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Well, I think I'm going to join Moltara. I'm new to the AC, but not new to Neopets by any means. Join whatever team calls to you. Or go on the boards and see if you find a team you like by talking to the people already planning to play for them.

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Moltra shows promise, and while there will be noobs, there will also be veterans (and maybe even legends) joining Moltra to see what the team can do against the others.


I don't know what to tell you, it's all up to you.

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Moltara has been pretty popular these day, you know. New place, new shops. And even Magma pets are some sort of popular. But I will go for Maraqua this year, for sure. :laughingsmiley:

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A lot of people seem to think Moltara will do really well, but there's really no way to tell yet. It will be interesting to see!

The nice thing about joining them would be that its not an established team, so you will be supporting them since conception and the group isn't close knit yet.

But i'm still sticking with LD ^_^

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I joined Moltara, I don't think they have a chance on winning yet but I believe the team will go great and it'll keep getting stronger over the years. I don;t really know why I joined, I just felt drown to it!

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I say Moltara is a good choice. The fact that i'm on that team doesn't bias my comment at all, nooope.


I've recruited all of my friends to join Moltara, and some of them are going to play a lot. I know that I am!

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