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I'm kinda new

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I've been using the site for quite a while and I really like it so I thought I'd give the forums a try. The dailies & game guides are really great. I finally got the faerie bubbles avatar last night thanks to the guide! I returned to neo after a few years break and I'm working on increasing my avatar count & enoying the games.

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hey congrats on the faerie bubbles avatar and welcome back to playing neo again. I also returned to neo after years break myself. heh what made you took a break from neopets? (for me, college)


Good luck on increasing your avatar count. even though it already look cool on 222.

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ahh I've been working on the faerie bubbles avatar for the longest time! XP I'm so terrible at flash games but the guides on here are great! They've at least gotten me really close to the avatar :)


welcome and I hope you enjoy chatting here :)

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Thanks everyone! Yeah, I took a break around college. It took me quite a while to get it. I was 25 points away once & it got to the point that it was more frustrating than fun so I took a break for a while. I'm working toward the feed florg one now. On the old scores I got 258 but that wasn't enough for the avvie at the time :p Thanks for being so welcoming. I'm excited to be here =)

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