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Coco last won the day on May 3 2020

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  1. Ayy yoooo! Shoutout to the TDN game guides for helping me get the luck-based avatars.. Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Techo - Cheesy' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
  2. Didn't think I would actually get this today! Hang on, that coin was supposed to have tails on both sides!Congratulations! You have won 320 NP so far... Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Skeith - Snargan' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
  3. Believe it or not, I just followed TDN's advice and used the same pattern at every try until the game actually follows the pattern I chose (1st Mortog, 2nd Mortog, 3rd Mortog, etc..)
  4. HOLY MOLY. It finally happened!!! Also got lent MSPP and BGC for free this past week so I'm pretty pleased with that!
  5. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your score of 66,350 beats the score of 45,000 by Mira in the BETTER THAN YOU competition! You have won 3,000 NP, a cool trophy and a great item! Well done!
  6. JACKPOT! WOOHOO! YOU WIN THE JACKPOT OF 25868 NEOPOINTS!!! Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Dice-A-Roo' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
  7. Two thoughts: 1. I don't even remember WHEN I made this but I have to say I've really come so far when it comes to art. It's from issue 395 so that must've been like... what? 9-10 years ago? 2. I'm not saying Meuka is responsible for Covid-19 but... there is strong evidence to support his involvement in pandemics.
  8. Hi guys, I've decided to give the Beauty Contest another try for the avatar and I'm hoping you guys could help me! He was a Mutant when he first entered the contest (and won!) but now he's chillin' like a villain as a Pink Lenny. And personally I'm quite proud of how this turned out! Feel free to head over to http://www.neopets.com/beauty/details.phtml?pet=WhySoSerious8D to throw your support!
  9. The luck just keeps rolling in! Been having a bad day today but the games I've been playing have been cheering me up.
  10. Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that. ..... Well it's not quite a Pile of Soot but man, that was a close call.
  11. Ok, so the other day, the lab turned my Pile of Soot into a Robot Ganuthor and I thought nothing of it until today when it finally clicked that I could get the Robot Vandagyre avvie now Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Robot Vandagyre' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! Lucky I remembered in case he gets turned into a Pile of Soot again!
  12. Oh wow, that's awesome! Reminds me of the happiness I felt when I got the Blumaroo Court Jester avatar in my old account (which I still have yet to reproduce with my current one!) King Hagan listens contently to your words of wisdom..."Never trust bravery ," you say knowingly.He ponders all that you have said. Well, it could have been worse. King Hagan Says: I'm not dense, youngin'. I already knew that! Well.... fine then.
  13. So first, I bought a Pirate Draik Morphing Potion for 110k through a trade... Then... Galifiniakis begins to grow turn gray scales as they start to transform into a Pirate Draik!!! And finally: Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Draik - Hatched' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! All in all, I'd say today was a good day..
  14. Dang. You know what? I'm just gonna keep going with Sway until Sway actually wins haha.
  15. So since my return, I went through my avatar checklist to check the ones I still need to get. Two of them were Bilge Dice-related. But it appears to be "undergoing a quick fix or revision". How long has this been a problem? And has there been any updates from TNT on this?
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