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Posts posted by looneybin21

  1. I love Pyramids too and I suppose it's easier to make neopoints on. I hardly ever get less than the 50 points it takes to get my neopoints back, but winning it is a lot harder. I only win Pyramids about 2% of the time.

  2. As frustrating as it can get sometimes, it's still my go-to game. My stats are not great though.



    You have won 90 Neopoints!

    Your total score has been updated to 91,750!

    You have played 785 games, and you have won 32 times.

    Your current win streak is 0 games.


    As you can see, I only win about 4% of the time, but at least you don't have to win to get neopoints.

  3. I think the hardest thing to get used to is the three deal limit. You don't have as much time to win and if you pass up a card you need on accident, it can cost you a lot. Also, I'm not sure about the Windows PC version, but I know when I play solitaire at home, the way I flip the cards allows them to shuffle a bit as I play, so even if I go through the deck once without using a single card, the next time through they will all be different. In this version, they make it more difficult. You'll get the same cards each time unless you use one. It takes a bit of getting used to, I suppose.

  4. Can someone look up Drum Making for Drummers for me? It's for a Water Faerie Quest. Thanks!


    Edit: The Water Faerie increases HydrogenWings's defence. For once, they actually increased the stats of the pet I train!

  5. Well, I think I'm going to join Moltara. I'm new to the AC, but not new to Neopets by any means. Join whatever team calls to you. Or go on the boards and see if you find a team you like by talking to the people already planning to play for them.

  6. I don't play as much as I used to anymore, but mostly just because if I play against random people, my computer lags too much and I get stomped all over. Also, the friends I used to play with regularly have stopped coming on neopets as often. When I did play though, I played for both the neopoints and items. The lower keys don't provide that good of items, but if you're playing a two player game, the lowest you can get is silver, so it works out brilliantly, lol. I wish I played more. Training was so much less expensive when I did.

  7. You have to have right color because "only the paint brush clothes belonging to the pets colour will be able to be moved in a transfer. Eg. Desert clothes will only move with a desert pet."



    Geez I seem to be giving bad advice in here. I thought she was asking if the clothes from the paint brush would transfer with the pet if she adopted it from somebody who painted the pet, not if they were already on a pet painted a different color.

  8. Love that link, I submitted some clothes that I have :D so thanks for listing it.


    I wonder though .... it says that you have to have the right color pet to be able to get the clothing .... but if you have a pet the right species, it can wear the clothing ... and I thought if you were transferring, anything they had on went with them .... is that not true with paintbrush clothes ??


    Guess I never tried transferring paintbrush clothing on a pet that wasn't the actual painted color.


    I'm just wondering because I like to paint a pet one color to get the clothing ... then repaint a different color just to be a little unique, or because I think the color looks better :D


    Thanks for the info


    Transferring keeps the clothes intact with the pet. Pounding, however, takes the clothes off and leaves them with the original owner.

  9. The Faerie Queen wants you to get her 'Asparagus Chia Treat'!! Yay! The Faerie Queen! Not as exciting at the Fountain Faerie obviously, but better than the Air Faerie by far. :)


    Edit: Thanks! The Faerie Queen makes OxygenBreath super strong! She put her up to 25hps. She's not my BD pet, but I don't mind. I was training all of my Shoyrus at one point.

  10. Just found her for the 5th time. No mist. :(. I suppose the rumors must be true. Oh well, I can't complain. At least I have cleared it 4 times already. There are some people who haven't even managed that yet.

  11. I was stalking the Neoboards, but it was too frustrating. They post false links all the time and I had to keep checking back, but half the time I missed by a minute or too. When JN texts me, I hear the beep from across the house and I don't even waste time checking the text. I just go refresh twitter as quick as I can to see the link. I like having the sound so I don't have to be paying attention all the time.

  12. Ugh. I didn't see her this time (for some reason JN didn't text me even though it did for their last two non-tarla tweets), but it's a little disheartening to hear the rumors may be true. I'll still participate to get some more prizes, but I'd like to clear the mist ASAP.

  13. I have recently adopted a tyrannian usual from the pound, and for some reason, all of the items are removed, the hairpiece, funky dress thing, bones, all that good stuff... is there a way to put these back, or am i out of luck?


    When a pet is pounded, everything they're wearing is removed. You'll have to buy them.

  14. I did the yearly billing also, and made notes in my calendar for the week before to cancel it if i'm not still playing.


    That's a good idea. With monthly, I usually forget to cancel. Obviously, if I'm not thinking to play, it's not crossing my mind that I'm going to be charged anyway. And if I do the yearly billing, I only have to think about it once a year. I don't have to reevaluate my playing every month.

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