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Kind people

Deepti M.

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I've realized that there are still kind people out there on the AC. Lately, people have been saying people are mean, but I was thinking, "How could you say that, when on the AC there's at least one lend every day? Sometimes even MSPP" Now I have something to back up my argument. Today, on a board, I just stayed and chatted on a board, and somebody gave me a virtual code. When I got it, I was able to get the Space Faerie as a challenger, so now I'm in the midst of training my pet so that I can beat her someday. Also, there's one very kind lender of Adam, that will lend me when it goes down 2-3 million. I'll be forever grateful to that person. :D How did you experience kindness? What gave you a happy Neo-day? Plus, today I finished the Altador Plot, so I know for sure I'm getting at least one avatar tomorrow because once I redeem my prize, I get my treasured avatar. -huggles-

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Yeah there are some nice people out there. I got the adam avatar within 10 minutes of my first post asking for it. I still haven't found a ZDAP lender. Maybe when i get more np i will just get it from here. It is so expensive though.

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On my old account, I was lent ZDAP and FQD for free or close to; and I once got a generous gift from a NF toward my goals. However, the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me on Neo was to return my Draik, Kaelmyr, to me after he was pounded by the person who stole my account -- the person who got him was innocent and technically was under no obligation to give him back, but they did the decent thing and returned him to me. That I will never forget; to be honest, if I hadn't gotten him back I might have quit Neo entirely.

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Recently, someone on the AC boards lent me Meowclops for free. I was pretty happy about that.

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On my old account, I was lent ZDAP and FQD for free or close to; and I once got a generous gift from a NF toward my goals. However, the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me on Neo was to return my Draik, Kaelmyr, to me after he was pounded by the person who stole my account -- the person who got him was innocent and technically was under no obligation to give him back, but they did the decent thing and returned him to me. That I will never forget; to be honest, if I hadn't gotten him back I might have quit Neo entirely.


Wow that was super nice of them. The main person in my guild got her reading pet pounded when someone stole her account and she never got it back. I don't really have a pet that i have put tons of time into other then my uni. I couldn't imagine losing either one of the two on my main though.

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I really love the ZDAP avatar, but it seems as if all lenders want full collat. I don't blame them though, after all the scams lately.

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Congrats on the lends! ^_^

And I agree that not everyone on the AC

is as bad as they are portrayed to be. :mellow:

There are still some amazing people that lend

their valuable stuff so others can get avvies. :)

But then again, not everyone on the AC is like that. xD

So I guess there's always good and bad people. ;)

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Well today I just got lend Pink!, ZDAP, and Chokato. Push comes to shove, it shows how people are kind and trusting. The pet I used for the pink avatar was a cybunny, so I'm glad I got it

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Yesterday I pounded my Lupe, Flamestorm7, in order to transfer her to my side account. I know pound transfers are risky, but I wanted to save my transfer in order to transfer my Hissi. I waited too long and someone adopted her. I wrote a Neomail to the person explaining what happened. Today she answered, saying she would give Flamestorm7 back. Hooray!

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Today I just got lend Number 6, Meowclops, and I got the Neomail Addict avatar.

However, my day was ruined by me being scammed. :(

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Scammed!?! What happened? Did someone steal your account? Or did you lend for an avvie and get ripped off?

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Somebody claimed that they had an unbuyable in their shop that was worth millions and tons of people went to to that person's shop and tried to buy the plushie, and only two got it. I was one of the unlucky two. :( And then, somebody looked it up on the Shop Wiz and it's worth 80k. :( Not really the loss of NP, just the idea of scamming. Now she's not replying to neomails

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That's pretty annoying. What kind of plushie was it? How much did you overpay by?

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It was a purple wocky plushie. I payed 99,999. Not much, I know but more of the idea how she lied and was dishonest, and now refuses to reply, even after promising to give us our NP back. A 20k loss that I already earned back, but still. *sighs*

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Congrats on the free lend! I was so happy when I got lend FQD, I was like jumping up and down, and my mom was just staring at me. xD

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FQD is an abbreviation for Faerie Queen Doll. It's worth 2 million NP, and when you play with the doll, you get the avatar.

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Seriously? Are you lending? Do you think you could lend to my friend Ash if you are? Trys to make this post all questions, because if she doesn't she doesn't know what's going to happen?

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I actually sold it on the trading post right after I got the avatar. Sorry. :( I didn't get near what I paid for it either but I got the other avatar you get for buying something at the hidden tower this way so I guess it worked.

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i agree there are so many nice people around :) i got lent the FQD practically for free the other day and i just got the pink avatar after this nice girl just lent a pink yurble to me..


i wish i could find someone to lend me nps for adam.. though its kind of rewarding to try and get it myself and all that :P

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