it. At least to the Iraqi people. Why? Because all these 'insurgents' (not terrorists) show the beheading of our own citizens, why not show the hanging of their 'beloved' leader? Only fair, eh?


    China still has firing squads and stuff....ugh...the cruel Motherland..


    Texas also has a method of execution being death by firing squad.

  6. Sounds very similar to something Bill O'Rielly would say. Though I do listen to him quite frequently.


    I hate to break it to you, and I've yet to understand where on earth people get this, but homosexuals do not have an agenda.


    All these religious conservatives swear we do and it's funny because the term 'homosexual agenda' was never even brought into the public eye until it was uttered from a religious conservatives mouth.


    Oh, and as a correction. Yes, most Americans do not support same-sex marriage, but DO support Civil Unions. It was widely reported in the '04 and latest mid-term elections. People aren't comfortable with same-sex marriage but they do feel they deserve the same rights. Though many 'religious freaks' would disagree.


    According to many, we want to rape children, destroy families, have sex in the streets, spit blood in the faces of all who attend church, and turn everyone gay. Those are, in fact, what many claim to be on the homosexual agenda. Sorry, you're wrong.


    If you're going to preach about Leviticus, let us not forget that you either follow ALL of Lev.'s rules or none at all. So, please don't sit and tell me you've never masturbated before, because that is a directly violation and moral sin according to Leviticus. As is divorce and wearing multi-blended fabric clothing (such as polyester).


    Yes, some 'nut case liberals' try to use gay marriage as a way to push their own agendas but I strongly believe the 'homosexual agenda' was something created by the religious as a scare tactic to turn the entire nation against gays more than they already are. They claim they know 'oh so much' about homosexuality but you know what, they aren't gay. So how can they claim to know anything about it?


    Also, if you want to claim God's will is for couples to love each other and 'multiply', then I guess infertile men / women are in the same category as gays and should not be allowed to marry. Am I right? Of course, that's what that argument states. We are not fit to marry because we apparently cannot love one another or 'have children'. Neither can they. (;


    I could go on for hours about the bible and how misinterpreted it has become. People don't realize the time period in which it was written and that it truly speaks nothing of homosexuality. Simply sex between two people of the same gender. There is a large difference between the two.


    Now, don't take what I've said as an attack towards you. It's not. Fact is, yes FACT, all Americans deserve the same and equal rights. Anyone who claims gays do not is a bigot. That is a fact. I am not a 2nd class citizen just because I happen to be sexually attracted to someone you disagree with.


    I would like to hear 1 good valid reason as to why I do not deserve the rights of every other American.

  7. Well, in my view it seems WEVIL is a rather strict religious person.


    In my opinion, they (being religious 'fanatics) do more harm than good. It happens to be those religious people who continually talk about saving the institution of 'marriage', protecting families and doing 'moral good' that torment and harass young gay teens and cause them to kill themselves.


    I have numerous friends, including myself, who have either attempted suicide or completed suicide due to the torment, harassment and bigotry from the religious crowd they faced in their everyday lives simply for who they are. Of course, that is going onto another subject for another thread.


    My mother has birthed 3 children, mis-carried 2, put 1 up for adoption and had 1 abortion. She feels the adoption is / was far worse than the abortion because she knows where that baby is, in heaven. As for her other son, she has no idea who he is, if he's being beaten, living on the streets or even fed. Probably never will.


    I respect both of your all's opinions, though I disagree with some of them. I just, personally, don't see why other people's religious beliefs should trump the beliefs of others and dictate how everyone else, in this country, live their lives. Especially those who don't believe what you do.

  8. Well, I am here only for the forums.


    I don't visit 'fan sites' nor have a use for them. Actually, I mostly hate fan sites. Sick of them after I got through with mine. lol


    But, like I said. I'm not about to sit and talk til I get 200 posts simply so I can debate. :P Not much else to talk about here.

  9. Well, there aren't winners in debates. Debates are just ways to explain and make known, your opinion on topics. Some people get upset because it involves their beliefs and most 'religious' people strongly dislike anyone who opposes their beliefs. (from my experiences)


    Also, there are numerous sections of the forums not related to Neopets. So I don't see why we can't debate about things not related to Neopets. I just think strongly "moderating" (can't think of a better word) would help.


    I would gladly apply as a moderator to the Debate section. Granted, I cannot do it 24/7, but I am online quite frequently. XD




    Your decision.





    The only problem I've had on the debate forum is with a certain user who continues to claim I believe one thing, when I've obviously stated another and they're obviously getting heated about it. Quite an annoyance really but -shrugs- I've dealt with worse in real life. lol


    I'm fine with people disagreeing with me, but when it goes from a civil debate to a low class argument, that's when I get annoyed and just leave. lol

  10. Yes, how dare the staff actually have to moderate these forums.


    I doubt it's the 3rd largest. These forums are quite slow. I've been told by another staffer it's the 4th most 'visited', which I also doubt. Maybe on certain top site lists but I know my fan sites. I used to run 3 or 4 of them.


    They don't need to be sitting there all day to moderate.


    I can say, not that anyone would care or it matters, but I won't be returning without a debate forum. -shrugs- These forums are slow and not many other things to talk about.

  11. I just don't understand how sitting on your ---, holding a controller and pressing buttons turns into a 'sport'. Yea yea, you can argue that it takes 'skill' to master a game like Halo or something but come on. Seriously.


    Sports should actually take some sort of logical challenging brain activity and / or physical exertion.


    America is one of the laziest countries in the world. Look at us. We're rapidly becoming the fattest, we refuse to do 'labor' jobs that immigrants take instead, kids spend hours upon hours playing video games. Hell, even ADULTS spend most of their lives sitting on their ass playing a video game.


    It seems to me that America is slowing falling into a pit. We're attempting to take over the world and tell every other country how their government should run, what they should believe, if they aren't with us; they're enemies, religion is slowing taking over everything and turning people into hate-mongers, politicians (as always) are getting worse, and so on and so forth. It's sad. I don't plan to live here much longer, I'm actually ashamed to say I'm an American.


    Please do not use swear words.


    When did the alternate word for 'butt' become a swear word? o_O

    I guess teens have a different perspective on things.

  12. No Fuzio is not against abortion because he still believes in pro-choice instead of pro-life. This is obviously seen by the fact that he says government should not regulate abortion so therefore making it legal. He might be against a women havign an abortion but still feels women should be allowed to make the choice while i believe abortion is wrong and that the government should immediatley regulate it by bannnig it in america PERIOD. There is a huge difference between Fuzio's point of view and mine.


    And again, you are wrong.


    I am against abortion. If I didn't have proof before that you twist what I say, this is it.


    I also NEVER said government should make abortion legal. By me saying they should not regulate it does not say 'make it legal'.


    This IS America. I don't support making abortion legal, nor do I support making it illegal. I don't see why the government should have any control over it.


    THAT is my opinion, NOT what you stated.


    I'm more of a libertarian. Live and let live. Why should I care what others do with their lives, especially if it doesn't affect me in any manner.


    I'm leaving this topic for good. I'm quite annoyed with the fact that you continue to state what my beliefs are, and you're wrong, when I've stated them plenty of times already.

  13. I know exactly who you're speaking of. It was obvious he/she wanted attention and start a confrontation by entering, stating their opinion and then letting everyone know they don't care what they think and they aren't returning. Beyond childish.


    I disagree on the 200 posts thing. Myself as a reason.


    I have a lot of experience in debating, civil rights activism, politics and religion. It's something I've loved since, who knows when. I don't post on many other topics. I don't get out of hand or upset. I just like to see others 'attempt' making a valid point on some topics (such as gay rights), and it's humorous to see them attempt it.


    I just think things should be very strict in this part of the forum. People, especially younger people, get heated and upset very easily for no reason.


    I'm perfectly capable of disagreeing with someone and not getting upset. But, I still have a certain opinion about some staff of this website due to their kiddie insults towards me. I doubt much will be done really.

  14. Well, I do have to ask do you even know what Civil Unions are? Because from what you are stating, it seems you believe they are quite similar to marriage when that's really not the case. There is nothing 'religious' about Civil Unions at all.


    Civil Unions are basically the 'rights' of marriage, without the religious-ness attached. I don't see how it's thumbing your nose at God. The rights of marriage and the religious ceremony of marriage are not connected. Rather people want to realize this or not, Religion has no place in government. People are trying to make religion 'rule the world' and be a reason to make the decisions they do. That is ridiculous.


    In my book, any person who feels gays do not deserve the same rights as every other American simply because of who they sleep with is prejudice. (; That IS what the term means.


    (pardon any spelling errors, I do not have my contacts in and can't see ANYTHING)


    The only life YOUR religious beliefs should dictate is your own. I understand people may not agree with things but I'm pretty sure you don't have to partake in a gay marriage. Which 'text' of the Bible do you feel discusses homosexuality the most, or which do you refer to. Because Divorce is discussed far more than "homosexuality" (if you want to claim it talks about homosexuality at all, which it doesn't).


    If anyone wants to claim gay marriage is 'wrong' or that it would destroy the "institution', I think they need to fix the huge divorce rate among themselves before turning the "eye" on us.

  15. I swear you people are fools. Idk how you possibly say we should not be debating whether abortion is safe or not. I think determining whether a procedure has a high chance of KILLING you , is very important in deciding whther we should legalize it or not. I swear how else do you possibly defend a viewpoint?


    You think the website's biased? Find a website that says a women has a higher chance of dying from childbirth than abortion. Plz find a credible webstie that states that. K? THANX. Abortion is not safer than childbirth so abortion should be banned.


    If a women has an affair? HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY SUPPORT THAT SHE HAS AN ABORTION? Now your just using abortion as a birth control so that people don't have to take responsibility for their actions and its consequence. A women has an affair or unsafe sex and she gets pregnant. She just turns to abortion and now has a new form of birth control so she doesn't have to worry about that stupid decision she made and just killed a baby. Nice taking responsibility.


    That makes no sense Fuzio. How about you reread your post? How do you possibly say that the government should not be allowed to regulate abortion BUT STILL SAY it should not be LEGAL? THAT MEANS THE GOVERNMENT IS REGULATING ABORTION FOR WOMEN. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ENGLISH? Restate your point of view so it actually makes sense instead of contradicting yourself.




    And do you not understand that I never said I think abortion should be illegal? Never once did I say that.


    What I said was, I do not think women should have abortions. That is not saying I think they should not be legal, it is simply saying I don't think women should have them.


    That is not contradicting to saying I also don't feel the government should regulate them.


    So anything which is deemed, unsafe or harmful, should be illegal? So, j-walking should warrant someone's arrest, as should smoking, or being overweight (as it can kill you). Hey, you said if it's harmful, it should be illegal. (;


    You also have a chance of dying during any surgery or medical procedure, so should all of those be illegal as well?

  16. I don't understand why anyone would want to waste their money on the Wii.


    The only reason people want it is because of;

    1) Zelda

    2) The motion sensor stick


    If people base their decisions solely on a controller, need I say more?

  17. I know how you feel but always remember this is the internet.


    You can't judge people's personalities on a bunch of letters and numbers. It's ridiculous in my mind.


    It may be just letters on a computer monitor, but the fact is you are portraying yourself through what you type on the Internet. It is no different than speaking, aside from actually hearing it.


    Words, in any form, are hurtful. If you don't want to be judged by your ignorance or childish actions by what you say / do online, don't say / do them.


    Just because it's text on a monitor doesn't make it any less 'real'. You are a real person, typing your real feelings and real responses to another real person.

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