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  1. Like
    GillyTook reacted to jellysundae in Defeating Malum   
    Well now!
     . . .
    After beating Malum I notice what he's saying is "wait you've got the wrong guy"
    Now what's all THAT about I wonder! Maybe he isn't an actual villain after all . . .
  2. Sad
    GillyTook reacted to rntracy1 in Nay for stitches in my hand   
    I have a Rottweiler and a pitbull.  You hear the stories about how vicious pitbulls are.  Mine is a sweetie, she really is.  My Rotti loves his tennis balls.  Always has since he was a pup.  The pitbull can take a bone away from him, a steak, a toy, ALMOST anything.  But if she takes his ball away, he WILL KILL HER!!!  That is not a metaphor.  We try to keep the tennis balls away when they are together. It doesn't matter how many balls there are.  We bought 100 balls at a tag sale.  We dumped them on the floor and she didn't want him to have ANY of them.  That was the first of the death matches.  The second one, she ended up at the animal hospital with a severe wound to her eye.  Tonight, I tried to break them apart, because if we don't, he WILL kill her, there is no two ways about it. He clamps down on her neck and won't let go.  When we separate them, SHE goes right back for more.  The only way the Rotti can stop her is to pin her down until she stops moving forever, or we break it up.  Period.  I got the short end of it tonight and ended up with 16 stitches in my left hand.  It hurts so much.  It is sore, it aches, it burns, it has nerve pain, so many combined pains that I literally can't stand it.  I have iced it, elevated it, nothing.  I will try ibuprofen, but even with the stitches, it is STILL oozing blood.
    My husband thought one of the dogs had gotten bitten real bad.  He said, "someone got bit bad, there's blood EVERYWHERE!"  I said, "It's MY blood, it's pouring out everywhere!" I was still trying to hold her back and the blood was pouring out onto the floor, on her, on the couch, everywhere.  What a mess.  The gash in my finger is so bad there is a chunk of flesh missing!  There wasn't even enough tissue to close it up all the way!  
    Despite all of the above, I love my dog. She did not hurt me on purpose. I know, many people here will/would say, "I wouldn't put up with that. That dog did a lot of damage to you. What if it was someone else, or god forbid, a child."  She is actually the one that's good around people. I don't have worries about them around children. HONESTLY.  But I know their trigger and have to be extra careful. Many would say, I would at least get rid of all the tennis balls.  That isn't fair to the Rotti.  I have to be more aware.  I probably could have prevented this.
    Showering today was difficult to say the least.  My hand is so swollen I cannot bend it.  I am a bit concerned about compartment syndrome, so I have to keep an eye on it. But otherwise, I am hanging in there. 
  3. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Emily in Reminder for Applying for Item Lends   
    Just want to send out a quick reminder on a few things for when people are sending in requests for items from the ALP.
    Firstly, please make sure you're only requesting one item at a time. This ensures that 1) Everyone who wants to borrow items will be able to in a timely fashion and 2) That if something happens (an account is hacked or frozen), we don't lose a bunch of items. We only send out one item per person at a time regardless of how many requests you send in at once, so by submitting multiple requests, you're bumping other people who requested the same item further down the queue and creating a backlog for the items. It's best to wait until you've returned one item before requesting another.
    Secondly, if you aren't able to provide full collateral for an item and indicate that when applying, please also include what you ARE able to offer as collateral. By not doing so, it delays the lend as we need to track you down and find out this information before the lend can be set up.
    Lastly, please try to make sure things are getting returned in a reasonable amount of time. I know some things can't be helped (internet outages, sickness, etc), but if you have a planned absence like a vacation or something, please either wait until you get back to request, or indicate in your request that you'll not be able to get online during that specific period so the lend can be set up when you get back instead. If I have to spend weeks tracking an item back down, all the other people who want to borrow it are forced to wait, or I end up having to re-buy a bunch of (usually expensive) items unnecessarily.
    Here's a juggling Krawk for making it to the end:

  4. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Aquamentis12 in Wraith Plot opponent Stats   
    Hi guys, so, I checked out the wraith opponents and got what I believe are their full stats. So I'm posting them here, and requesting to the mods that this post get pinned. Some of them have certain combo-patterns to their attacks, such as pairing 2 weapons and an ability, Or 1 weapon and an ability, etc. I did not make note of those, but if you battle the same wraith for ingredients for potions, then you can pick out the patterned combos, but if you have Lens Flare, and/or Warlock's and/or a freezer, these guys should all be fairly reasonable to beat on their weakest difficulty settings. Though newer battlers may have some troubles. I'll place the stats below the spoiler tags. So i can make this one post. ;)

    So, in order here....

    First up, Snapjaw Wraith
  5. Like
    GillyTook reacted to emily_speck_15 in Random Contest - It's Back!   
    I wonder if this means that they will actually do something with Lutari Island...
  6. Like
    GillyTook reacted to queen_hatshepset in I can't believe I did that?!   
    I am so disappointed in myself! I am trying to sale a few of my safety deposit box items and one of them was a Neopets 15th birthday goodie bag that I put it into my shop and instead of putting the price at 25,000 NP I put 2,500 NPs!!! Low and behold, someone bought it before I could fix my error! 

    Thankfully I messaged the individual and told them that they were lucky due to my mistake. I explained I was trying to sell items to purchase a weapon to defeat the new Wraith in Battledom and a few moments later they sent back my Neopets 15th birthday goodie bag! 
    I was shocked! I didn't expect to hear back from the individual. It was a legal tender that took place; even if it was my error. Thank you to the person who returned my item. It made my day and showed that there are still good people out there!
  7. Haha
    GillyTook reacted to jaydeed in Kass Basher: Unable to unlock the bat   
    Well done! That's a nice 3000 a day right there. Don't do what i did and panic if you get the giant tree though, lol.
  8. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Greyshe_wolf in Kass Basher: Unable to unlock the bat   
    That's one I hadn't heard before, I'll give it a shot, thank you, I'll try anything.
    Edit: Oh my goodness! I just got 457 using the spacebar and hitting it when kass bounced, thank you so much everyone!
  9. Sad
    GillyTook reacted to jellysundae in Too many wings! :(   
    I tried the Delicate Earth Faerie Wings on my Draik, and they look LOVELY!
    Oh but . . . BUT . . . they don't remove her existing wings, so they look silly.

    I'm totally gutted by this because they're just so perfect for her.
    *throws tantrum*
  10. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Scoobert_Doo in Vote For Next Paint Brush!   
    Not really liking any of these. Why did they have to use Gelerts to model Steampunk and Origami?! Feel like it's going to be another disappointing Gelert Day, this year. Anyhow, Steampunk looks more like Robot, to me. I like origami and Gelerts, but the Origami Gelert just doesn't seem to work. Toy looks alright. I like the springy tail, but that is all that makes it look like a toy. Sure, the Lenny looks shiny, but it looks like a "new and improved" Yellow Lenny. The Burlap Doll is creepy, in a Haunted Woods, Halloween way. I like the Haunted Woods and Halloween, so it is a good creepy. Zombie Ghosterchief might be a good petpet for it. The details on all are fairly good, but I guess it is the concepts of them. Seems they could have come up with better ideas. Well, that is my 2¢.
  11. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Scoobert_Doo in So now Kaia's gone missing   
    I...I can't believe what Kaia said.
    I was only trying to help. And that look!

    And I thought she was the nicest, coolest Faerie ever! Don't think I want to talk to her even when she's calmed down. Not after seeing those Super Saiyan eyes of death!
    So, on a serious note, I went to the NC Mall, but I didn't see anything. Were we supposed to get something from the NC Mall for finding Kaia and seeing "the Lupe"?
  12. Like
    GillyTook reacted to hrtbrk in Wraith Resurgence: Find Kaia!   
    This is the first time I have been mad at a step in this plot. All of that just to tell us there's a new superpack in the NC mall?
    JS should be embarrassed and ashamed.
  13. Like
    GillyTook reacted to jellysundae in Wraith Resurgence: Murmur, Battle and Potions Part 4   
    Hmm, so as I'd got about 70 ectoplasms before, I'll not get any more then. I have one left in my SDB which will cover me for what JN says I need for this step, but I've no fur, so time to fight the  Deathball Wraith and hope they're gonna be nice!
    This plot's quite a bit of a train wreck right now, isn't it. >_< But as I said elsewhere, hopefully they'll learn from their mistakes here . . .
  14. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to Duma in Eep, what's going on?   
    I've had that happening in the past on the news page, I just ignored it and I could just play. Eventually it went away. I'm guessing it is something on their end. Or maybe it's because you came from an off site (dailies page) but that would be a first too.
  15. Like
    GillyTook reacted to fishstick013 in Ghoul Catchers - (iOS) Apple App Store - Back In Action!   
    If you'll be replaying levels, I recommend level 2.  Guaranteed 3 stars every time, and it doesn't have a tutorial/guide slowing the level down.
  16. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to hrtbrk in Wraith Resurgence: Murmur, Battle and Potions Part 4   
    It's time to head back and solve another murmur before taking on the latest Wraith in the Battledome! Create 4 new potions to help clear Neopia of purple haze!

  17. Like
    GillyTook reacted to deboratibi in The Runway   
    Very Important Notice: The Runway Round #53 will NOT be starting this week as expected, due to personal matters. I cannot say for sure when the contest will be back - it could be next week or the one after that. I will let you all know about any changes. I apologise for the inconvenience, but I hope you understand. Thank you!
  18. Like
    GillyTook reacted to kennielee in Some Neo art I've done! :)   
    My submission for last year's Kacheek day :)

    A Grey Gelert for Valentine's

    Art gallery submission for last year's Zafara Day

    My art gallery submission for Elephante Day this year!

    My Moehog, Padmor.

    My Baby Kau, Atloc.

    And my Scorchio, Dinksa. :)
  19. Like
    GillyTook reacted to hrtbrk in Magical Blue Grundo Plushie Gets New Prizes!   
    The Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity has received new prizes today, adding a handful of new plushies to the pool!

  20. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to Mouseykins in Wild Woods open again. Need to rescue Fyora   
    I'm on it! We'll have any updates necessary for our guide(s) posted as soon as possible.
    And I have to wait about an hour since I didn't make it through. At least this step is very similar to the last outing into The Wild Woods.
  21. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to falingtrea in Wild Woods open again. Need to rescue Fyora   
    There is more story dialog. Went into the wild woods and found Fyora and had to help her back. Sorry I forgot to take a screen shot.
  22. Haha
    GillyTook reacted to jellysundae in Wraith Resurgence: The Infirmary Part 2!   
    Is there something completely inappropriate going on in the infirmary?!

  23. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from hpb63094 in Wraith Resurgence: The Infirmary Part 2!   
    Bah, I don't like having to buy the stuff, but when I didn't know there was a cap, I sold all of my ectoplasm for 1 np each hoping I'd help out someone who couldn't buy it for a lot (before the resellers noticed it.)

    Edit: Haha, I've also not been spending money unless I had to to get the achievements unlocked, so I am in the same boat as you, Duma! :)
  24. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Duma in Wraith Resurgence: The Infirmary Part 2!   
    I also did 1 potion of the one that needed fur and 5 of the other kind and got all the achievements. I'm not giving any more because I just won't spend NP on the items and I don't have much left in my sdb. I just hope I won't miss out on something like an avatar just because I didn't donate more than was necessary.
    I still hope they'll remove the cap before the plot is over. I just keep on hoping. Optimism never runs out It's a never-ending source of happiness.
  25. Like
    GillyTook reacted to jaydeed in Wraith Resurgence: The Infirmary Part 2!   
    The issue I have is the inconsistency. First we could farm ecto to our heart's content, and many of us did. Then we were told, no, battling extra doesn't help and some ppl laughed at all the effort we'd gone to and ppl donated ecto to the Money Tree (not me; I'm not as green as I'm cabbage looking ::g:;). Then the caps, followed by the vague hint that donating more would get you...something.
    Now prices are sky-high, everyone's confused, and the slow, repetitive drag of the plot is depressing. We're going to have to do the spinning circles one more time, I know it, and it killed me last time, battle again for the wraith blood, cure 4 pets... It's taking forever and it's not much fun.
    Sigh. It's had its good moments, but it seems poorly thought out.
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