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    GillyTook reacted to Aquamentis12 in Got a cool Battle-set? Want it rated? POST HERE!   
    You're right. The Maraquan Commanders Helm only defends 3 water and 3 dark icons. Your tablet is definitely better! Some of these weekly prizes aren't very good, the one I'm currently working toward is a White Ixi Plushie, only worth about 10k, maybe less by now. lol
  2. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from Aquamentis12 in Got a cool Battle-set? Want it rated? POST HERE!   
    I think I've got 3 slots left to fill that on my main, and I kinda think I know of two I'd like to have?  **shrugs**  
    I also got a maraquan commander's helm today from the weekly quest rewards.  I'm gonna assume it's not as good as the tablet as a defence method, but can I get confirmation on that before I see if it's still able to be sold?
  3. Thanks
    GillyTook got a reaction from Angeló in Happy Wocky Day!   
    I can't edit this any longer, sorry!

    IT'S THE WITCHER!  That's why it looked so familiar.  I'm a derp.  Haha, I was like I knowwww that outfit, but for some reason could not figure out what it was from.  
  4. Thanks
    GillyTook got a reaction from Angeló in Happy Wocky Day!   
    How do you guys all know the names of these things?  o_0  What am I missing???
    I also like the outfit.  Can't see the first of the three paints (currently) though, as it's a cog.  Clouded leopards are one of my favourite big cats, so that one's definitely exciting, and the tiger stripes are neat.  @Angeló I am the same?  I also think it looks like a GoT reference, but haven't seen any to know for sure.  **shrugs**
    I am also slightly creeped out by the mouths on the two elderly pets.  I know it's meant to be wrinkles, but for some reason they look like they're stitched shut to me.  
  5. Like
    GillyTook reacted to GlitchtaleLover in Happy Wocky Day!   
    If I don't know the name for an Outfit or another wearable, I usually go to Jellyneo's Item Database to find the title of the items, it's pretty handy. Although the Neopets News page does usually give it too, sometimes it's a bit laggy for me  Could just be on my end, though.
    I'm not seeing the cogs here myself, perhaps it's changed over a few hours?
  6. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Musical_Shoyru in Happy Wocky Day!   
    It's from The Witcher it's Geralt of Rivia 🙂 I got excited when I saw it! Love the games and the show!
  7. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to Musical_Shoyru in Claim Your Free Holiday Item!   
    The code "HOLIDAYMAGIC" was announced via the Neopets Holiday stream on YouTube and is only available until December 16th at 11:59 PST!

    Redeem here before it's too late!

  8. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from Aquamentis12 in Got a cool Battle-set? Want it rated? POST HERE!   
    I looked into the KQs, and it said that the stat goes to a random pet, not necessarily your main pet.  Is that still the case?  Because if so, I'll definitely pass on it.  
    I have bought nc once, and that was to get the extra ten pet slots on my account, haha.  Definitely don't need a random stat I paid for potentially going to (once I get a couple more) one of sixteen pets!  
    Currently I'm on 5 codestone training (funny enough, I paid a lot to drop my str after a random event put it to 201, then got two blasted battle faerie random event quests in a row that bumped it back up.  Just my luck!) I've currently got a small enough stack of codestones, mostly via random events and the battledome, so I've been working through those and not looking forward to when I have to start buying them.
    I normally hope that I can get the bank bribery boon, or failing that cartographication.  
  9. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to Aquamentis12 in Got a cool Battle-set? Want it rated? POST HERE!   
    Considering the max NP per day is like, 1,500np it's not a huge help to get it all, but every little bit helps, right? lol
    Some, like Snowager on Easy, can SOMETIMES give you a Frozen Negg. These are rare but sell for around 270,000np right now. Snowy on easy has 700hp, but can do a bit of damage if you let him attack you. Trust me when I recommend against trying him on Medium. He has like, around 15,000hp on Medium, and can hit for over 3000hp damage. So you won't get your NP very quickly from fighting him on Easy, about 50np per battle. Most of the time it's junk for prizes. Usually frozen food. lol But, you can also get a couple of books and codestones from Snowy. I tend to battle him for the chance of a Frozen Negg or two.

    I'll battle Snowy first, to try for the prizes, and then if I feel like battling after that, I'll take on something a little easier on Mighty difficulty like Jelly Chia or Shadow Usul. Oh, I don't know what the prices are anymore. But Jelly Chia has a couple exclusive items. Jelly Pop Stamp, Jelly World Stamp, and Jelly Mysteries, a book. I used to sell Jelly World Stamp for around 100k each, but that was years ago. lol The value is probably still much lower, but you'll get your NP pretty quickly fighting Jelly Chia on Mighty difficulty.
  10. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from Aquamentis12 in Got a cool Battle-set? Want it rated? POST HERE!   
    I've been sticking to hard difficulty because that way I get all my NP rewards early, and only have to play a few more to get all the regular rewards (and the koi warrior's dome supposedly has a higher chance of dropping codestones so I can train more!) after.  Do the others give better rewards that'd make up for it if I sold them?  And more NP, so I wouldn't need to play quite as many rounds per day to finish?  I know some of the littler guys (like poor old Boochi) on easy mode only give like 15 np per battle, so that'd take forever.
  11. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from Aquamentis12 in Got a cool Battle-set? Want it rated? POST HERE!   
    Woo hoo!  I haven't tried stronger (yet, haha) but am itching to at some point.  I mean, if nothing else I can go up against Boochi a few times using my healer, haha.  
    I was floored when I saw it.  I didn't even know it was in the prize pool until I saw a (TON OF) thread complaining about it on reddit, then a couple days later. . .  I VERY quickly ran to my inventory and equipped it because I wanted to take no risk that something would happen to it.  
  12. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to Aquamentis12 in Got a cool Battle-set? Want it rated? POST HERE!   
    The Seasonal Attack Pea is one of the strongest weapons in the game. Dealing a WHOPPING 28 SOLID icons! A mix of Light and Earth. For comparison, a Super Attack pea, the strongest constant in the game, deals 32 solid icons.
    LOL It's no wonder you are one-shotting most of your opponents with a weapon like that in your arsenal!
    I'd love to win one too, there's still MOST of the Advent Calendar Days left, so I have hope! 😉

    So, just battle as efficiently as you usually would. You could use your SAP and your Grenade along with Lens Flare for your first turn, and if you still haven't defeated your opponent then, then just do your second turn like you normally would. Maximize the damage you deal while minimizing the damage you take. Since the SAP is multiple use, you can use it in round 2 as well, with your 2nd strongest weapon you'll wipe the floor with most opponents! lol You should have a MUCH easier time with even stronger opponents than the ones you listed too. 😉

    I hope that answers your question. 🙂 If you've any others, feel free to ask! And Congrats again!
  13. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from Aquamentis12 in Got a cool Battle-set? Want it rated? POST HERE!   
    **looks sheepish**  Welll, turns out I'm one of the lucky ones and got a seasonal attack pea from the advent calendar.  Erm, wow!  It's doing twice as much damage as the other weapons I have.  So for a good strategy for anything potentially powerful in the upcoming plot, should I use the pea, either the grenade (first) or staff, maybe the shield, and my two faerie abilities? (ha.  I need to look up when I can get more, and what is good, don't I?) This thing is ridiculous.  It can take out the koi warrior (codestones!) in one shot without me needing a second weapon, AND I can use it with one of the other weapons to take out the Giant Spectral Mutant Walein!
  14. Haha
    GillyTook reacted to MariaWB in New Holiday Bowtie is... Something   
    It just shaves off the entire fluffy mane. It's a little disturbing. He looks nakey!

  15. Thanks
    GillyTook got a reaction from discobiscuit in Welcome to December with Advent Calendar and TDN!   
    And don't forget (like I ALWAYS!!!! manage to!!!!) that the snowager is hibernating this month ❤️  
  16. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to Musical_Shoyru in Neopets is Down for Emergency Maintenance   
    At around 8am NST this morning players were experiencing some concerning account issues. It was allowing users to see information from accounts that were not their own such as other player's site themes, pets, inventory, SDB, bank accounts & more. Whether users were able to actually DO anything with the data they were seeing is still unknown. It's not confirmed whether people were able to pull NP from bank accounts or send items to themselves from the inventory data they were seeing for example. There was also issues with multiple pages throughout neopia giving a 404 Page Not Found error. 

    The site was put into maintenance around 8:56am, you will not be able to access Neopets till TNT has solved the issue and has brought the site back online.
  17. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Angeló in Happy Vandagyre!   
    the Maraquan Vandagyre is a Sea Angel  ... they are so cute
    i don't own a Vanda but I'm mad they didn't release wings and tails like other pets ...

  18. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from Aquamentis12 in Got a cool Battle-set? Want it rated? POST HERE!   
    Are shields actually worth it?  I think I've asked this before.  Like, the shield did around 35-40 damage, but my normal attacking weapons do 70-90.  Small healing aside, why is it more worth it to do less damage and draw a fight out vs. doing more and ending it more quickly?

    Again, though, I've not ever gone for opponents that take (usually) more than one round to kill, so I'm not used to fights that go on a few rounds or more.
  19. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to Aquamentis12 in Got a cool Battle-set? Want it rated? POST HERE!   
    For The Mystical Tablet? Yeah that's what it's stats look like! That's even better than the Altadorian Swordbreaker! (a weapon that has only 6 icon attack and blocks all physical).
  20. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Aquamentis12 in Got a cool Battle-set? Want it rated? POST HERE!   
    Wow @GillyTook, that is a GREAT prize! Not having played Legends and Letters I didn't know about it, so I had to look it up over at JN.
    So while the attack is rather weak, 9 total icons. The defense is amazing! It blocks 100% of BOTH Physical AND Darkness! It also heals 3-30hp. I'm not sure if this is PER turn or not, but there doesn't seem to be an indicator of "one healing item at a time" so you can most likely equip it WITH a healer.
    Yes, Sword of Malum is almost as good as the anagram swords in the Hidden Tower. So definitely keep that in your line-up! It sounds like your set is more versatile now. that's good. 🙂 When the battle plot starts, you should be set up to go pretty far! For defense, I would recommend a Downsize! from the Defence Magic Shop. As it blocks 50% of all damage once per battle. Downsize looks like this.
    It's an r68 and restocks frequently. Usually sells in Player shops for 3k-5k. So you can buy it from a player shop or the Defence Magic shop in the Neopia Bazaar.
    Congrats on the GREAT very cool weekly prize! lol I hope I get a chance to earn one from the weekly prize pool one of these days!
  21. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from bonnie_morrison in Lost and pound!   
    Might be saying this too early, but it seems to have been back at full functionality for the last hour or so.  Hopefully it stays that way
  22. Like
    GillyTook got a reaction from triisu in Lost and pound!   
    Might be saying this too early, but it seems to have been back at full functionality for the last hour or so.  Hopefully it stays that way
  23. Thanks
    GillyTook got a reaction from granny63020 in Lost and pound!   
    Might be saying this too early, but it seems to have been back at full functionality for the last hour or so.  Hopefully it stays that way
  24. Like
    GillyTook reacted to Duma in new player and member   
    Hi and welcome to the forum Dolan! Don't worry, you'll get your plushie skeith for sure eventually. It's easier then ever to collect NP. Make sure to check out the daily quests. If you just do those you can get 20k+ each day, add a daily Trudy's spin and you'll have over a million np per month.
  25. Thanks
    GillyTook reacted to hrtbrk in Neopets Down For Maintenance TONIGHT!   
    My Apologies! I work 3 jobs and have been at them all every day this week, leaving little TDN time 😞
    Sorry about that. 
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