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Three distinct rodent types have been identified. These types are a result of difference in internal anatomy. They are primarily skeletal and are only identifiable through autopsy.


Sciumorpha rodents are known for a difference in shape of the infraorbital canal. In these rodents, the medial masseter muscle doesn't pass through the infraorbital canal. Chipmunks, marmots, woodchucks, squirrels, prairie dogs and gophers belong to this rodent type.


Myomorpha rodents are known for the formation of their jaws and molar teeth: the medial and lateral masseter muscles of these rodents are displaced forward. Myomorpha rodents are extremely adept at gnawing. There are over 1,000 rodents belonging to this type. Among them are common house mice, rats, gerbils, hamsters, lemmings and voles.


Hystricomorpha rodents are named for the arrangement of the masseter muscle of the jaw and the zygomatic arch of the skull. In these rodents, the master medialis is enlarged. Some rodents belonging to this type include the porcupine, capybara, agouti, guinea pig and chinchilla.

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That is outdated.


Squirrels, as of 2010, December 22nd, have been classified as their own species, known as the Epicsaur. Epicsaurs are identified by bushy tails, and the ability to learn how to be a ninja. They tend to have soft fur and sharp claws, with which they can kick yo' a- I mean PWN you. The word "Epicsaur" is derived from the latin word meaning "AMAZINGNESS".


You are banned for posting false information.



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Banned because that reminds me of a blonde joke.


So a dude takes his blonde girlfriend to her first football game.

Around halftime he asks what she thinks about the game.

She said "It's great, but ever since the beginning when they flipped a coin, everyone's been shouting 'GET THE QUARTER BACK!!!'. I don't get it, it's just a quarter..."

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I ban you... for making a silly football joke!

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