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Status Updates posted by livvy

  1. =o I'm 18 in New Zealand!

    Cool. =D

  2. I'm loving the new name, Katy! Goes well with your siggy set.

  3. Um... well... *thinks* I guess if you look at it as being pronounced muh-KAY-bree, it sorta looks like it rhymes... sorta. o_0

  4. So you're one of those random-minor-detail noticers too! Yay! XD

    Thank you. I do like my name. *nods* One of my friends said it looked like a heartbeat, all just up and down and up and down (because of the Vs).

  5. *e-hug* Thankees thankees thankees!

    I kept my sanity (sorta) because of you. ^_^

  6. Oh goody, we saved you from doing something stupid! Yay! :D

    (Ha, I feel like my fingers are about to fall off.)

  7. Hi FTX! I just felt like saying, well, hi! So I did. ^_^ I'm really liking the sig, by the way. Thanks for it. =]

  8. We have our own little topic in the Groups and Clubs area. Just ask to sign up on that and Laura will add your name to the list. ;)

  9. But I love my current set so much! Still, it's great to see you back here! Sorry for my late response - I've been a bit busy lately myself. ^^ But welcome back!

  10. Oh my! You're a super member! I have something for you then!

  11. Congrats on getting to be on trial for content staff, Madison! *applause* =D I'm sure you'll do well!

  12. Yes, please! And thank you! *is excited about theme and avvie* =D

  13. Congrats on becoming official content staff! *cheer*

  14. THANKEES FOR THE LOVELY GUIDE!! It gave me the AAA score. =] (for Shenkuu Tangram)

  15. Yea. I'm awful at Super Hasee Bounce, so I had no chance of getting AAA on the first day. But today was good =]

    'twas both! It was also very messy. I had icing in my hair and on my clothes when I came home. XP Mum didn't look happy about it... but I had fun!

  16. I have no idea what the brand is, though yes, it's quite bright. My nose was blue for two days. :P

    You mean they only have pastel icing anywhere? Odd. =\

  17. Amitybelle! Long time no see! =D So pleased to see you again! ^-^

  18. You would too. The entire forum would kidnap her. Let's see, I know Laura and Cute Cybunny would help... and probably... Hey! DOOM could do it!

  19. Okay, so the trap is set? What else did I need...? Hm... Oh yes! *runs off* *runs back with bag of popcorn and hands some to you* *settles atop a bookshelf to watch the Izzy trap*

  20. FLUFFY MINION!! We were just talking about you! Welcome back!

  21. He doesn't have a shoutbox anymore because people would use the shoutbox rather than posting. So they got rid of the shoutbox, and now we just use the HOP.

  22. I'm goo... FLUFFY MINION!! ^_^ HI!! *hugs* Good to see you again!

  23. You were very missed while you were gone. Good to have you back again ^_^

  24. Yup, I was away for a while. And I missed this place SO badly. It felt good to get back =]

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