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Posts posted by Firerose88

  1. She wasn't accusing you of biting someone's head off or bringing up invalid points. She was making sure that things don't get out of hand here.

    I understand that and I'm not about to lose it over something like this. I just wanted to say that the only reason I said what I said was because I believe them to be true and I'm not trying to "start" anything or make someone intentionally upset. I mean, I'm not even the one who started this topic, I merely responded to it and now I have several people telling me I'm in the wrong. I'm not talking about the Moderators. I understand the reason to step in and make sure this does not in fact, take a wrong turn. So...yeah haha.

  2. I've had this happen before when I adopted a pet from the pound and a user Neomailed me to make sure that I took care of the pet and that they were sad they had to give the pet away but they had no more room for it. I decided to just ignore it, and when I zapped the pet at the lab ray and I decided I didn't want it anymore and I put it back in the pound, this person Neomailed me AGAIN to ask my what I did with the pet. So either this person just felt very attached to their pet or they were crazy haha. Either way I blocked them. But you are going to find people like that all the time, if they aren't trying to steal your account they want to get something out of you. (And sometimes just plain creep you out haha)

  3. Just a preemptive strike here... Like Heartbreak said, you are all perfectly welcome to come here and express your opnions, but let's keep it civil while we do so, please. This seems like something that could turn into either a varied thread on personal opnions or go south and degrade into a flame fest. So be nice, and remember: It's a game, nothing more. Don't bite each other's heads off over it.


    I'm not trying to bite off anyone's head here and I do feel that my points are validated.

  4. Heaven forbid someone become frustrated with the game and vent about it a little bit. I don't like to say 'don't read it if you don't like it'(how do you know whether or not you like it if you don't read it?), but complaining about other people complaining seems rather cyclical. "People like that?" Really?

    Okay really this whole post is totally ridiculous and insane! This person isn't frustrated, they just want the game to be easy and they want to be able to get all the trophies and prizes and all the neopoints without having to actually DO SOMETHING for them. And I have EVERY RIGHT to be tired of the constant whining and moaning coming from these newbies that have no idea what they are saying. It's simple, if you don't like the site then click the little x on your browser and get away from the computer. Don't go on the boards COMPLAINING to each and every user. So really, if you don't like to read the truth then don't read it. Really?

  5. What about those like me who both work really hard to save up or play games and complain about how difficult it is?


    I don't see how someone complaining about Neopets ruins it for everyone else. If you don't like to hear people complain about Neopets you don't have to listen to them, just like they don't have to play.


    Why waste your time playing games or saving up nps if the end result is just a bitter tirade against TNT when you could just, oh I don't know, NOT COMPLAIN? And trust me, I do hear people complaining about Neopets all the time because people like that make sure everyone who plays Neopets knows just how they feel about it.

  6. I always choke right before I have to enter a price. I was *this close* to getting it and I got so flustered I lost it. I haven't tried it since then. I would say try staying up at odd hours of the morning, and also make sure you have your fingers on the numbers keys as fast as you can and only put in zeros instead of going like 5433 go 5400 because you don't spend as much time typing out the other numbers. Good luck! I can't wait until I get it but I definitely have to wait until my internet connection is better because I have so much lag when I refresh.

  7. There are a few characters on Neopets that look different then what they would look like from a paintbrush. Like the Alien Aisha, there is actually no Alien paintbrush so the only way to get it would be an extremely lucky zap from the Lab ray. I personally think that TNT should revamp those characters that look different because how many people save up for a paintbrush only to be disappointed if their pet looks nothing like the character they are trying to copy.

  8. Oh my gosh, when I read things like this I go crazy! I can't wait to point out everything that is just completely ridiculous about this "article". I'm an older Neopian because I recently just turned 21. I've been playing on and off since I was 13 so by next July that will be 8 years. When I started on Neopets it was back when the only site theme was a yellow background and you had a simple little navigation tool (which I love and dearly miss). That was before ads were on the site, and way before avatars, Keyquest, NC Mall, and Petpet Park. I really miss the old Neopets days because the site was very simple and easy to use and you did not have to pay real life money for anything on the site. Granted they did have problems on occassion and I spent many nights angrily refreshing the home page after the site was down for maintenance. Yes, Neopets did have problems with hackers and people finding new ways to steal accounts. And I unfortunately lost my account after someone got into it and decided to spam up the boards. I decided to stay off of Neo for awhile and when I came back thats when avatars had just been released and that was when the site started to get kind of crazy. You seem to have two groups of people on Neopets; those people that work really hard to save up NPs or play games until the can reach their goal for their newest avatar and then you have those people that complain that its too hard to get some avatars or its unfair yet when TNT released clickable avatars all the sudden those people said it was TOO easy to get it and again they were unhappy because of it. You cannot have it both ways and I feel that I have the right to say that its people like this person that wrote this article about Neopets being "unfair", the completely and totally ruin the site and may one day lead to its downfall. Honestly if you don't like Neopets then don't freaking spend 12 hours on it daily and then spend all your time complaining about it. Just turn off the computer and go read a book or something. Please don't waste your time ruining it for the rest of us.

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