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Status Updates posted by Xepha

  1. sooo you did change your photo :O

  2. Sowwy, fishy don't cheer for pie-rats :P

  3. Still alive Willow?? :D I miss talking with you!!

  4. Xepha

    Thank you :)

  5. Thank you for the wishes :)

  6. Thanks ;) I'll try to apply.

  7. Xepha

    Thanks :D I was so surprised to have won!

  8. Thanks a lot for your comment :) - I wish I had more free time to do lookies, but it's almost impossible nowadays. Will resume after the AC, I guess.

  9. Thanks for posting the news Izzy! You are the very best!

  10. Thanks for the comment on my profile ;D It was a pleasure to make a graphic for you. If you ever need anything else, I'll gladly make it for you! ^^

  11. Thanks for the FCA post ;)

  12. Thanks XDD *I lyk to rock* XD

  13. that's just insane. Give each other your msn username?

  14. The Airborne Toxic Event is one of my favorite band. :) I just picked something I had bookmarked in youtube to show as an example that wouldn't be a technical Autodesk video. xD xD

    1. Angeló


      sorry if i went off-topic .. I really like them .. theyre very under-rated

    2. Xepha


      Ahah I'm not a mod so off-topicness doesn't relate to me that much. Well, not when it's a band that I adore anyway ;)

  15. The drawing in your signature is beautiful ^_^

    1. unsentLegacy


      Thank you. I work hard to give my pets characters... It's a crying shame I can't write stories to save my life.

  16. The lab is so unpredictable. Not sure I want to keep a Robot Lupe lol. XD

  17. thinks this is better than... shoutboxes :o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tempdisplay




      *even though he doesn't know or has never used one*


    3. Xepha


      It was kind of like the chat box Grant put on Flotsam and Jetsam website... but people used to abuse of it (and post links to scam people and what not), so the feature was removed by Ian.

    4. Grant~


      I SEE A GRANT REFERENCE...from three months ago. 8D

  18. throws confetti all around! Happy birthday Mary <3


  20. Tom is soon to be FM :O

  21. Too many dailies update. X_X

    1. Finn the Human

      Finn the Human

      there are even more now :P

    2. Xepha


      I know. :(

  22. Toujours ;)

  23. Vira! Long time no see ;) Feel free to PM me if you wanna chat :)

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