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Posts posted by sipenjualaiskrim

  1. seeing people so passionate about this daily dare stuff makes me feel like a potato. i missed around 3 games because too busy with my work. occasionally defeated chadley because i played when i'm about to hit the sack and i want to at least surpass abigail's scores.

  2. been there, used to be one of my childhood "playground". my mum worked there and it was near to our home so i occasionally went there to explore places. that place was not that awful. maybe because i didn't manage to explore where murderers and other criminals were being placed. 

    i've been slapped by a patient before when i was 6. like, i was reading a book in the pantry while waiting for my mother and suddenly a patient came into the room and slap my face. it was fun.

  3. i played neopets since its first year and have to stop playing it because i entered boarding school, busy with stuff. and i forgot the password to my first account. but that's okay because it was so embarrassing. i mean the way i named my neopets and my own first username oh my goodness.

  4. 4 hours ago, Scoobert_Doo said:


    I was really surprised when I saw the Neopets Est. Value of 300,000 NP. Can you believe that!? Although it is listed as a Toy, it is a Battledome weapon, as you can equip it to your pet, via the "Choose an Action" drop down box. Not sure why it's selling on the TP for above 100,000 NP though. However, looking at the stats of 3 physical icons, 10 water icons and defends against 5 fire icons, could be why.

    EDIT: As for today's challenge, I did manage to beat Chadley. However, I'm not very fond of "Usul Suspects". I'm just not very good at this game. Although easy, it took me three tried to beat Chadley's score. I found if I aimed for the helicopter hats, on the baby Usuls, it would drop them straight to the ground, and they'd disappear. Could be helpful knowing that, to manage the number of Baby Usuls. No complaints, though.

    thank God that i remembered to do today's daily dare. i was surprised to see the pistol has a lot of icons with its mediocre looks. and i am not fond of the game also. i barely defeated chadley's score with 125 points.

  5. well, last week, i managed to paint all of my 3 neopets. 2 from the fountain (thanks to fountain and grey faerie quests) and another from the magma pool. more like my lucky week. you're so brave playing against count von roo. i have no luck when playing luck games.:biggrin:

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