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    Novelista got a reaction from Duskitty in What is up with TNT deleting pets lately?   
    As the Poles say, "Not my circus, not my monkeys." (And one of the gentlemen in question is definitely a monkey!)

    Actually, you are being mean and rude. You do not know me and therefore have zero right to blow me off as a prude. I am as bleep-y and crass as it gets--I just have to hold it back here and elsewhere, because that's what civilized persons do.
    But I also take the old "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" attitude. And it's not "up to TNT, not {me}". There are millions of users, millions of pets and likely thousands of pages. They cannot be everywhere every minute and rely on people like me and the other users who sided with me above to report inappropriate names, scams and other things that would harm the site and its (supposedly) young fanbase. Just because I don't agree with the stringency of some of the rules, doesn't mean I can't work to uphold those same rules. That's what being a good user and a fair player is all about.
    This post has been edited by a member of staff (Rune Valentine) because of a violation of the forum rules.
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  2. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from leverhelven in Misheard the lyrics...   
    Lev, have you heard of Mister M (the magician)?
    (Probably a dumb question if you're from Sao Paulo or Rio, I know, but bear with me. :D )
  3. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Azurablue in What is up with TNT deleting pets lately?   
    As the Poles say, "Not my circus, not my monkeys." (And one of the gentlemen in question is definitely a monkey!)

    Actually, you are being mean and rude. You do not know me and therefore have zero right to blow me off as a prude. I am as bleep-y and crass as it gets--I just have to hold it back here and elsewhere, because that's what civilized persons do.
    But I also take the old "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" attitude. And it's not "up to TNT, not {me}". There are millions of users, millions of pets and likely thousands of pages. They cannot be everywhere every minute and rely on people like me and the other users who sided with me above to report inappropriate names, scams and other things that would harm the site and its (supposedly) young fanbase. Just because I don't agree with the stringency of some of the rules, doesn't mean I can't work to uphold those same rules. That's what being a good user and a fair player is all about.
    This post has been edited by a member of staff (Rune Valentine) because of a violation of the forum rules.
    Please do not remove mod edits.
    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.
  4. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Azurablue in What is up with TNT deleting pets lately?   
    Rebecca beat me to it.
    Yep...Caipirinha is a drink popular in Brazil--it's a rum drink. I have a magician friend who is fond of them and an actor I like who likes them, too.
    I've reported other users for inappropriate pet names before, myself (though only once or twice and clearly not you).
    I'd say that unless you're using real names, google them before naming pets. It's probably safer.
    For a reference, mine are...
    Empress of the Night Isis-Andraste (two goddesses) Rob Wilson (the male model on The Price is Right) Lord Koschei (a tribute to The Master, of Doctor Who fame) Miss Kotora (Miss Little Tiger)
  5. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Xepha in So very bummed right now.   
    *hugs for both of you* That's terrible!
    I think the first time I was frozen was because someone had stolen my account. At first, I thought that it was because I'd been buying rare item codes from eBay (and it seemed strange that it took so long to catch me); but then when I hopped over to my side, I realized it had been compromised. There was a chomby with a horrible name. (Not explicit...just poorly named.) Not only do I have no interest in chombies, but I would never adopt something with a poor name.
    (Okay, so maybe I was frozen for cheating and I did have my side cracked at the same time...it could happen!)
    After that, I started using a password in this format: x##x##x## (where x = letter and # = number). It's a pain to type out, but no one has tried to steal my accounts since!
    I was going to link to an anti-freeze guide I think it's pretty good, but I'm guessing the TDN guide is fine without even looking at it, so...:)
  6. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Secre in I Hate Converted Pets.   
    *laughs so hard, she falls off the couch*
    The day they run out of ideas, they'll fire everyone and close down.
  7. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from elenet in I Hate Converted Pets.   
    *laughs so hard, she falls off the couch*
    The day they run out of ideas, they'll fire everyone and close down.
  8. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Clumsy rockyroad1 in I Hate Converted Pets.   
    *laughs so hard, she falls off the couch*
    The day they run out of ideas, they'll fire everyone and close down.
  9. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Duskitty in I Hate Converted Pets.   
    *laughs so hard, she falls off the couch*
    The day they run out of ideas, they'll fire everyone and close down.
  10. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Aquamentis12 in Black Pteri   
    Thank you to both of you!
    All these years on the site and I have never seen him before yesterday. In fact, I've had better luck getting the tooth faerie avvie!
    But it's great to realize that a random site event gives an avatar...that first moment when the world is before you...*happy sigh*
  11. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Aquamentis12 in Black Pteri   
    The pteri popped up today when I was playing sakhmet solitaire, so I had to play!
    I was a little concerned about the difficulty level, but after seeing the recommendation on the BP that you should at least have 70HP and I have 66, I decided it was worth a shot.
    First couple of rounds, he didn't touch me at all! It almost ended up being a squeaker...I think I ended with 12HP. And--of course--I got the avvie.
    If anyone wants my HSD stats or weapon info, please let me know. :)
  12. Like
    Novelista reacted to ~Xandria in Oh my GOSH!!!!!   
    So, after being on neopets for TWO years now I FINALLY got my first FFQ! The faerie wants an R96 item called Throwing Cupcakes. I only saw two on the trading lot so that isn't a good sign! :/ I dunno if I will be able to find this item or not. So I get my first one, but the item is impossible to locate and could cost me millions. :/
    If anyone could point me in the right direction, perhaps? That'd be great. :D Thanks guys!
  13. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from reinewen in Woohoo!   
    So I couldn't really remember how many games of pyramids it took to get a trophy (and I was too lazy to check TDN), but suddenly...TADA!
    Game 47 and game 69--bronze trophy! Only three more wins for silver! (Wonder if I can pull it off before reaching 150 games?)
    I know better than to dream of clearing twice in a row for a gold, though.
  14. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Xepha in Happy International Women's Day   
    This is the first time I've heard of it. It's on my NCIS calendar.
    From Kate, to Ziva, to Elle and Abby, they sure know from strong women! :D
  15. Like
    Novelista reacted to Angeló in Happy International Women's Day   
    To all the ladies here . You are all amazing :)
    You've Got The Power ...

  16. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from SilentIncision in Woohoo!   
    So I couldn't really remember how many games of pyramids it took to get a trophy (and I was too lazy to check TDN), but suddenly...TADA!
    Game 47 and game 69--bronze trophy! Only three more wins for silver! (Wonder if I can pull it off before reaching 150 games?)
    I know better than to dream of clearing twice in a row for a gold, though.
  17. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from perrin in Woohoo!   
    So I couldn't really remember how many games of pyramids it took to get a trophy (and I was too lazy to check TDN), but suddenly...TADA!
    Game 47 and game 69--bronze trophy! Only three more wins for silver! (Wonder if I can pull it off before reaching 150 games?)
    I know better than to dream of clearing twice in a row for a gold, though.
  18. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from LillytheGrundo in Can someone explain?   
    I didn't realize you have to put the cap in a box to send, so unless you have several boxes in stock, a two cap item actually costs four. (Fortunately, I had pre-bought three caps and opened a fourth to have at least one box on hand.)
    But I did it! I made my first NC trade! WOO!
    10:45p: Did my second a few minutes ago, item for item. I like that better.
    I like being able to say, "Okay, I have this item...now let me look at all the users that want this item and see which has an item that I want most." and then broker the best deal for what I'm getting rid of. :D
  19. Like
    Novelista reacted to morgennaraene in Forever branded by "The Pea"..   
    Thanks Sweet D, don't know how I missed that :P
    And just in case there are doubters who think I drew it on...

  20. Like
    Novelista reacted to lovedwallflower in Time for a wee party!   
    Well done!! Customisation goals are really the most fun in my opinion :D
    As far as my goals go... I was just set back.. apparently one of my pets got angry and he turned red and lost his grey paint job... little ungrateful mutt
  21. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from awakndbysunrise in Which faction are you joining for the 24th round?   
    I'm satisfactorily Swayed! (laughs)
    Someone yell when the battling starts, so I don't miss it? :P
  22. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from siniri in Education/Careers   
    I see my attempts to keep this a "what I would do/if I could do" thread have fallen by the wayside.
    This was not meant to be a "poor me" thread. I'll be stuck in retail for the rest of my life and I just have to deal with it. (Someone has to build the dung furniture in Neopia...why shouldn't it be me?)
    That being said, I wish you all a good day...I'll just go and unsubscribe (from this thread) now...
  23. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from leverhelven in The Department Of Funny Neomails   
    She couldn't remember, but she said my answer of spiders and bees (especially spiders) was good.
    We went through a period where we exchanged Neopian gifts of "yucks"...that's why I have "Janelle is Evil" in my gallery and why there are things like an aboogala lolly and a buzzer. :laughingsmiley:
  24. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Lady Lyuba in Daily Faerie Quests Are Back!   
    I ignored Delina's bonus quest. My daily quest went well (forgot who I got, but she wanted a Nanka bottle), but my fortune cookie quest was a bust. 75k for the fire fae and I had to turn her down. Ugh.
    The only thing worse than an Air quest is getting one you have to turn down because it's too expensive. (I don't like turning down fae quests. :P )
  25. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Mouseykins in Can someone explain?   
    I didn't realize you have to put the cap in a box to send, so unless you have several boxes in stock, a two cap item actually costs four. (Fortunately, I had pre-bought three caps and opened a fourth to have at least one box on hand.)
    But I did it! I made my first NC trade! WOO!
    10:45p: Did my second a few minutes ago, item for item. I like that better.
    I like being able to say, "Okay, I have this item...now let me look at all the users that want this item and see which has an item that I want most." and then broker the best deal for what I'm getting rid of. :D
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