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Posts posted by Alice

  1. I use photoshop cs3. all of my friends try it after using gimp or something and say it's way too complicated, but I despise using gimp now that I use photoshop, there isn't enough to do. I guess it depends on what you start out with.

  2. He was not picked for President because of his race, he was picked because he was the best person for the job. I don't think anyone in the U.S. would really care if someone thought they were racist. Well, someone who is old enough to vote, anyways. When voting for someone that high in power, nobody would say "Well, I don't want to be racist, so I'll vote for Obama !", they would vote for the person who they believed would do the job well.


    And I believe, so far, he has been doing his job well. He's very good at speaking to the media, and he hasn't had any trouble-making scenes so far. I'm quite glad that he was chosen.


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  3. Even though your friend will not see this, I'm going to talk about it anyways.


    1) Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things

    like eyeglasses, polyester, liposuction, and air conditioning.


    2) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that

    hanging around tall people will make you tall.


    3) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy

    behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal

    standing and can sign a marriage contract.


    4) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all:

    women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is

    still illegal.


    5) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed;

    the sanctity of Britney Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be



    6) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples,

    infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our

    orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children.


    7) Obviously, gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents

    only raise straight children.


    8) Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the

    values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we

    have only one religion in America.


    9) Children can never succeed without both a male and a female role model

    at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to

    raise children.


    10) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never

    adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the

    service-sector economy, or longer life spans.


    1) 'Real Americans'? So your friend saying if an American isn't opposed to gay marriage, they aren't normal? Not only is that rude to gays, that's rude to your fellow Americans.

    ... air conditioning?


    2 )Actually, pretty much all of my friends are much taller than I am, but I still don't like my height, I want to be shorter, truthfully. Being gay or bisexual or anything like that isn't a choice; most people are born like that. People don't just go 'Hey - I'm going to be gay today !'


    3 ) Gay marriage isn't like an alien. It's still two human beings, two loving, caring people, two people who may be nice to everyone they meet. I hate it when people think that just because someone is gay makes them completely alienated.


    4 ) It's called change. People should be able to love whoever they want to. Everything is changing around us today; the Americans have their first African American president, just take a look at our economy. I don't think letting people love who they want to is going to make as much of a change as either of those two things.


    5 )A marriage is a marriage. It doesn't depend on if gay marriage is allowed, it depends on the people. People are not going to start divorcing more because gay marriage is allowed. It depends on the people - how much the care for one another, and that counts for same sex marriages and straight marriages.


    6 ) And how many children out there are waiting in orphanages that wouldn't care if their parents were wild boars? They just want homes, they'd appreciate anything. Woman can create children - Gay marriages can help children who need it.


    7 ) That is completely untrue, insane. So, she/he is saying if a kid had two fathers or two mothers, he/she is immediately gay. I know a lot of gays/bisexuals, and only two of them have gay parents.


    8 ) People can believe what they want, I'm tired of people relying on religion for everything. One of my good friends is bisexual, and he is a strict Christian - when he figured out he was bi, he went into a suicidal stage because "God would no longer approve of him". God won't judge you, God can't change what you are. For some people, God does not even exist. But now, he is perfectly content with what he is, and he's pretty sure God is too.


    9 ) She/He should have more faith in same-sex parents. They try the best they can, they're just trying to raise their child to be strong and healthy, just like any other straight family.


    10 ) Like I said before, things change. Different things aren't going to stop happening just because gay marriage is allowed. I think our world, right now, could use a good change. But that's just my opinion.

  4. ththtvjj9.gif

    power lines!


    • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


    _i'm making sets. o:

    i mainly work with high-quality photographs or anime pictures. do not give me lolcats/anything related or like lolcats images because i cannot work with them.

    _ better images = better graphic. high-quality please.

    _ feel free to give me two or three images to work with, it doesn't matter though, one is fine.

    _ please fill out my form clearly and completely.



    i don't animate, sorry.

    please remember to leave credit !

    please don't be rude and impatient. i promise to have your set done within five days of your request.

    if you don't like something on the set, please just tell me. pm or post, it doesn't matter. i will tweak to your desires ~

    okay this is the last rule thing !

    ... okay i lied !




    _username: if you want your username or nickname typed on the set. yes or no :D

    _image(s): links only, please. high quality.

    _matching av: yes or no and any small details.

    _size: if you don't want a specific size, leave this blank.

    _text: no more than 10-12 words. i may have to shorten the quote a bit to fit if needed.

    _colors: color scheme you'd like. or, you can leave this blank and i can make one if you prefer.

    _Other: any other details you'd like for me to slap on, or some notes or guidelines.




    coming soon, promise !




  5. I think you are going for subtlety and I notice that you like small fonts, so I'm sure it was a conscious choice,

    But the signature text almost goes unnoticed...you could consider making it bold or perhaps giving it a glow?


    yes, i was thinking about the glow as well, maybe i'll remake it later. :>

  6. I would also recommand you to browse Deviantart.com if you need brushes. There are brushes for all main programs such as photoshop, paint shop pro, gimp and other resources. =)


    yes, I recommend dA as well, that's what I use. :> people have created brushes for almost everything, and most of them are great. I also use dA for fonts sometimes, but I also sometimes use dafont.com.

  7. hello everyone, my name is alice. I really just noticed that TDN had forums, so here I am. :)

    I also stumbled upon the forums because I was looking for other forums powered by invision power board other than my usual one.


    so like ...

    yeah. : D

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