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  1. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Singledwish123 in Happy Kau Day!   
    Haha totally looks like Ferdinand. Also, I love the look of the galaxy with the candy Kau color

  2. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to Angeló in Happy Kau Day!   
    Yes .. it was an old cartoon produced by Disney (i think in the early 40's) ... Blue Sky studios made it into a full length animation movie in 2017 where one of his friends is a Highland Bull 

  3. Like
    GillyTook reacted to littlespacecase in I made a favorite Neopet picker!   
    I tried doing all the colors and pets and it took about two hours but these are my top 20 overall! I have them all except the mutant koi and the plushie bori. I think I'm just waiting for UC pets for those.

  4. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Hayley in Dr_Death is using psychological warfare now?   
    First of all, why tell me her full government name?
    Second, how did you know I have a soft spot for Grundos????

  5. Haha
    GillyTook reacted to Hayley in Second-Hand Shoppe makes me chuckle   
  6. Haha
    GillyTook got a reaction from FreyaFox in Official Pay-It-Forward Friday Gifting Thread! (#1)   
    Oh gosh.  My wishlist is SO outdated at this point >_>  I'll have to  play with that some.  
    I dunno if addicted is the right word for it, but I keep coming back because I like my little creatures, and it's easy enough/only a few minutes a day to interact with them most of the time. I've played too many phone games (especially) that are really fun in the beginning, but pretty quickly the devs become super greedy and you have to either pay a lot of cash, or be in the game enough that it feels like a second job to keep up.  Aside from a week here and there (like with Altador) in neopets, I've never felt like that.  Even trying to up my bank account like I'm currently trying to do before getting back into buying books, then all the rest of the random collectibles I'll never finish collecting) when I was getting burned out on the old flash games (**sigh**) I could just stop playing them for a bit and not miss tons of stuff or feel like I'd fallen so far behind that I'd never catch up.   Even if TNT IS getting a lot more cash-grabby as time goes, it's nowhere near some of the games that have 1-2 events per week, and you've got to grind for energy for hours a day to be able to get halfway through any of them.  Wait.  What's that you say???  I have hobbies that AREN'T Android Game Clone #1,765,923?  That's wild!
  7. Haha
    GillyTook got a reaction from Musical_Shoyru in Official Pay-It-Forward Friday Gifting Thread! (#1)   
    Oh gosh.  My wishlist is SO outdated at this point >_>  I'll have to  play with that some.  
    I dunno if addicted is the right word for it, but I keep coming back because I like my little creatures, and it's easy enough/only a few minutes a day to interact with them most of the time. I've played too many phone games (especially) that are really fun in the beginning, but pretty quickly the devs become super greedy and you have to either pay a lot of cash, or be in the game enough that it feels like a second job to keep up.  Aside from a week here and there (like with Altador) in neopets, I've never felt like that.  Even trying to up my bank account like I'm currently trying to do before getting back into buying books, then all the rest of the random collectibles I'll never finish collecting) when I was getting burned out on the old flash games (**sigh**) I could just stop playing them for a bit and not miss tons of stuff or feel like I'd fallen so far behind that I'd never catch up.   Even if TNT IS getting a lot more cash-grabby as time goes, it's nowhere near some of the games that have 1-2 events per week, and you've got to grind for energy for hours a day to be able to get halfway through any of them.  Wait.  What's that you say???  I have hobbies that AREN'T Android Game Clone #1,765,923?  That's wild!
  8. Haha
    GillyTook reacted to FreyaFox in Altador Cup Prize Shop Closing TONIGHT!   
    Here I thought you were referring to THIS years tournament and I was just a wee bit freaked out (tbh..really freaked out)! I was wondering how the heck I missed the news of this tournament. ! totally read that wrong! 🤣
  9. Haha
    GillyTook reacted to Hayley in It's a thankless job...   
    You are LITERALLY *the* target demographic, Rem!

  10. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Secre in Neopets Premium   
    The colour of the pet moves with the species change providing the pet you are morphing into has that colour. So a Woodland Kau could become a Woodland Hissi.
    There is however a workaround to get a pet of any colour through the perk. If the species you are morphing into does not have the colour your pet is currently painted, then you can pick any colour you want.
    So the Hissi for instance does not have Sketch as a colour. So if I morphed the pet I wanted to change species into a Sketch Acara, then started the Premium Perk and picked Hissi, it will tell me that the Hissi doesn't come in that colour. I can then pick ANY Hissi colour I want. Including lab only colours like Chocolate. That's how I got my MSP Poogle.
  11. Thanks
    GillyTook got a reaction from Angeló in Be-Gone   
    Have you tried looking at Dress to Impress?  I think they've got all of them tested now.  
  12. Haha
    GillyTook got a reaction from Angeló in Happy Lupe Day!   
    The dog toys are freaking adorable.  I almost want to give my jedi lupe one of them just because it'd give a feel of a puppy playing dress up.  Hmmm.  On that hand, does anyone know if the baby pets would be able to play with toys, or if they still hold to the baby pets can only wear baby-themed stuff on their bodies rule?  Because that would be freaking adorable.  Teeny tiny baby lupe with a huge stick?  Yes please!
    The relic looks way better without the fangs and huge toenails.  
  13. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Secre in Neopets Chat PSA   
    So having done some extra sleuthing on Facebook and Reddit, it looks like both are true. The team did indeed make it so you couldn't discuss anything non neo related and there were a couple of days where staff were warning and silencing players. However the backlash has been (predictably) severe and they have walked the policy back pretty quickly and the description has also been changed. There was also a certain amount of passive aggressive 'word but not spirit of the rule' keeping with people very obviously finding neo words to describe real life things.
    The problem is that there are so many better ways and no other site uses the idea that you need the 'original' email because it just doesn't work. People change emails, servers get deleted. Over time, the average adult may keep their email but children certainly don't and many people created accounts in childhood! Even with adults though, there are some things I've used a work email to set up and no longer have access to the work address because I no longer work there! 
    The previous policy was that you had to know what the original email was - still iffy given people may have been like 7 when they opened accounts, but more doable. Now you actually need to send an email from the account... which has a reasonable chance of being defunct. 
  14. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to Secre in Happy Lupe Day!   
    I kinda like the Relic... but not enough to want one. It's certainly striking. And it doesn't seem as... messy as the Kacheek with the different styles of rock. The Kacheek would have been better with just the stomach gem. The looks like a cross between a Haunted Woods idea and a drag queen? 

    On the plus side, the claws and fangs are removable - I imagine there's going to be some fantastic cross paints out there! The eyes are stubborn. I've gone through most of the contacts and they look ridiculous or just don't work. However the Rolling Fog contacts make the red look less... severe and more like it's hiding beneath the stone. So @LekkerLekker89, this might be more what you were after?

    I do like that outfit. May have to be picking that up for my Royal/Halloween Lupe. May also zap random Lupes to see if I can't get those teeth from the Relic...!
    I like the addition of bonus items as well! Very cute!
  15. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from Secre in Happy Kougra Day!   
    @Secre  I don't blame you.  Ixis have always been my faves.  I've only got two of them, but they're SO freaking cute.  But I also love my big kitties.  Hahaha, I'm glad we can have more than 4 pets total ever now.  Looking back I can't believe any of us were ever satisfied with that.
  16. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Aranel in Neopets Chat PSA   
    I would be really interested to know what the average Neopets user's age is. I'm guessing it's mostly adults. (But then again, maybe that's just who I associate with.) Regardless, this decision makes approximately zero sense; the rules that were already in place about what you could and couldn't discuss on the boards seemed sufficient to me to keep things from getting "too" "real-life".
    I was so excited that TNT has started to be more openly inclusive and mindful of LGBTQ+ people and disabled people. But this feels like a HUGE step backward.
    And how is it more "child friendly" to punish people for talking about absolutely anything non-NP-related? I feel like a rule like that is harder for kids to follow than adults.
    I cannot for the life of me figure out how to edit my previous comment, so please forgive the double comment. Am I missing something obvious?
    But I wanted to add this screenshot I JUST took.
    The white highlight is how it's normally displayed; I added the red line for emphasis. So... what IS the truth?

  17. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Secre in Happy Kougra Day!   
    It's not just you. I also thought hoodie strings!!
    I had a Kougra. But I painted it Faerie as a teen... and got hit by the Invisible RE when playing NQ not long after. So he was Cloud for a loooooooooooong time. Then Camoflage when I got bored. And I eventually morphed him into an Oilpaint Ixi (with the Zombie Tux for special occasions). I now love him waaaaaaay too much to morph him back to a Kougra.

    So it's new pet time! Although I'm after the giant ball of floof!
  18. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Secre in Neopets Chat PSA   
    Oh, I'm definitely around for the nostalgia now. I had a long hiatus and came back during COVID and lockdowns in 2020. Spent a small fortune on the site - I'm really not joking. I went from virtually no NC to most of my wishes complete and a trading list that still makes me wonder how much I really spent... (http://impress.openneo.net/user/44099-Secre/closet). I spent hours on the site collecting 100k from Flash games Monday to Friday. Managed All-Star 2020, Double All-Star 2021 and then started to lose interest in 2022 only managing level 14.
    Now... I spend months without playing and even when I am 'active' like now, it's mostly half an hour for dailies and occasional NC trading. There just isn't much to do on the site and it's boring. With that in mind, why oh why are they restricting one of the few areas of the site that actually works further!?
    I'm clearly out of the loop as I just found the Sorry Mummy Sorry thing stupid when I clicked on it. Not sure I want to Google it to find out why it's inappropriate though!
    ... You aren't even meant to have a Reddit account until you are 13 years of age. So how is linking it child friendly!?
    Oh, TNT have been making bad decision after ban decision lately. NFT's aren't really their fault. But the chaos of the AC, games that hadn't been fixed since the previous year when they were broken, rampant cheating and shadow bans definitely were. As is the new policy of requiring access to the ORIGINAL email used to set neopets up if you can't gain access to your account. Even my BANK doesn't require that and my bank has my actual pay cheque being deposited into it! People set accounts up as children. They used parental emails, discarded emails, emails that have long since been defunct as the server that hosted them no longer exists. If they have updated their account settings, then the current email is what should be required. Then you have the lack of events (Charity Corner), broken promises (Premium sale)... and now this.
    It's seriously like they want to destroy the site.
  19. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Secre in Neopets Chat PSA   
    Well, that's going to make the Altador Cup even more tedious than normal, isn't it?? 
    The team chats are full of off-topic nonsense inbetween scoring and suchlike. I remember having a full discussion about what we did whilst also playing endless SOSD last year that divolved into a full book recommendation list...
    Are they trying - I mean, really, actively trying - to destroy the site? I don't spend much time on the boards admittedly, but many of those who do are the most committed long standing players. Why are they trying to chase them away!?
    And child friendly until we look at the NC Malls Gatcha mechanics with capsules. Spend a fortune to not necessarily get the items you want and gamble on a low chance of getting the special edition item. Exactly how is that child friendly??
  20. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Duskitty in Someone angered the Money Tree trolls Again...   
    Seems like a weird way to protest something. Why devote this much time and Neopoints? What does this even really accomplish?
    100 NP, while still a small amount, is actually worth more than most of the junk items you usually find at the money tree. So I don't really understand how this would inconvenience other players?
  21. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Sciurus carolinensis in Someone angered the Money Tree trolls Again...   
    Here is a thread about a previous trolling session. I didn't know people were making new accounts just for this. That's irritating. I don't know what the reason is. I thought it was previously in response to complaints about something, but who knows. 
  22. Like
    GillyTook reacted to granny63020 in Black Pawkeet   
    I don't normally play this game because when I had in the past I  never won.  So, I decided to waste some NP's and here's what happened! Needless to say I will be trying to win again. Do you all play this? What is the biggest amount you've won? Ever won the JackPot?

  23. Thanks
    GillyTook got a reaction from Angeló in Festival of Neggs 2023 Begins!   
    >_<  OH MY GOODNESS!  I've gotten the snowglobe and stamp (hooray!) but I've opened the polar lights one trying to get the wearable and the book and every time I've gotten the candle instead.  That is HORRIBLE odds!  Especially as I'd sort of like to try for the space fungus and plasma effect if I've still got time in the event.  
  24. Like
    GillyTook reacted to SimplyTragic in My Chocolate Grarrl   
    Finally got my Chocolate Grarrl!

    Wanted the Young Sophies Dress but I couldn't find it on the website. It's like no one had it any where. So I had to settle for the Neovian Lady Grarrl Dress with a few of it's matching accessories. Still looks cute tho, I think. Although, I wanted to go for a chocolate theme, but there aren't many items I can buy with neopoints to fit that theme well.
    What do you think?
  25. Haha
    GillyTook got a reaction from GlitchtaleLover in Happy Kougra Day!   
    I SWEAR there used to be an emoji on like every forum in existence that had a guy running around in a circle waving his hands frantically.  I need that one right now, thx.  Wheeee!  One of my faves got SO MUCH!  I am not a fan of the markings on the toy, but it looks so soft and snuggly 🥰   I need to get a second kougra now, too, so I can get that smuggler outfit.  Erm, sans the weird hairs because those look iffy, and sans the gloves, but aside from that the whole thing is just completely fab!  (Also, I'll be the oddball.  I didn't think teeth, but the strings on a hoodie so you can make it tighter around your face, and until I figured that it was a weird braided beard thingy, I was thinking it makes the outfit look like a little kid playing dress up.)
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