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Status Updates posted by Hades

  1. :O Hello Miss Mod, don't get creeped out but I've got to thank you for the threads you closed on me xD I don't know how, but it helped me see where the date for posts is shown. I've looked all over the blasted page yesterday! >.<

  2. Lol just saw that comment you left on my page - you should learn to lighten up more and simply accept compliments :P saves you the stress of feeling creeped out, haha ^^

  3. Why? I love the games you had in your siggy, and thought i'd commend you for your tastes ^^ nothing funky about it :D

  4. So i see :P besides Mass Effect, what other games do you like?

  5. Haha wow i haven't played Spyro in ages xD you must be one of the few i've met that played it :o Nice list, i'd definitely say 60% of those are on mine too ;P

  6. Hades

    Lol funny how you put it, 'leech' :P and hi, btw ^^

  7. Hades

    LOL sorry I didn't know you were still here :P and yeah, it's a comment place! So what's up ^^

  8. Hades

    Darn... did you take any meds? Got fever?

  9. Hades

    Ah, well no fever is good :) drink orange juice! Or lemons... Lemons are cool ^^

  10. Hades

    Haha, I agree for the most part - there are some good brands, but not sure if US would have 'em. Straight up lemons, sure ^^ Lemons, kiwi, grapefruit... all C Vitamin fruits are good, y'know :)

  11. Hades

    Anyways, gotta go sleep for real >.< get well!

  12. Hades

    Oh my, must have mixed you up with someone else here :P sorry! I've got a poor, very very poor memory. At any rate, I was sure you don't live in N.Europe so ha! And lol no, that's vitamin D... we need to steal C from plants :D

  13. Hades

    You know, I have no idea :P I seem to have gotten a good hint of it somewhere, but can't remember where xD also, this may be a creepishly late reply... oh well xD I am building a fine reputation here on TDN!

  14. is a pig. Piggy pig pig.

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