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Posts posted by Valiant

  1. Managed to get a 506 on my second try of Cooty Wars but nearly suffered a panic attack on account of it so I just went with Abigail's score... could have beat AAAs with more practice BUT IT WAS SO STRESSFUL I feel all wired and wide-eyed from desperately trying to not blink and vigorously clicking every Mootix.


    What does the Double Dare thing mean?

  2. I can't even beat Abigail's score on Meepit Juice Break, oh man. :( I thought I was doing well and then the game ended and I had like 200-odd points and was like... what! I even read TDN's game guide first! Although I was so caught up I totally forgot to use to use the cheats. :x Do you have to the end of The Daily Dare to try and beat the scores or is there a time limit?


    I've never even heard of this Cooty Wars game... mehhhh.

  3. I had never played Snowmuncher on my current account and had no idea of what my scoring would be so I just did Abigails and beat it with ease! Now I know better, try the game and see how I score on it before choosing AAA or Abi :)


    And I had no internet access yesterday, bummer! Carnival of Terror is easy peasy. My high score is 100pts under AAA for Destruct-O-Match... maybe if I actually focus I can beat him.


    Wait, so... if I don't choose who to challenge, play the game and then don't submit the score until (in a different tab) I select who I want to challenge, then submit the score... will that work? Haha I don't want to play Abigail and end beat AAAs score and miss out on his prize... but I don't want to miss out on ANY prize if I can't pass his score! Ahhh.

  4. I caved and bought 1500 NC to buy the 13-pack... I'm not really interested in NC items, the spare 300 will probably just sit there, haha. Quite disappointed that the first prize is a background... and a NC background at that, I would like to at least be able to sell it, jeeze. That's kinda half of why I bought the 13-pack; fun to participate, and I can sell the prizes to anyone who wants them but didn't participate :x


    The bugs are pretty cool but the Games Room isn't *actually* loading for me now, there's just a lil black Pacmac nibbling on it... did they turn it off?

  5. Something has happened!

    "We don't always have a lot in stock, but there's this... an old lantern that isn't much use any more. It's yours if you want it. Go, carry the light!"




    Earlier I was surrounded by what I believe were Ice Skeletons? And they took 111 np.

  6. Same here, started a while ago but haven't thought much of it until now. I use Firefox, what is everyone else using? If it's suddenly happening across more then one internet browser then its probably an issue with shockwave itself, isn't it?

  7. Not true! I don't particularly know ThePersonAboveThePersonAboveMe but I'm sure they're a wonderful person who is loved by many. Err. Yeah.


    TPBM is eating holiday leftovers like me. Turkey sangwich = <3

  8. Worcester Mass. USA


    Best city for music.

    got The Palladium right near my house. Just went to a concert there last night actually.


    Jealous, there are always really excellent concerts in Worcester, but as I have no vehicle and its a bit hard to get people to drive the hour and a half to to bands they don't like, I rarely go to any there :(


    I hail from Plymouth, Massachusetts, land of the rock and the boat and the plantation and other mundane tourist-y attractions. It's awful. :D

  9. Recently I've been getting a lot of lottery tickets, yesterday I got a petpet though. Erm, never got anything too valuable. Still, I think it's worth it to spin, just let it go, mute it, and come back four hours later :D



    Edit: Today I got...the beast :(

  10. Something has happened!

    An Earthquake! Quick! Hide under your Desk! (You do have one in your NeoHome, don't you?)


    Nigel the Stockbroker Chia says 'Have you considered investing in HUW (Huberts Hot Dogs)??'


    And a codestone. Something else happened as well, yet for some reason I cannot remember what it was o_O

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