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Neopian Splurges!


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Just curious to see what other people splurged nps on!

My recent ones: 1.6 mil Purple Poogle Morphing Pot

800k for fully assembles Secret Lab Map


What are yours? :D

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I just spent 1.6 mil on Lutari beads! (But i feel like it's an investment as I'm getting more RE's and game bonus points!)

And another 100k on a battle item and 300 k starting my lab map collection.


Got to save more! ;)


Just curious to see what other people splurged nps on!

My recent ones: 1.6 mil Purple Poogle Morphing Pot

800k for fully assembles Secret Lab Map


What are yours? :D

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A month or so ago, I bought a Brown Moehog Morphing Potion (16K), then 2 hours later I got a Fire Moehog Morphing Potion for 750K LOL (yeah, I used to brown potion :( ). THEN a week later I bought a Usul Transmogrification Potion for 150K.


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A month or so ago, I bought a Brown Moehog Morphing Potion (16K), then 2 hours later I got a Fire Moehog Morphing Potion for 750K LOL (yeah, I used to brown potion :( ). THEN a week later I bought a Usul Transmogrification Potion for 150K.



Lol, why don't you try selling some of those pots?

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Ohhh haha. Nevermind then :P


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Hm... that's been a while.


If I recall correctly, (and remember that this is in the past, so don't think I'm crazy for spending the nps on stuff when they were really expensive, lol) I've spent 200k on an underwater background, 600k on a baby pb, probably around 500k on lab map, maybe 200k on valentines card (a loooong time ago, see?), and way too many nps on snowy valley stamps. I don't think I've ever spent a million on anything, though.

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180k for a Silver Shoyru morphing potion is my most recent.


About a year ago, 900k for full Lab map.


About 7 months ago 800k on a Halloween pb for my Cybunny.


A Kacheek trans for 200k same day as Silver Shoyru mp. 2/4 dream pets so far xP


And now, i'm giving all my np to my freinds draik fund so I won't be spending for a while xD

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My largest splurge was approximately 14 million on Zadue's Draik MP, Royal PB, Desert PB, and final Faerie PB :P


More recently, I added 4 mil to the ALP donations for the new Krawk!


I also occasionally drop NP on new gallery items when people offer to sell them to me cheaply... last two were a Chocolate Peach for my main gallery and some Water Faerie Bubbles for one of my side galleries ^_^ About 720k for those two together I think.

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Wow, some big spenders here ;)


Just got back form the auctions and spent another 1.5 mil on ANOTHER Purple Poogle mp... I named my first one wrong so I had to buy another one!

Not sure if this is the right place, but is anyone interested in my Purple Poogle? (It was created today, so the stats aren't good or anything). Neomail would be a better way to reach me! I just want a good home for this pet.

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I think I recently splurged on the packrat avvie,


since I was too lazy to get the items on project packrat,


I ended up spending more than I had to.




But I'm selling most of my packrat stuff now,


so hopefully I'll have more neopoints in no time. ^_^

I tend to splurge mostly on paintbrushes or expensive customizing clothing. xD

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700k on Honey Potion to advance in DoN -.-. almost 15k a day on codestones for around 1/2 a year to train pet for DoN... -.-


Doesn't sound like much, but if you add them up... It's quite a fair bit x_x! No wonder my bank interest hasn't risen in ages... =/

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A few trips to kelp, recklessly attempting to get the Bon Appetit avatar. Dx I blew almost 200k and I didn't get a single leftover.


SAME HERE! After spending 200k I just gave up in defeat. I guess we'll never get that Bon Appetit avvie T_T

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I spent 1.2 mil on a halloween pb for my lupe and got the werelupe avvie. Before that I bought a Halloween Slorg that was like 120k I think. Right now I am trying to save up for collat for the expensive avvie items. (Not going to well so far) I have also bought about 10 lutari beads all between 83 and 100k each

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