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Posts posted by Rooja

  1. Me too. I only got to beat him 6 times.


    How is it like King Kong?


    I only beat him once...


    It's like King Kong because it is a bunch of explorers on a unknown island with giant monsters

  2. the backround is pretty cool. i feel that ogrins are like a combination of some of the bigger cats (lion, tiger, leopard) with the body of a dog...

    but if that's what you like then get one...

  3. *head blows up from thinking too hard*

    Ok i'm stumped on the petshop riddle, anyone have some hints for this part?


    I have two guesses left, does it really keep to the three guess limit?


    Try working it out backwards. It makes more sense that way. (That's how I did it...)

    I don't know if it keeps to its limit but I would assume so!

  4. yea this puzzle is wrong...see that's the problem when others come up with a puzzle XD it's hard to tell the method they used or what they're looking for, unless they tell you.


    Yeah. I know the answer but it doesnt like it...

    I think it is the fifth word in the first sentence and the second eord in the second one...

    I'm soooooooooo close! :grrr:

  5. I got all six bags (thank you :) ) and on one of the pages found a codestone! Yay!


    It's probably a glitch. Hopefully everyone can get theirs sometime today!


    EDIT: I decided to open one and got a Chocolate Covered Onion and a Toy Spider Ring. If anyone wants to borrow the ring for the avie just let me know!

  6. One thing that I found usefull was the fact that even when I made a mistake, if I changed the colour to something I already knew I could pick up the steps where that was, work my way forward and try another choice without having to exactly to the sludge and starting over. It probably saved me a few retries.


    That definately helped me but once I got 5 items and was further along in the chain, I usually ended up destroying it. But overall, it was very useful technique. :D


    That was so much more fun then fighting to dig up graves, test bones, and marking the graves. Those were annoying. o_O

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