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Posts posted by TheUnknown

  1. So then I find out that people are totally abusing the Key Quest 'system'... they're making separate accounts to act like newbies but are really pros. (Also to get around the 10 keys per day rule). HOW. ANNOYING.


    Yeah. With that, you could report them, since they aren't allowed to earn NP on accounts that aren't your main. :/

  2. Honestly, I don't know. :/ Sure, freezing is understandable, but they're absolutely refusing to hear me out, and that's what's annoying me. It's like being thrown into a courtroom and having everyone shout you're guilty and sentenced to life without being able to argue about it. :/


    Worst march break ever. I lost a chance at BGC one day, and I get frozen on the next. :(

  3. Yes, TNT's response time varies greatly. I've had response times from extremely quick to slow. If you don't here from the staff member in 7-10 day's time, they've probably decided to ignore your query, unfortunately. :( At that point, just send in a new form, and hope that you get someone understanding.


    EDIT: I noticed you found the topic on JN. Reading through that will probably help you a lot, but I can't answer the questions you asked there, since I don't know.


    Yeah, the topic's helped quite a bit. Although it does kind of trouble me... The topic starter seems to have been frozen for the same reason as me, and still hasn't gotten the account back. :/


    Oh well, I'll guess I'll just have to spend as much time trying to get it back as well. 25 mil+ of stuff and a trained pet are at stake!


    Not to mention 14 months of my life and 30$ worth of NC stuff. -_-

  4. I don't think they would reply to you if you mail them directly... but I can PM you the one I got if that makes you feel better.


    It's normal to take time to get a reply. Once they have validated that you are the owner of the account, it can take 1 or 2 weeks before you hear back from them again. Depending how many work they have in their inbox I guess. :k


    I suppose so, I guess I'm just really angry so I'm annoyed at a slow response (slow being more than 2 hours...). And since my original form was replied to within the hour, and my first reply with 2-3, I expected further ones to be within the same timeframe as well. :/

  5. I found a PPT page on frozen accounts and what to do. Unfortunately, I don't know if how outdated it is. There are two e-mails there, and I sent an e-mail to each of them, but I instantly got an automated response from "[email protected]" each time, either signaling they didn't go through or it's just a suggestion. The only reason I've done so is because the current person I'm speaking to (again) hasn't responded in a while and when she did respond, her answers were vague and not to the point. :/


    If it's allowed, could I possibly ask if any of you know any current Neopets support staff e-mails? As far as I know, they all end with "@support.neopets.com"...

  6. Well, on the slightly plus side, I supposed it's a good thing I didn't go and buy a NC Card for the NC Challenge. That would have been the biggest waste of money I've ever used. XD

  7. About 2.4 mil in the back.


    4.something mil in stocks


    A 11 mil SoS


    A 7.5 mil GBomb


    A 8 mil Magic Marbles of Mystery


    A 1 mil+ Ylanas Blaster


    A lab map


    and a lot more... :/

  8. It truely is awful when it happens. I hope you get a positive reply from a comprehensive person, because all their autoreply messages are not nice to read at all.


    I'm starting to think that's what I'm getting. I asked for details and they tell me to keep my account safe by avoiding scams. :/


    Still no progress, they're absolutely certain that I cheated based on evidence from their "records". :/

  9. *crosses fingers for you*


    It truely is awful when it happens. I hope you get a positive reply from a comprehensive person, because all their autoreply messages are not nice to read at all.


    Do you have any idea which game it was?


    None at all. This may be due to the Daily Dare, because a glitch occured, which I promptly reported to TNT. They responded back to it, but I have a feeling that's what I was frozen for anyways.


    And I'll just explain it anyways...



    For the Daily Dare and World Challenges, users are allowed to send unlimited scores, right? It's just that the scores past the third one won't reward NP.


    Hot Dog Hero, a Daily Dare game, was also a World Challenge game for 3 days. The point at which the score is reviewed is 30000.


    Forgetting that, I sent in a score above 30K for a World Challenge. Obviously, it went under review and was not accepted in the World Challenge.


    I then sent 3 more scores for the World Challenge, one per time where I would win. This adds up to 4 scores. Yet, obviously, I get 2K NP. (Since the reviewed score was of the first three, and I don't get NP for the fourth).


    However, the scores sent section states 4/3 (as seen in my screenshot), when it shouldn't. Normally, in the WC, even if more than 3 scores are sent, it would still say 3/3. Not only that, but each time I sent a score, it would give me a message saying I beat AAA. :/



    If it wasn't this, I have no idea. :/


  10. That really sucks, hope you get your ID back, I was just wandering, how can they freeze you for using cheats, dont we all use them at games?


    By cheating, they mean using illegal means. Look at Ruins Rampage. The max score is 850. If I was cheating though, I could make it so that I got say... 950.


    So, yeah, they're saying I did something against the rules, which I didn't.

  11. Yeah. I was just frozen for cheating in flash games, apparently. :/ Which I didn't do...


    Just sent in a form/report about this, so I'm hoping to get it back. But TNT rarely does that, people say... :(


    And honestly? The form needs to let you type more. The character restriction is absurd. :grrr:


    Just... need to vent out some rage. :crying:

  12. Congrats on the win, but wow, the price of the tyranian PB sure has dropped. Before key quest i remember it being close to 350k. Ah well.


    Yeah, I'm pretty sure almost every KQ-distributed PB is now buyable. The Tyrannian one seems to be the exception so far.

  13. 1. Have you won the games?

    2. What type of game did you play? How many keys? Because...



    5 Key Game:

    1st. Gold

    2nd. Silver

    3rd. Bronze

    4th. Lead



    4 Key Game:

    1st. Silver

    2nd. Bronze

    3rd. Lead

    4th. ??? (I'd assume nothing but the NP they got)


    3 Key Game:

    1st. Bronze

    2nd. Lead

    3rd & 4th: None


    2 Key Game:

    1st. Lead

    2nd, 3rd, 4th: None


    IIRC, anyways.

  14. If you saw my other topic earlier, I said that I recently re-upgraded to Firefox 3 after Neopets updated their toolbar.


    Everything's fine, things go normally (although I still find that FF3 starts up much slower than FF2...).


    Until I go on KQ.


    Suddenly, the game seems... very unresponsive. I try to make a loop to "capture" the Petpetpet quickly, but the line doesn't seem to react well to the speed of my mouse, and it ends up in odd angles that go the wrong way. This is also applies to the Plant-growing one, where for some reason, the water doesn't seem to reach the seeds quickly enough and my opponent wins at seemingly impossible speeds.


    In other words, it's like KQ 1.0 again. Laggy, unresponsive, and seemingly unfair to the slow. The question is, is it slow? Does anyone else have trouble on KQ while using FF3?

  15. Hm... The add-on definately makes it look a lot better, but it's still no FF2 Toolbar, since again, typing "en" gives non-wiki sites. For now, it'll do, but if anyone else can make it like FF2 completely (or almost), that'd be most helpful.


    About the matchbehavoir thing... It being put on 2 according to the link you provided conflicts with another page on the same site, where it says to be put to 3. :/ Hm...

  16. Well I was reading through the comments on the cnet one, and one person said "The video didn't work for me either at first. If you're using the AdBlockPlus extension you have to disable it temporarily and then the video should work."


    And then there's another one that says, "Just following the video will not do the trick completely.


    You also need to change "browser.urlbar.maxRichResults" from 12 to 0. Just double click on the option and a box will pop up to allow you to type in 0."


    Maybe you'd want to try those.


    The first point only seems to apply to watching the video... :/


    Looking up the second one, that seems to get rid of the bar entirely, which isn't what I want (unless it's my last option). What I really want is to make it as close to the FF2 bar as possible. Since, like I said in my first post, I type "en" to get to wikipedia. In FF3, it definately DOES NOT give me wikipedia, until the 20th or so link anyways.

  17. Yeah... With the update on Neopets' Toolbar, I've re-upgraded to Firefox 3. Although with it, I have to deal with "The Awesome Bar" again. Any way to turn it off, or at least make it function more like FF2's urlbar? I've tried following a video from CNET on how to do it, yet the bar still works like normal, giving me links to sites with "en" in the middle or end of it rather than wikipedia links that start with "en"... :/


    For instance, typing "t" now gives me sites like "The Daily Neopets Forum", "Youtube, Broadcast Yourself", and "Pokebeast Trading". Or "en" giving me "http://twewy.wikia.com/wiki/Message_Archive#How_to_restore_on-screen_pin_positions_after_using_the_209-212_Gatito_combo" or "http://www.geocities.com/nq_encyclopedia/monsters.html".


    While before in FF2, "t" would give me "www.thedailyneopets.com" or "www.tdnforums.com". And "en" would give me "en.wikipedia.org/...".



    Searching Google, I found this: http://download.cnet.com/8301-2007_4-9971026-12.html


    I did as it said, and erased my history, and changing it to "True". I've restarted Firefox (and my computer after a few failed attempts). But nothing.


    I've tried this site as well: http://kb.mozillazine.org/


    According to the page "http://kb.mozillazine.org/Disabling_autocomplete_-_Firefox", "To prevent entries from History or bookmarked items from appearing but show those that you have specifically typed into the Location Bar (url bar), use about:config to toggle browser.urlbar.matchonlytyped to true."


    However, I have done so, and entries from both my history and bookmarks STILL appear. :/


    According to "http://kb.mozillazine.org/Browser.urlbar.matchBehavior", setting Browser.urlbar.matchBehavior to 3 should "Match only the beginning of page URLs and titles.", which I interpret as "typing en to get "en.wikipedia" or "Enticing Title"".


    Again, this has not happened. :/


    Any help?

  18. ^_^ I am so glad that Lulu's prizes can be bought from Neoshops, as I am the type that will not use real money to buy virtual items. Today, I bought all of them except for today's UB, want to wait until next week when the prizes dropped cheaper.


    All my three pets are decorated with those animated items, and I LOVEEEEEE them!!


    Please tell me which is you favorite? Thanks~~~








    Personally, I would think that you are of the few who are pleased by the "buyabliity" of these items, since a lot of people are sitll unhappy about profiting off the NC Mall. :O

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