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  1. Like
    GillyTook reacted to kayahtik in To Scratch Or Not To Scratch   
    Sell it! I would take guaranteed profit over a gamble any day. 
  2. Sad
    GillyTook reacted to burntpastryies in Nay for Tornados   
    July 19th 2018 was a normal day for me. Went in to work knowing that there was a possibility of thunderstorms around the time when I was supposed to be getting off, no biggie I can handle that.
    Around 4pm is when the first set of sirens went off, though it was sunny and bright out. Everyone's phones kept going off stating Tornado warning in effect until 4:15. Then it got extended until 4:45 . I was off at 4:30 but decided to wait until the warning was over. Then somewhere between 4:30 and 4:45 the sky got really dark on the one side of town, and the sirens went off a second time. No body really knew what all was going on but, as it turns out a Tornado had touched down and destroyed parts of our town. I wasn't sure if my  house had gotten effected but then I heard someone say that the roof of a building a ways down from my house had been torn off. So then I panicked and left trying to speed home to check if my house and cats were okay.
    It didn't hit me until I got to a bridge that a tornado had gone through. The steeple of our courthouse.. you can see for miles. I first noticed it was gone. a few blocks after this bridge is where you could really see the damage. My mother made it to my house before me and called to tell me I had gotten hit pretty bad. 
    After making a lot of turns, and turning around to find a different way home because of trees laying across the street.. I finally made it home.
    The gist is... my shingles were torn off (but thankfully no holes in the roof), siding got torn off, my neighbors garage was in my yard, my husbands car was totaled, and a lot of busted windows. 
    Dealing with insurance has not been fun. I don't feel like I have been given enough to cover all the damage, but thankfully my dad knows how to fix things so the only thing I need to hire someone for is to redo the roof.
    My town was called "a state of emergency" and apparently made some international papers as well. 
    Sorry if this is long, I just needed to get it out somewhere.

  3. Haha
    GillyTook reacted to jellysundae in Dragoyle Hunting Has Begun!   
    Illusen's eyes on the theme though...

    Think she can get some corrective lenses?
  4. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Vlagopus in Happy Peophin Day!   
    I think Peophins is one of the most elegant species in Neopets. To see it in snot... ?
    I just hope they won't roll out Dung pets... like these poor petpets.
    On second thought, Dung petpets and Snot pets might make good companions to one another

  5. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from Balletlatte in Today's Random Events   
    Blast, the screenshot is too big.  Eh.  I got a SUPER RARE ITEM from the snowager today!  An ice blasted wig   First time I've gotten something aside from junk or scratchcards from it, I think.
    Edit:  And my faerie quest today was from the FOUNTAIN FAERIE! *squeals*  Omg, and right after I got all of my pets painted, too, LOL!  Guess it's time for me to make a second account.  
  6. Like
    GillyTook reacted to kuhlowie in Yay for Halloween Aisha Plushie   
    Hey Ya'll! First post on TDN. Thought I'd share that MY HALLOWEEN AISHA PLUSHIE JUST ARRIVED IN THE MAIL TODAY!! ?
    I was an avid plushie collector back in the early 2000's when neopets started selling them at Limited Too, but this one was special edition only given out during a special event!
    I'm so psyched right now, I love it!

  7. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to hrtbrk in Nc Mall: Free Birthday Cupcake #3!   
    A third free Birthday Cupcake is in the NC Mall! Feeding this to your pet will add +2 strength and a shiny new wearable!

    Claim me now!
  8. Like
    GillyTook reacted to enitul in Lets Talk About Funko Pops ?   
    I have a few, but I only get the ones that I like if I see them. ?
  9. Haha
    GillyTook reacted to jellysundae in Phew, what a scorcher!   
    HAHAHA.  Laugh all you like, lol. In all seriousness though, if the UK had 2 weeks of 107 degrees it would solve the population problem because most of us would be dead. ?
    I'm so glad you clarified that the Aussies you were talking about are DOGS, I was thinking you were being a bit peculiar with your treatment of guests there. ?
  10. Like
    GillyTook reacted to DesertRose in Phew, what a scorcher!   
    I'm in Florida, and the summers here are brutal! The average day is between 87 and 92 degrees, and that's *before* the heat index. My bestie, WhiteWolf, and I go on vacation together to Indiana where it's in the 70s and 80s with little to no humidity.
  11. Like
    GillyTook reacted to jellysundae in Happy Ixi Day!   
    *sigh* generic candy again. I mean it doesn't look bad, per se, but as @GillyTook so aptly stated, meh.
    The candy paint brush is another case of JS teaching us to lower our expectations, isn't it. ?
    A hat and a wig in an outfit, right... 2 items that can't be worn together. ?
  12. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from midnight_spell360 in Happy Ixi Day!   
    Aww, I was all excited, too!  I kinda like the wig, but the rest is kinda meh at best.
  13. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from jellysundae in Happy Ixi Day!   
    Aww, I was all excited, too!  I kinda like the wig, but the rest is kinda meh at best.
  14. Like
    GillyTook reacted to MegHidd in Things That Never Seem to Happen For Me on Neopets   
    I've been playing on my main account for almost eleven years and that's a really long time to NEVER see some things...
    Here's my conspiracy list. Does anyone concur? 
    1.) I've never won Guess the Marrow.
    2.) Smuggler's Cove never has anything to sell.
    3.) The Almost Abandoned Attic has always just ran out of items.
    4.) Refreshing for avatars and battledome challengers has never actually worked. 
    5.) I've never gotten past The Gatherer (and that petpet) on the Altador Plot.
    6.) The Turmaculus can never be woken up apparently ever.
    7.) Qasalan Expellibox gave me neocash once, and a disease twelve hundred times.
    8.) The Daily Puzzle often isn't refreshed very daily.
    9.) I've found the guy sleeping at the magma pool four times, but gathered all the worms for the cave quest once.
    10.) I can't beat the first guy on Neoquest and it sucks.
    And a Extra Side Note just because I saw it today, did anyone notice that they changed the Altador Cup Trophy from looking like....you know....to a normal cup? 
    And that's my list. 
  15. Like
    GillyTook reacted to TokaValencia in The Runway Votes #59   
    #2 is great!! Elton John makes a rather adorable Kacheek. ? 
  16. Haha
    GillyTook reacted to phoenixgal in Happy Flotsam Day!   
    I can't stop laughing at the gloves 
    And stealthy's clothes are really cool! The horn guard makes it look like a narwhal!
  17. Like
    GillyTook reacted to jellysundae in Immigrants being sent back   
    It's frightening isn't it, how quickly forward progress can be reversed, and how seemingly little people can do about it, it's the helpless feeling that really gets to you. Right now it's like the 8 years of the previous administration never happened. : /
    I firmly believe that Trump attaining the White House was a direct backlash to Obama, which is just the saddest thing on earth. But it seems pretty clear that enough of America's population was so unhappy at having a black president that they voted in a monster in retaliation. I guess it didn't help that their only real alternative option was a woman *sigh* That's maybe even sadder; the fact that if Hillary had been a man Trump might not have got in, but no, the bigots who hated having a black president definitely wouldn't have wanted a woman in his place. -__-
  18. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to midnight_spell360 in Immigrants being sent back   
    It is just AWFUL and NOT right that the US government is ripping families apart. The fact that it was revealed that it was the President's goal since he took Office to put pressure on asylum seekers by removing their children is INHUMANE and WRONG! Let's be clear that the immigrants entering the US are seeking asylum and have to be physically present in the country they want to petition in order to start the process so the whole "their parents are to blame for bringing their kids here when they were entering illegally" is utter nonsense!
    AND even IF that were the case, the law just states that they can fine the immigrants that entered illegally $100 (US) or punished with imprisonment for this misdemeanor. It doesn't state that families are to be separated, that was the President's own interpretation of the law, which wasn't carried out in such a cruel way before. Previously, the US government's past administration had opted to only rarely prosecute improper entry, especially when an individual is applying for asylum and almost always used its discretion not to separate children from their parents (so the "why are you complaining about it now bc this is exactly what the other guy was doing" argument is FALSE and stupid!).
    The problem is that asylum seekers are now frequently being turned away before entering primary inspection and being told that they can not apply for asylum at that time and must come back later. Ultimately, asylum seekers may then decide to enter improperly so that they can apply for asylum once they have been picked up by Border Patrol. It's also notable that there are reports of asylum seekers legally presenting at Ports of Entry, but still are being separated.
    Why are ppl crossing the border illegally with their children when it is so dangerous? The danger facing these ppl in their home countries are far worse than the dangers of crossing illegally. But don't worry, Jeff Sessions has announced that fleeing gang or domestic violence will no longer meet the requirements for applying for asylum.
    What happens to the children being taken away from their parents?  Our current Administration has not created a good mechanism to reunite families.  There is a 1-800 number for parents to call. Wait times can be over an hour and if the parent does not know the child's A number, it may be impossible to trace the child. US toll free numbers don't always work outside the country, and still incur a fee when calling from outside the US. It is even possible that their child could have already been deported.
    How can this be? Children can be deported without their parents? Yes, unfortunately they can. Once separated, children's cases are frequently severed from their parents, so parents and children do not process through the system concurrently. While parents may have a right to counsel for criminal prosecution, no such right exists in immigration proceedings. That crying toddler who's face you can't unsee? She may be expected to represent herself before an immigration judge. All funding to provide "unaccompanied" children with pro bono counsel has been recently cut.
    I am proud of our Dallas, TX imam (religious leader, like a pastor) Omar Suleiman who went to McAllen, TX to try to stop a bus with the separated children from leaving the parking lot along with other brave ppl, the picture is heart-breaking as he placed his hand on the window to the small separated child's hand for as long as he could. 
    Where is our humanity? Where is our mercy? God help us that anyone can be ok with being this cruel to children!
  19. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Kute in Immigrants being sent back   
    My heart really hurts for all those people who are being deported in the US because of their illegal status. I read stories of people who have lived their whole lives in the U.S., (30+ years)  have careers, and children but have been sent back to nothing. Some are teens/adults that were born in Mexico and came to America as babies and dont even speak Spanish, but are being sent to live in Mexico. 
    I understand both sides of the story and I am non-partisan, but as a sociology major and someone with a desire to help adolescents live better lives it is painful to see all this happening.
    Everyone in America got here because their ancestors came as immigrants. How can it be right to deny people from having better quality of life if they want to have it by coming to the land of opportunity!  I feel my heart and mind lie more with the ethics than the politics of it all. 
    Has this scare tactic for beefing up boarder security gone too far? What is your take on the situation ??? Could it have been dealt with differently? 
  20. Haha
    GillyTook reacted to babayaga67 in Happy Kau Day!   
    Poor Kau. Not only does he only get one new color on his day, but that color is snot. I was actually hopeful when I saw the topic. Kaus can be really cute. This sad guy is not.
    I also thought that the outfit looked a little Strange. Is it all wigs on Kaus or just this one that turns the horns into handlebars?
  21. Haha
    GillyTook reacted to TokaValencia in Happy Kau Day!   
    Dr Strange Kau? That's what it looks like to me at least.  
  22. Sad
    GillyTook reacted to xanthocomically in Well this is just no good!!   
    While doing my dailies just now I got Watermelon Jelly and was like, oh that's cool never seen that before, wonder if it's worth much! 
    Guess what's worth 1mil and was lost while bobbing for apples!!!!!!!!! ??????
  23. Haha
    GillyTook got a reaction from jellysundae in Altador Cup XIII Begins!   
    Ohhh, I got it.  I think.  So basically I just need to figure out how many points it'll take to get the highest rank, play my three a day, and add in extra time to play for rank points?  I can do that!
    Edit:  Omg, I'm DYING!  I adore the bit when they cut to the grarl and ixi in the box, and they're both cheering!  It's adorbs!
  24. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to discobiscuit in Altador Cup XIII Begins!   
    You can play as many games as you want per day, though you stop earning np after 3.  You move up the ranks by playing more games and at the end of the cup, you get points to spend in the prize shop based on your rank.  So, limiting the number of games you can play would mean everybody would stay at rank 2 or something.
  25. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Scoobert_Doo in Altador Cup: Sign Ups Opened!   
    According to today's "News" (31 May 2018), the AC "officially" begins on 4 June, 2018. Although it hasn't been said what date, AC sign-ups typically have an "end" date, like @Angeló mentioned. You may want to try and decide on/by the 4th, just to be sure. Hopefully, JS/TNT will post, soon, on what the actual "sign-up by" date will be.
    EDIT: 1 June 2018 - Per today's Neopian Times Editorial, AC sign-ups end on the 6th of June.
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