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Status Updates posted by Person335

  1. AC VII, here I come! Moltara for the cup!

  2. Woop! Got my account back! Now time to wait...

  3. In the process of recovering my account in time for AC VII...

  4. In the process of recovering my account in time for AC VII...

  5. Now that the Krawk Island "plot" has begun, I think it's a good time to start up my new account.

    1. voteforpedro333


      Sorry, my browser problems wouldn't let me reply to your PM. Sent a neofriend request your way!

  6. So! Apparently my Neopets account has been hacked...

    1. hrtbrk


      Oh?! You didn't get frozen, didja?

    2. Person335


      Yep. When I tried to log on, a message popped up saying "This account has been frozen by the user." I did no such thing.

  7. Altador Cup = The true test of endurance.

  8. I need to start a TDN AC census group. Anyone wanna join?

  9. *gasp* It just occurred to me that I love counting statistics of the AC. :O

  10. Lost Desert + Moltara = global warming in Neopia :)

  11. There's a reason why people don't like the Darigan... Yooyu, that is.

  12. Wow. Just in the first eight days, I'm already doing better than last year!

  13. Darigan Citadel: the most overrated team of all time.

    1. khaos


      They're gonna lose, though.

  14. As much as I want to be on the Altador Cup news team... I think I'm going to pass. I like being a freelancer, and I think I'm going to need some more experience before I go and apply to a professional site.

    1. antiaircraft


      To be fair, you probably have more experience than I did when I started reporting for TDN. ;)

  15. After a long slump, I read news that had something to do with Altador Cup. Guess what time of the year it is?

  16. After a huge sleep (more like losing my password on Neopets), I AM BACK!

  17. isn't familiar with the WAMCC. What is is, by the way?

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