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Posts posted by kalfeer

  1. In "The Lost Dessert Plot" there were LONG waits for updates. There were also steps that could not be completed alone; players had to work in groups with other players to complete them before moving on. There was even a false ending, where it LOOKED like the plot was over, but that was a misdirection. NO ONE outside TNT knew exactly where that plot was going or when it would finish and it went on for MONTHS, with step after step, puzzle after puzzle. There were still players trying to complete it right up to the very last day it was open. THAT WAS A PLOT. "Haunted Woods" tried the same thing, on a smaller scale, but that was the last of the original Neopets style plots. Sloth and this...thing...are poorly slapped together efforts that lack cohesion, and real interest. Color me jaded, color me disappointed, color me not interested.

  2. They have as much right to advertise it on the site as they do to advertise any of the other properties Viacom owns. Advertising is what pays for the majority of Neopets, as there are not nearly enough premium subscribers to handle it alone. From that standpoint, they are within their rights to advertise it.


    If it "fair" that they hype an ancillary site into the ground more than they ever promoted any of their on-site activities? That they sink that much effort into what is essentially a precursor to a paid game experience, while letting the quality of the Neopets site lag and flounder? The Dollar is the new head of Neopets and those who have been members since the early days can see and mourn the difference.

  3. Of COURSE it is not a war plot. TNT does not do war plots anymore. War plots are not conducive to family-friendly fun according to the gospel of Viacom. We must have only wholesome, thought stimulating puzzles. No inter-player violence allowed. This is kid-friendly Neopets, not WoW.


    ...Yes, this is me venting. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

  4. No, I actually was not thinking a new plot was in the works. I no longer associate TNT with common sense, so expecting anything that used to make the site really great is pretty much out now.


    I did go ahead and enter Leifrethescence. She was already dressed up anyway. Though I briefly thought of entering her wearing nothing but a black bow tie just for spite.

  5. For what it is worth, I just found the bag on the ALTADOR CUP page, which says to me that its location is moving around. Sometimes it may very well be on the main page, other times it is on one of the sub shop pages. If you still have not found it on the main page, try shopping around in the other shops of the mall to see if it is there.

  6. After trying 3 times last night, with 2 different browsers, tonight it works in my Premium account. I do not know if they changed the code last night or what, but I was not able to see it with Premium yesterday.


    To address a few questions I have seen:


    1. Why US only? Sponsor games and contests are paid advertising for a specific company. If the company only wants to target one specific country's population TNT has absolutely no control over that. The company may only operate/do business in one country, or the product being advertised may only be available there. Pure economics.


    2. Changing the country in the profile does not work. TNT looks at the IP address of your ISP to determine the country code. They get this information from your browser, so you would have to commit fraud to change that, which leads to....


    3. Changing your Ip address. There are ways of spoofing the IP address, or cloaking it through an anonymizer or proxy server, but they are considered fraud and since TNT logs IP traffic you should consider your account to be expendable if you try any of them. If TNT does not catch you your ISP may very well and that would entail legal complications.

  7. At the risk of repeating what has probably already been enunciated on various boards:


    1. The AC "just" ended.


    2. The NC Challenge for the AC just ended, and now they are starting another NC contest. How much money do they think the players have?


    3. What ever happened to the idea of actual PLOTS on the site? Is EVERYTHING going to be a Dare or Challenge from now on? I swear if they were to do a Lost Desert style plot now new players would die of shock. I think I would too.


    4. While we are on the subject of plots (I was, at least) HOW ABOUT A REAL WAR PLOT TNT? Is there anyone there who remembers Curse of Maraqua?




    Calm now....

  8. Alrighty. I have updated the news post about premium members. That really does stink. Why can't it show up for you guys too!


    In my highly cynical, bureaucracy-addled mind I posit that it is a type of revenge. Premium allows us to surf the site and never see any ads, the ads are what bring in their big revenue; therefore, give the rewards to those who trip the ad counters, and dole out minor privileges to we who pay for them.


    Of course, this is a highly cynical speculation....

  9. Tried 3 times, with my main premium account it does not show the postcard. Tried one of my sides, with ads, and the postcard shows. Tried it with my side alias account that does have premium, used IE7 instead of FireFoxie and no postcard. Premium not allowed.

  10. I have seen so many angry people on the Neopets Boards... :P They are upset about KI beating RI.. But congratulations KI!....


    If there is a real reason I dread the cup each year it is this one. The cup seems to bring out the worst in certain people on the boards, which can be hazardous enough at the best of times. Why people have to get so wound over a game that is intended to give everybody a chance to have fun escapes me. And yes, a lot of Darigans get involved in slinging other than slushes and it disgusts me. Lighten up and enjoy the game everyone! ;-9

  11. Wonderful...now I can start hating my lack of "mouseletic" skills before I even start losing games officially. ;-9


    On the other hand, maybe I can actually learn how to handle the offbeat yooyuballs this year. ...Nay, I smell self-humiliation in the air again.

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