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Posts posted by English

  1. I would rather be deaf. I mean, if I became blind, I can't do a single thing. And that includes, no Neopets! :sad01_anim:


    Would you rather forget your school assignment at your home or bring school an incomplete one.


    Bring to school an incomplete one so you can work on it through the day. (ha, my entire senior year consisted of this.)


    Pirate or Ninja?

  2. Well, I think I've found my triplets.


    @kari! I got to see Deer Tick open for Jenny Lewis last June. They were fantastic! And my brother and his girlfriend are friends with John Darnielle, Peter (Peter) Hughes. Whenever they are touring in the area they hang out after shows and such.


    @pedlimwen I love Rilo Kiley, Jenny Lewis, Beirut, DeVotchKa and the Decemberists!



    As for music that's not mentioned above: Andrew Bird, Band of Horses, Belle & Sebastian, Ben Gibbard, Blind Pilot, Bon Iver, Bright Eyes (and Conor Oberst's solo stuff), British Sea Power, Colin Meloy, Death Cab (of course), Editors, Elected, Elliott Smith, Extraordinaries, Fleet Foxes, Happy Bullets, Ingrid Michaelson, Iron & Wine, Jenny Owen Youngs, John Vanderslice, Josh Ritter, Joshua Radin, Lavender Diamond, Loch Lomond, M. Ward, Man Man, Matt Costa, Metric, MGMT, Modest Mouse, Morrissey, Nana Grizol, The National, Neko Case, Neutral Milk Hotel, New Po*nographers, Okkervil River, Pomplamoose, Postal Service, She & Him, The Smiths (mo' Moz, please!), Sons and Daughters, Spoon, Steel Train, Tarkio, Tilly and the Wall, Tokyo Police Club, Vampire Weekend, Wilco, Yelle


    Um...wow. That list wasn't supposed to get that big, but as I scrolled through my zune software I realized I needed to name them each. If you two haven't heard of any of the above check them out, you'll love them!

  3. 10 mists? Wow, I am jealous. I have cleared only 6 mists. And after today's, hopefully it will be 7, at last. I wasn't able to collect because I had gone to Delhi for a while, and I have this feeling that we are going there, again. I am tired of visiting Delhi. And especially at summer! It's so hot there, you would probably melt. Seriously, trust me. <_<


    Hello all! My name is Caroline. I don't really post on here that often, but I'm always on TDN so I figured "what the heck!" How are you all today?

  4. I am currently reading The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and I'm so far in love with the book.


    You totally stole what I was going to say! I just finished it for English Class and it was awesome. The last chapter was a little meh because it didn't really need to be added in there. Other than that it was great!


    I'm reading Big Fish right now, and I am a little disappointed. Tim Burton really made the movie great, with such little to work with, because right now I'm not diggin' it much.

  5. My friend, Claire, zapped her poogle for the first time (both for her pet and her account) and it changed to MSP =D


    I have had two lab accounts and both I didn't purchase. The first was a gift from a guild member (back when they were about 200k) and the second was my birthday present from Claire (the above mentioned Claire) and my friend Grace.


    I've zapped daily for almost a year now...and have never really gotten anything too exciting from the lab, changing species, colours, but nothing notable. In fact if I spent the million or so on the lab I'd be pretty disappointed.

  6. I don't think that cocaine, meth or heroin should be legal but I believe if marijuana is legal it will be, actually, really helpful.


    Reasons why marijuana should be legal:

    1. Tax the poo out of it and make a boat load of money

    2. Stop illegal behavior: gangs will die out, drug wars will settle (slightly)

  7. Over here (Holland) gay marriage is allowed since 2001 and really, society hasn't really changed after that. Gay people can be married in a civil ceremony, just like everybody else and I think that's just great. It gives them the same (juridical) rights as their straight counterparts and that's how it should be. Everybody is equal and though you might not agree with the way others are living their lifes, it's still their life.


    That was a great mail, btw. It was so over the top that I just laughed out loud!


    I am against straight or gay marriage. I believe marriage is a religious word and should be separated from the state.


    I believe both straight and gay people should be allowed to join in a civil union (juridical right but without the religious word) and marriage can be determined by the person's church.


    Something slightly off topic: I hate when people assume you're gay because you support gay rights. This is as if supporting civil rights makes you black.

  8. Personally, I've never really cared about items. I care about the interest button and my stocks. For me it's about financial goals meet not so much material goals met. I reached my goal in stocks (100k qty) and lets just say...I'm well over my NP goal. Unfortunately these past few months I've decided to take a break from Neopets and just log in to collect my interest and cash out any stocks due to cash out. As a matter of fact, I think I might start caring again haha


    For me, the first million was the hardest to accomplish. The old saying that goes something like "you have to have money to make money," so true. After I got my first million I really was able to invest in expensive items and stocks freely. I wouldn't say I'm the best restocker or anything, but having that million NP to catch you if you falter and not have all your NP in one item sure does help.

  9. That's weird. I got a message from that person on my NeoLodge account and on this. I opened the message, but I didn't click the link. I always hover over links in messages to see their destination, that way I don't end up in this situation. If I don't know the url I don't click =D

  10. I'm sorry to hear that your grandmother will be having surgery. My neighbor had stint's put in a few months back, it's very simple. The thing is, they have to change them every six months, but it's not a big deal. She'll be fine, you'll see.

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