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Posts posted by illuminati0n

  1. I must say, whoever Neopets hired to write music for their games is amazing. I love the music for Dice of Destiny, for the Pinball game, and for this one as well! This one sounds so beautiful and slightly eerie :) I love how as your combos-in-a-row increases, the pitch of the "aah" sound goes higher and higher.. and unlike the totally messed up Pinball game, this game's balls go exactly where you want them to, and the whole board spins exactly how you would expect it to.


    I love this game! It's very similar to Faerie Bubbles but less frustrating. So far I've only scared 2500ish...it's going to take some work to beat AAA :P They better release an avatar for this game!

  2. Finally got Tyranu Evavu as well as Illusen's Glade, Wheel of Mediocrity, and one more that I forgot yesterday.


    Phew, glad to have those off my chest... still refreshing like crazy trying to get the game graveyard one as well as island mystic, symol, and the battle faerie one...

    I'm on my 180th battle with the Inflatable Balthazar...D:

  3. Yeah, all of this is exactly what I was thinking when I was playing the game. Thankfully I beat AAA's score so I never have to play it again. I hope they either fix this game or release a new version of it because this game is ridiculous. A few times the ball falls underneath the pedal and then shoots back up again on its own, wth lol.

  4. Actually I had a really similar problem with my old laptop. One of the things I had been using one day kinda got "burnt into" my screen. It's not actually there when I take a screenshot, but no matter what sort of window I moved over that "burnt" section of my screen, the burnt stuff would show up. I wondered how the heck that could happen...


    Sucks that what got burnt in for you was a Neopets logo though, lol.

  5. Congrats chopstickninja. I dislike the game Typing Terror with such a passion. I can't even finish a whole game of it because the lagbot always shows up on one of the rounds. I set it on low quality, close everything, do my best to make sure nothing would cause a lag, type slow as heck, and it still shows up. Grr.


    Anyway, on-topic, I thought I would get the Kiss the Mortog avvie FINALLY, I made it to the right round, but I completely forgot to collect my winnings!!

    On the bright side, I won the round after that, and collected my 35000 np...hehehe (still hasn't come though, TNT wants to confirm my score wooo -__-)

  6. On July 1, after all the high scores reset, I scored something awesome on Advert Attack, around 945. And at the time, that would've been a first place trophy! I even waited three, four, even five days, and my score was still in the first place spot because at the time the highest score was around 880. The high score was slowly rising yes, but my 940 still would've beat them.


    And now, 10 days after I submit that score of 945, TNT FINALLY neomails me telling me that my score has been accepted, my neopoints should be rewarded now, etc. I go and check the high score table, and now enough people have beat my score so that I don't even get a third place trophy. And they neomailed me around 4 hours ago, I have yet to get my first place trophy.


    So I don't think I'm getting that first place trophy. Even though I would have gotten it if they had accepted my score the day after, or even 3-4 days after I submitted it.


    Can someone inform me as to why it takes forever for them to look through the high scores? I thought they review all of them at 11:50 every day.. I don't get it.

  7. While it does suck, I can't help but think that this whole idea of targeting Neopets is really clever. It's a bunch of unsuspecting little kids (and some older kids too) using their parents computers to play a game that they would never think is unsafe. They should make a movie out of that...

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