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  1. Haha
    GillyTook got a reaction from hrtbrk in New Site Theme!   
    Hrtbrk, cheers to a fellow grinch!

    Ugh.  The snowflakes over the page are the ONLY thing I liked about the theme itself.  I don't celebrate christmas, and am so sick of it being shoved in my face from mid-October on that I was thrilled to see that they allow us to change it back to our old themes instead of forcing us to keep it.
    Edit:  Because this seemed overly negative, I'd have much preferred it if they'd given us the theme like the rest with a notification that something had happened, not just assumed everyone would want it.  That way you can test drive it before having to deal with old computers not wanting to load preference screens while you try to change back :p 
  2. Like
    GillyTook reacted to hrtbrk in New Site Theme!   
    *GRINCH INCOMING* (I know you're all shocked about this)
     Do I like it? Yes, it's got a great aesthetic and is visually pleasing.... until you see they copy and pasted static pet images on it. Aside from the wearable items, even the Advent items have been things with static Neopets images pasted on top. Give me a break. I'm a big Yurble fan but that Christmas Yurble doesn't match at all. Let's not even get me started on the footer copy and paste... lump of coal for whoever made and approved that tbh. It would look so much better without both of those things (yurble/footer pets pasted in)
    That said, I'll use it for the rest of the season and I appreciate them releasing a new theme for us to use. It was a nice surprise. At least the music was a nice touch ?
  3. Haha
    GillyTook got a reaction from midnight_spell360 in Look what's still there.   
    I decided to visit Neovia this morning because of the daily question, and found this.  Oops!  Guess someone forgot to take parts of the plot down!

  4. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Hanso in Look what's still there.   
    Don't take this away from Baelia. I'm sure the poor thing finally feels like she has a purpose in life taking care of the Hidden Tower.
    Maybe she likes her new job too much, so she took the necessary measures to keep her position... No wonder we haven't seen Fyora in a while.
  5. Like
    GillyTook reacted to jellysundae in Happy Bruce Day!   
    While for me, because the eyes are wooden, and the irises the same shade as the skin beneath, it makes them look like little beady black eyes with massive bags underneath them, tell me you don't see it too. ?
    BRB, just arranging for a free delivery for every Woodland Bruce created...
    I like the rock feet though, like on the Woodland Usul rock adds to the look.

    The outfit's cute if you ignore the shoes... what's going on there?! A pretty Christmas look, and... tennis shoes???  y tho...
  6. Haha
    GillyTook got a reaction from DragonPhoenix in Look what's still there.   
    I decided to visit Neovia this morning because of the daily question, and found this.  Oops!  Guess someone forgot to take parts of the plot down!

  7. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from babayaga67 in Look what's still there.   
    I decided to visit Neovia this morning because of the daily question, and found this.  Oops!  Guess someone forgot to take parts of the plot down!

  8. Haha
    GillyTook got a reaction from jellysundae in Look what's still there.   
    I decided to visit Neovia this morning because of the daily question, and found this.  Oops!  Guess someone forgot to take parts of the plot down!

  9. Haha
    GillyTook got a reaction from Mouseykins in Look what's still there.   
    I decided to visit Neovia this morning because of the daily question, and found this.  Oops!  Guess someone forgot to take parts of the plot down!

  10. Haha
    GillyTook got a reaction from Nielo in Look what's still there.   
    I decided to visit Neovia this morning because of the daily question, and found this.  Oops!  Guess someone forgot to take parts of the plot down!

  11. Haha
    GillyTook reacted to gypsyknees in Games you are bad at that everyone else is good at (and vice versa)   
    Whenever there is a game challenge for a week, I realise how bad I am at all games. ? I can often only get 1/3 of the score needed for the prize. 
    I'm good at Fashion Fever ?
  12. Haha
    GillyTook got a reaction from jellysundae in Games you are bad at that everyone else is good at (and vice versa)   
    Well this is easy :p  I'm terrible at ALL of them!  I see the various high scores people have gotten and wonder what in the world is going on that someone can actually score that high.  The only one I CAN get a high score in is Neopian Battlefield Legends.
  13. Haha
    GillyTook got a reaction from gypsyknees in Games you are bad at that everyone else is good at (and vice versa)   
    Well this is easy :p  I'm terrible at ALL of them!  I see the various high scores people have gotten and wonder what in the world is going on that someone can actually score that high.  The only one I CAN get a high score in is Neopian Battlefield Legends.
  14. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from babayaga67 in Happy Usul Day   
    ZELDA USUL!  OMG!!!!  ZELDA USUL!!!!!  Okay, so apparently I need a usul now.  I don't even particularly LIKE usuls, but I NEED A USUL NOW!!!!!!!
    Ah, sorry, just a bit excited.
  15. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Angeló in Happy Usul Day   
    that's from playing this year's GMC .. i bet my watch and warrant on it
  16. Haha
    GillyTook reacted to hrtbrk in Happy Usul Day   
    Rofl. Yeah, looks more like it's ON something with those bug eyes ?
  17. Haha
    GillyTook got a reaction from Angeló in Happy Usul Day   
    ZELDA USUL!  OMG!!!!  ZELDA USUL!!!!!  Okay, so apparently I need a usul now.  I don't even particularly LIKE usuls, but I NEED A USUL NOW!!!!!!!
    Ah, sorry, just a bit excited.
  18. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Duma in Games Master Challenge: Knights vs Raiders Begins!   
    You will need to play a certain amount of games from the qualifying list by the end of the event. Any score that gives out NP counts. So the minimum score is the score that stands for 1 NP.
  19. Sad
    GillyTook got a reaction from Scoobert_Doo in Games Master Challenge: Knights vs Raiders Begins!   
    Well, no stamp for me if that's the case.  I can't get past 150 on Skies over Merridel, and I've been playing all afternoon.  I give up.
  20. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from Nielo in Qasala event is live!   
    Thank you, Nielo!  I thought I was going batty(ier) because I couldn't find it.
  21. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from jellysundae in Games Master Challenge: Knights vs Raiders Begins!   
    Aw, the gloves are cool.  Glad I joined the knights, though.  Well, at least I am at the moment, who knows how I'll feel with tomorrow's challenge ?
    Edit:  Okay, refresh my memory, please?  How do the qualifying games work again?  Is it ANY score sent, a minimum score, or do you have to play X number on a certain day for it to count towards the progress bar?
  22. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Balletlatte in Qasala event is live!   
    Good morning, everyone!

    The Qasala event is live! There's a new site theme  http://www.neopets.com/desert/thelostheirloom/index.phtml 
      Something has happened! × You are now eligible to use The Lost Heirloom as a site theme when browsing Neopets.com! 
  23. Haha
    GillyTook reacted to jellysundae in Unreleased Birthday Petpets!   
    Ah, now those are better/more true to form than last year's aren't they, that's a relief. ?
    The first three look a little over-done though, someone wasn't paying attention when the timer went off. ?
  24. Like
    GillyTook reacted to hrtbrk in Unreleased Birthday Petpets!   
    Several new Birthday petpets have been found! 

    Slymook | Bowla | Leeble | Filamen
  25. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Mouseykins in Lyra and the Lost Heirloom   
    Judging by the name of the page, how the page is set up and that newspaper article, they're building some hype as they did with the last plot. Hopefully, this plot/event won't drag out as long as that one did.
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