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A few questions about PPL


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First off, I read that you are supposed to never stop playing with your petpets from the main site page about petpet protection league. Does this mean that I should of been adding it to my dailies to play with my petpets everyday? And if so, how long? Just today I said hello to one of my petpets, does that count as play? Or does playing with them even matter and it's just about them being attatched to a pet?

Second, can a petpet with a specific color that already won one of the weeks win again? For instance I have an unpainted Biyako and apparently that won on week 280 (I have no idea if I had it attatched at that time, week 280 does not give a date, so if anyone knows what date that was, that would be helpful too.)

Thanks in advance for anyones help. I just recently learned that Petpet Protection League was even a thing, LOL.

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stop playing with them means dont un attach 'em.  you cant win if they arent attached.


as to the second question, i dont think a single type of certain painted petpet has won twice in a row, but i guess it could happen.



You don't need to physically play with them ie say hello.  If you remove your petpet from your pet that's what it means to stop playing with them.

Ah, ok, that's very helpful, thank you :)

I suppose that means I can change my petpet entirely or the color then, lol.

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