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Posts posted by Ellyllon

  1. I feel that books are more or less a money sink, though I do read the free ones from dailies/Key Quest to my pets. If you were going for intelligence for some reason and have played a long time, the Faerie Crossword is probably the more economical way to go... unless they release a book-related avatar someday.

  2. The gist of the replies so far seem to be along the lines of pro-choice, but with some measures in place to curb abuse of the rights to abortion. This makes sense to me, and I have little to add to the discussion on this point (though I am honestly surprised at the amount of pro-choice here), but the first post and another (quoted here) in this thread were what really caught my attention:


    china's decision to abort girls logically makes sense and is valid. Besides. You guys already complain that there are too many asians in the world already...now you're complaining that there aren't enough? o.0

    I hope I don't offend you by writing this, but I feel that I should interject regarding China - it's not a matter of logic or needing boys to do farm work, but rather one of tradition. This affects me a little more than the US perspective on abortion, and comments (though to be fair, you wrote 'you guys' and not that you felt so personally) such as "there are too many asians in the world already" don't seem quite right to close the issue on.


    Boys are favoured over girls in China for cultural reasons, not just because they can work on a farm. The PRC has a one-child policy and couples feel they have an obligation to keep the family name running (a man keeps his surname, but a woman loses hers in marriage), and there is heavy pressure from family and from society for couples to have a boy. Perhaps it's the X/Y chromosome from the male that determines the sex of the child, but the 'responsibility' falls on the woman to birth a boy.


    Aside from creating an abnormal gender ratio, gender-selective abortion (and female foeticide) has created some strange implications:


    "...Global Times said abductions and trafficking of women were "rampant" in areas with excess numbers of men, citing the National Population and Family Planning Commission. Illegal marriages and forced prostitution were also problems in those areas..." (Discovery News, 2010)


    Finally, it's not just China. While the one-child policy doesn't apply to these places, gender-specific abortions and female foeticide is numbered at what certainly would constitute "irresponsible levels" in Sri Lanka and India. I'm less than certain of the cultural reasons for doing so as far as these two countries are concerned, but this website has some opinions on the matter (dowry in particular can get really expensive).

  3. EDIT: Hmmm... Died straight away and my score is 20.05 seconds... I think I like glitchs...

    xD Congrats on your win!


    I remember playing something similar during the Moltara quest so I was on the lookout for that annoying Send button... somehow made the score on my first attempt, I'm not going to try a second time!

  4. Stamps aside, my login form had this blank issue as well. I tried keying it in and got an error saying I entered a "blank" username. I panicked and tried searching for myself, but the search result told me I got a blank search as well. I wanted to copy and paste the error message here, but it's up and working again after four tries.

  5. Hello and welcome to the forums, Danni!


    Elle/Etsy here, I am considerably newer to the game but am online daily. ^_^


    Whoa, 10 years is a long time - I am fairly new but I am indeed online around that time :3 Key Quest is lots of fun; good luck with training your pet!

  6. I would say that the old Faerie Pteri looks closest to my idea of the phoenix; the new one seems rather strange to me - I think it's the body proportions, imbalance in wing size and strange eyeshadow design. I do like the colour scheme, but that is about it. That said, the Faerie Lenny looked nicer in its old pose, too... I wish I played this game when you could just paint them to look like that. *_*



  7. A fun game! Someone pointed out to me that you score x2 points if you dropped the petpet perfectly, timing this helped me nudge past the score just a little bit. I am not too good at this, despite putting the petpets into alternate bins and all; but still made the score somehow. Phew!

  8. First-time player, made the mistake of trying it out in the word mode first. I took way too long mulling over potential long words, then burned myself by thinking there was more room for a three-letter word right at the end (when of course, I should have played that long word I was thinking about for so long in the first place). Also second the numbers mode, it got pretty tedious past 300,000...

  9. Beauty and the Beast is my personal favourite - characters, tale and music. When I first watched it as a toddler, I do recall being charmed by the ending; though now I wish the prince had stayed as the Beast.


    Tale as old as time

    Song as old as rhyme

    Beauty and the Beast

  10. Congratulations! I did get fairly lucky with regards to the water plant section... I actually got it in one of my first twenty combinations. The Vaeolus had me stuck for the longest time, healing it definitely consumed more time than finishing the rest of the plot.


    heyy err u got any ideas on how to do the gear crap??ive been working on it for hous:( i still cant get it.its quite upsetting.


    I don't quite understand what you mean here, are you referring to the water plant? If so, I found that the SunnyNeo checklist helped me quite a bit, though I recall that they blocked off a *correct* combination and did not block off the incorrect one. That aside, it's a really handy counter... I know it's not TDN material, but I reviewed the forum rules and it seems okay to post it here. It did help me a lot, and I wish you the best of luck in finishing up the plot!


    (Ah, you might want to refer to the sticky right here in these subforums, too.)

  11. Lately I've been thinking about all the crap I've delt with for the past 2 years, and observing all the stuff going on in the world (terrorism, global warming, economy, etc.) and I've been questioning God's existance. If he's up there, why is he treating us like his toys. I'm aware of Jesus having said "Man would destroy itself", but if God can stop all of this, why hasn't he? It's said that he would put his foot down just as mankind destroys itself, but that's happening now. Where is he?

    Biblically speaking - as your question refers to God, I trust it is alright to answer in reference to scripture - the price of sin is death. In committing sin, man has fallen short of the glory of God.


    "But if God can stop all of this, why hasn't he?"


    Only God can answer that question. Here are my beliefs on this issue, though:


    The Christian faith is such that most adherents believe that God is all-powerful; hence, you are correct in noting that He can "stop all of this". Nonetheless, He has given mankind choice. In this context, I am not referring to the black-and-white "sin" or "do not sin" choices; but "choice" in general as the gift of freedom to do what you want to do. Punishment, retribution, reward and appreciation exist as results of choice, but the actual freedom to choose and act as one sees fit is up to the individual.


    A key choice in calling oneself Christian is choosing to believe that Jesus has died on the cross to pay for the sins of all mankind, such that we may be given a second life; also referred to as "eternal" life. Mortal deeds do not in themselves suffice to pay for this second life; rather, the price is to believe that the John 3:16 statement is true, and to keep vigil for the Lord's coming.*


    The Lord's coming is not referenced to as sunshine, rainbows, world peace and the end of terrorism and global warming, however.** Quite the opposite! Revelations paints a scary picture of the apocalypse - of hail and fire falling to Earth, seas turning to blood, locusts crawling from the Abyss. He will put his foot down indeed - and end it all. Future worlds - a new Heaven and Earth - will be created, wiping out the old sin-stained existence and replacing it with a fresh, clean sheet.


    There also runs the tale of a relatively famous story in the Old Testament about a flood wiping out the earth save for one family, chosen to suvrvive by virtue of the family head's lack of sin. This characteristic hate of sin to the point of wishing to wipe out its existence wherever it is seems to compare well against the plans for new worlds in Revelations.


    Why then give us the choice to sin? The ability to commit acts of terrorism, genocide, adultery? Some speculate that there is no merit to be had in not sinning if there existed no temptation or possibility of sinning.


    So why does God not step in now and fix "all the crap" wrought about by sin in the first place? I guess from the tone of scripture, His concept of fixing the situation seems to lean towards the elimination of evil in creating a divine catastrophe survived only by those deemed worthy. Apparently, our world has not reached such sacrilegious boundaries to the point where He deems our Earth too evil to exist. Mankind can still salvage what we can, and there is still enough good and love about to stay the divine hand from carrying out the Smite of Doom.


    *varies among denominations.


    **though I guess this could happen alongside the scenario I painted, though this would probably look very awkward.




    "If he's up there, why is he treating us like his toys."


    Any opinion on this will be more controversial than the former; but I know that scripture always refers to us as "God's children" and not "God's toys". How was the human race created? The opinions of science will consistently update itself to its place and time in the history of our world, but the position of the Bible is that God created the first man and woman in His image. I reiterate the first point again - we are referred to as the children of God. Would you compare your own child to a toy?




    Ah, and finally, the pigeon-holing. I am a Christian, while I do not feel particularly close (60%+) to the beliefs of any particular denomination, I think I can agree with more Baptist-specific beliefs in comparison to those of the other denominations (~50%).

  12. I'm still having trouble finding it!!! :sad01_anim:


    I re entered my co-ordinates and this time it gave me 13,12 and that didn't work either!


    Is there just a random glich or does it mean not everyone is able to complete this workthrough?


    Please help???? :crying:


    Hello there!


    The room number does appear to be 15, 12 according to the TDN page here.


    It is strange that there are no clickable books, there should be clickable books in every room. Perhaps you could try:


    1. Opening the page in a different browser;

    2. Pressing "tab" to locate the books;

    3. Checking Finneus' hints compilation page to see whether you have completed every step before the Spellbook one. Not being able to click on the books could be a result of skipping/missing a step by accident.


    I wish you the best of luck!

  13. I got this within my first few tries - right after I found out about the "piecrust" and "custard" codes. I still fall short of the avatar requirement for this game, though; but thanks to this DD, I'm now inspired to go for it again.

  14. Hello. My name is Etsy, though I usually go by Ellyllon on forums. Elly or Ell will do just fine.


    I have been playing Neopets for just over a month and have found this website very helpful. I enjoy collecting avatars in-game and am playing the Daily Dare. ^_^ I do hope to contribute to the help section when I get more used to the game.


    Thank you for having me here!

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