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Status Updates posted by Xepha

  1. Welcome to TDNForums ;)

  2. Welcome to TDNforums :) If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.


  4. What the heck is that new name TJ o.O

  5. Xepha

    Who to call... who to call... TJ? or Ian? hummmmmmmmm

  6. Why didn't you capitalized my name ? T.T (Welcome back ;p)

  7. Work for the guild XDD I do the same with my co-owner ahaha ;p Anyway, now I put a nickname on the name (odd to say!)

  8. Ya will need a way to be IMed :P So we can invite you to parties and stuff :P :P

  9. yay for frenchness

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Parshy


      Oui, tourjours

    3. nerd4lifee


      c'est vraiment formidable

    4. khaos


      yay pour effet francité

  10. Yay Laura!!! ;D Welcome to TDN :D

  11. Yea XD. One Winged Angel will always be epic anyway bwahaha.

  12. Yep, I played like a nut XD. You were too busy pwning page 23 to notice XD

  13. Yep, it's cool that I'm content director. I get to have minions... :P

  14. Yes I did! *keeps the good memory* I'm just sad for my pets =(

  15. Yes I did... 2 times in English and 1 in French.

  16. Yes the bold tags are blocked from your lookup. Use the italic or underline tags instead. (they are blocked so the USERNAME ? disappears for your lookup)

  17. Yes you can obviously replace the filling text with anything you like :).

  18. You are the one and only Niku I know :P

  19. You can change your name when you have 500+ posts. (super member)

  20. Xepha

    you do! on a bored day =p

  21. You have been most active in TFR section :) grats!

  22. You know that I'm in charge of WAM (graphics, petpages and other random stuff), right? XD

  23. Xepha

    you need a quote from me >:(

  24. You're back to youuuuu!!!! ;p

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