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Darigan Pteri Avatar


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The elusive Darigan Pteri Avatar will become available this afternoon. I assume TDN will post a news item about it, but I wanted to get it in the forums so as many people can get it as possible, since it's such a silly avatar to obtain.


You need to view the lookup of a darigan pteri that is EXACTLY 644 days old, such as THIS ONE:




Today at 3 p.m. it should be the proper age. All it takes is a click of your mouse, but only this evening/tomorrow morning!


Should you miss it, there is a second one coming of age on the 22nd, at around 9 a.m.


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I kinda paniced late last night because of this Avitar.


I've had it marked since January on my calender with a link to the site I found the pteri on. (http://avatar.starried.net/indepth.php?id=338) Pull it up this morning and it was taken down! I nearly cryied :sad02:


Thankfully I found on TDN lists... and then paniced again cause I didn't notice it said "3pm" and wasn't working.


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I was just trying to get it and I didnt get it and I was freaking out. Then I noticed that it was one of the first avvies I got! :laughingsmiley: Probably from the last one TDN posted.

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