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AA finished wolfing down the meat pies, then purred and went to sleep. He woke up four hours later, back to normal and with several angry books staring down at him.

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Luna jumped off Mia and ran into the woods- the monkeys in hot pursuit. Then she lost them after she went into a cave, however, it was a tunnel and it lead directly into AA's old lab- and exploring it- she found an old device that resembled a collar. Leaving it, she ran outside to wait. However she did not notice the shadow of the creature in the dark.

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AA had just managed to get away from the books, and was heading over to collect one of his genetic experiments from his old lab. "Hey Luna, how are you?"

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Mia began to peck ferevently at Luna. In bird talk she was saying, "I don't like this, evil Luna. Pigeon's are filthy and disgusting!"


And somehow that got through to Luna. Even though Mia was speaking in birdese.

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AA wondered what Luna was running away from, then headed in to search through the lab for his experiment.

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My what a wonderful sensation! A pigeon driving a train! Wait... who's fueling it? Who's strumming on the ole' banjo?(("I've been working on the railroad" is about a rain obviously. Dinah is the train and strumming on the ole' banjo is shoveling coal into the furnace. :P))Oh dear how am I even driving this? I have not a finger on my wings!


Just as Mia the pigeon was about to crash into Luna, she dissapeared, with the train too. When mia opened her eyes, she was a normal human, who apparently could turn into a nasty little pigeon at her own will. And the train appeared to be nowhere.



Elsewhere, a small child named Bob had been wishing to be a trian conductor for ever so long. It was his dear little wish ot sit in a train on Christmas. It could be a freight train or the Polar Express for all he cared. When he woke up the next morning, on Christmas ((as apparently the train time traveled)) he saw a strange sight on his snow-covered front lawn. It was a big train that was perched precariously on top of their garden gnome.

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Meanwhile, AA was busy running away from his shark/crocodile hybrid that had gotten loose in the old lab. "Aaah! Everybody run!!!"

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Mia thought and thought. She looked up there was TEH PWNSOME GOLDEN MUFFIN!! and Mia knew she had to eat it and save evryone. She ran over it, and like in a video game wlked into it and picked it up. "Yuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmm..." And then Mia became SUPER PWNSOME LADY MUFFIN MIA of the MTPAC!!! Or SPLMMotMTPAC!!!

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AA decided he had enough of awry experiments and long acronyms, so he packed his bags and headed off for a long holiday on Neptune.

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Mia sent AA many letters, but as she wasn't sure of where to send it it, the envelope ended up like this:


Master AA

Somewhere on Neptune, please deliver

Neptune 55555



Gorgeous isn't it? Mia though to herself as she mailed it via international galactic space MM/W (mail men/ women)


((Oh dear more acronyms!!))

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AA selected Neptune because it was the one place where the mail service would never deliver, plus it had plenty of lightning and dark skies. Perfect. He settled down to practice his evil laugh.

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Anna ran along to them and said " TEH FLUFF BALL WILL RULE THE WORLD!!!" after that she mysteriously vanished. then out came a little dog who has twice smaller than Zorro swinging on a vine and carrying Zorro while saying " I AM THE FLUFF BALL!!!"

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AA, far away on Neptune, had set up a station and was settling down for a sandwich or two.

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