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Posts posted by Makube_X

  1. Since I missed the brief period in which the last part of the plot was active ( ;____ ; ), could someone please fill me in on what happened?


    Thanks much!


    And Congratulations everyone.

  2. This stinks. I had no idea the plot had even moved.. now I'm shafted x.x;. You couldn't have posted it at a worse time. Finals x.x;


    I followed it the whole time x.x;.. but then school comes up and I don't even get a chance to finish


    Edit: Sorry for my initial reaction. It's just that I was so excited about it and all. Now I'm just super disappointed. All that week it was writing papers and studying for exams. Finding this out is rather depressing ^__^;. Congrats to all the winners.

  3. There's definately more variety in anime. Some series can be pretty repetitive though (the billion or so school-based anime for example). I appreciate that even the anime that are similiar do have different characters. That's a lot better than the billion or so remakes that are coming out over here movie-wise.

  4. I guess what I love about anime is that it convinced me not to give up drawing (this was a long time ago even before I knew what anime was). I was always an animation fan so getting into anime wasn't that big of a leap for me. Anime picked me up, when I was down. As stupid as that sounds XD.


    Some series have really interesting plots, and I'm still an animation fan .. so I'm still into it. Unfortunately my country (the USA) hasn't produced any good quality animation in a long time so I have to look toward foriegn sources.


    I'm not a fan of computer graphics that look like claymation (Shrek, most movies that come out now.. like Cars, etc).


    Plus I tend to admire the old cel animations more. To think that it was done by hand then. I really have a respect for that craft.

  5. I would go with the Wii myself though I've always been a Nintendo fan. The price is cheaper the features are more intriquing. So here's my take on it:


    Wii, it's cheaper. It's easier for game designers to code for than the PS3 so it should attract more video game producers. The ability to move around while you play sounds fantastic. I like that they've made it so you can play older games too either via gamecube discs or by purchasing old games through it.


    Playstation 3, it's expensive and hard to code for. They'll probably be a lot of bugs in the first batch so you'll want to wait on it. Personally, I don't need some of the extra features. I just want to play video games, that's it. I've never really been a fan of PS though. There are only a few games I liked on the previous models. Final Fantasy is big on PS.. but I prefer the old Nintendo FF games XD. The new ones are so dark (nice animation.. but dark x.x).


    Xbox360, I'm clueless on XD. I haven't bothered to really research this one.


    So in my opinion, Nintendo is making the more interesting systems right now.

  6. I liked FMA but I haven't made time to watch the movie or the bonus mini OVAs yet. One thing the series could have used was more light-hearted episodes. Sometimes it was just too dark for too long. It's rare when a series actually needs MORE filler episodes. Still, I liked it. Especially the episodes where both Roy and Ed were in it. Those were the funniest parts XD.


    I used to have a subscription to Animage back when FMA was really popular over in Japan. They sent a lot of FMA freebies in each issue such as pins, cards, mini folders, and even a pair of Roy Mustang's gloves!

  7. I haven't read a manga in a long time. Generally, I prefer anime to manga. For reading I prefer books, although I do read comic books (must be the lack of color in manga that disinterests me to an extent).


    The last manga I can remember reading some of was by Osamu Tezuka back in Summer.


    Some of the manga I've read:

    Magic Knight Rayearth, Sailor Moon, Some Getbackers (this manga is horrendous, watch the anime), Some Inuyasha (until I got into the anime), some Clover, some Dragon Knights, some Harlem Beat (when it was in Mixx Magazine - include anything that was in Mixx), some Yu-gi-oh (Shonen Jump + whatever was in it: One Piece, Shaman King, Yu yu Hakusho, and this interesting story by the guy who made DBZ of title I forget)


    I had to have finished something other than Sailor Moon and Rayearth O.o;.. but I can't recall it right now.


    Withdraw sometimes makes me want to read more Inuyasha, and Get Backers. I hate withdraw x.x

  8. It's a miracle ;____;.


    I finally got the UB game out of the way and it was from finally hitting the apple (never hit the apple before today ^__^; ).


    I should be done now *dances*. Good luck to everyone whose still playing away!

  9. It's really called a "Midland Accent". It refers to the states that are located in the middle of the United States such as Missouri, etc. The accent itself doesn't have any major defining points. Sorry I forgot to include the country before.


    There are more than one kind of accents in the states you know XD (ex. Brooklyn, Southern, etc).

  10. I'm so burnt out on UB. I keep getting so close.. but I always lose it in the end ^__^;. I keep sporadically making bullseyes only to lose focus and miss the next one XD.


    Last game: 49 points x.x;


    So close and yet so far

  11. Congrats to everyone that's beat all the challenges!


    I'm still stuck on Ultimate Bullseye and Extreme Potato Counter. Getting ready to look at that guide Isabel posted.


    I wish I would have kept playing Ultimate Bullseye back when I was good at it XD or.. at least when I was better at it.

  12. I'm stuck on:


    Snow Wars II

    Ruins Rampage

    Meerca Chase II ( Played it before the contest started @__@.. a score of 370 wasn't enough or since it was pre-contest it didn't count)

    Extreme Potato Counter

    Ultimate Bullseye (Should be able to get it but played it pre-contest. Score probably wasn't high enough anyway)


    I've never gotten many points in:

    Snow Wars II (45 only)

    Ruins Rampage (25 only)

    Extreme Potato Counter (35 only)

  13. I got a decent score on the games I played but it just didn't register at all. Plus I played one of them before the challenge was up if that makes a difference.


    The game it finally accepted... had the lowest score ^__^;. I'm guessing it's just some weird glitch.

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