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Hannur Bananur

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Posts posted by Hannur Bananur

  1. 4. While we are on the subject of plots (I was, at least) HOW ABOUT A REAL WAR PLOT TNT? Is there anyone there who remembers Curse of Maraqua?

    I remember someone stating somewhere (editorial, boards, w/e) that TNT doesn't approve of wars anymore. They put it like this:

    "Imagine a parent's shock when they found out their little five year old Johnny was fighting monsters on a supposedly friendly children's site?"

  2. i remember when i used to color...such a long time ago.

    then i stopped cause i shoved a blue crayon up my nose and got sent to the ER

    Very nice. xD


    The page looks so-so. I wouldn't know if kids would like it or not. =/

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