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Ashley Rose

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Posts posted by Ashley Rose

  1. Hello! I have been playing Neopets for over 16 years. Amazingly I was able to get back into my account. I haven't been on in a very very long time. Decided to check in and made my daughter her own account. Many many years ago I actually used to help out here on TDN. I helped run the ALP and wrote a few game guides! Excited to be back on Neopets and back here on TDN! I was a little surprised when I logged in and saw that there is only like 6 games to play currently. I sure hope they get the others up and running soon. Can't do much with only 6 games 😞 

    - Ashley 

  2. Hello everyone! I just wanted to give you a quick update. Since the implementation of the new lending system we have had a huge increase in requests! Please do not submit more than one request at a time, we have received them. I assure you we will get to your request, we are currently addressing each request in the order it was received. Due to the high volume of requests there will be a wait for items. Please be sure to read the rules before requesting an item as well.


    There is no requirement for avatar count to borrow items. Thank you!

  3. The burning of the burrow was a tad bit annoying, and I am not sure where that came from. I suppose it can still be there for DH...as they are wizards and can fix it up rather quickly I am sure :)


    I wanted to see a bit more of Tonks, she is one of my favorite characters and I hoped to see her in the parts she belonged in.

  4. The neofriends beta list usually takes a little bit of time to update itself once you log off. Also it's not completely accurate either, it is still 'beta' after all. I've had mine show people being online for more than 24 hours. I wouldn't rely on it, as you have clearly noticed it's not always correct.

  5. I will be giving my mom the two lawn chairs she wanted. The store that sells them where I live didn't have any in stock when she went to get them, but I was out of town for a conference for work and stopped at the store there and they had them so that is going to be her mothers day gift. But other than that we won't be doing anything. My daughter is only two so I doubt she'll be doing anything for me tomorrow. I'm sure I'll clean and that's probably all that will happen.

  6. I am 25 and will be 26 this year...so I hardly think you are old. Plus my mother plays on neopets! In the past, I used to reply with the information about how it was originally for college students. Now I just ignore the mails. Don't worry you are not the only person who gets that, I know it can be very annoying though! To think we feel old and we are only in our twenties!

  7. Missa, my two year old has an account on neopets. Not that she knows that XD But I made her, and it will have nice painted pets for her once she's old enough to play. I've been so busy with work and the holiday season that I didn't notice anyone posted here! Sorry!

  8. No matter what I do TJ haunts me! XD



    Me: I'm not sure anything can be as weird as my dream about TJ pretending to be a meepit lol

    Izzy: Okay no your dream tops the weirdness scale lol

    Me: Okay now I have to know!

    Izzy: Because it was less weird than TJ being a meepit?

    Me: lol Okay I totally read that wrong

    Izzy: XD I thought you might have

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