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Sciurus carolinensis

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Status Updates posted by Sciurus carolinensis

  1. Looks like 10 food items from the monthly freebees are all you can get. I have 11 neopets, but my last one didn't pick out anything. 

  2. Has your name always had the title "The Enabler?" I might be even more sleep deprived than I thought.


    1. Angeló


      Hi 🙂 No I changed it a couple days ago 

    2. Sciurus carolinensis

      Sciurus carolinensis

      I didn't know that was possible! I like my screenname, but I thought it was permanent once chosen. Interesting.

    3. Angeló


      You can change it twice a month 

      I was talking to a friend about food and she said "stop enabling me to eat more" hence the name :D

  3. My gallery is so large that it lags when I organize new items. I hope I haven't made any mistakes as a result, because with 1620 items in alphabetical order any mistakes are difficult to correct.

    1. Angeló


      I love your collection , but if there are mistakes , you can fix them when you're ranking items .. For Example if you put Aquaberry before Apple and they're ranked 2 and 3 .. you can reverse their ranking by making Aquaberry #3 and Apple #2 .. or use decimals to move Apple up by making it 1.1 (so it will rank after the item ranked #1) .. 1.1 automatically becomes 2 .. you can use decimals up to 9 .. for example 1.1 , 1.2 , 1.3 , .... etc up to 1.9

    2. Sciurus carolinensis

      Sciurus carolinensis

      I know that, that's how I get new items in their correct place. The difficulty is in finding mistakes among a sea of correctly placed items. 🙂  Once they are found they are easily fixed. 

  4. Why can't I sleeeeeep! It's 3:24 AM where I am! AAA better not have a grudge against me!

  5. My Kacheek, Cute_Pyukumuku, has had the same customization theme since February, with a few additions. I just like the combination of items she's wearing too much to change them. I'm going to share it here in the hopes that with the outfit saved I'll be able to have her wear something else.

    Oops. her dress didn't save. Trying again with the Journal option.


    Trio of Stars Wand
    Sparkler Contacts
    Shenkuu Garden Tights and Shoes
    Field of Visions
    Heart Print Dress
    Lollipop Heart Earrings
    Lovely Pink Buns Wig
    Premium Collectible: Heartwarming Field Background
    Rainbow Shimmer Body Paint


  6. Showing off how Spring Hair Flower looks on my kacheek here so I don't take over @kacheekkawaii's thread any more than I already have. Thingameeba always wears the Black Button Contacts because she's based on a stuffed animal from my childhood. I refuse to take them off no matter how difficult it can be to customize around them.

    Thingameeba 1-9-21.GIF

    1. kacheekkawaii


      that looks cute on her.... but... i'm not too sure about her eyes...😐 no offense

    2. Sciurus carolinensis

      Sciurus carolinensis

      No worries. I don't mind at all. Just don't tell her :D 

    3. kacheekkawaii


      okay, i won't... :3

  7. Was about to show off one of my pets, then realized that her dress had morphed into a cape since it was part of the current MME. Ah well. Also, is there a thread for just showing off pets and their backstories? She's based on an old stuffed animal that was the focus of make-believe games my sister and I had for years. If not, I'll make one.

  8. Got the last of the "get onto the top 50 on the high score table" avatars last night (excluding the avatar collector one because that's different). Posting this here because I had to edit my last post in the avatar collection thread to keep from double posting. As a result, it won't appear as recent activity. Definitely one of the cutest avatars I've earned. 

    1. Angeló


      Congrats :) which one is it ?

    2. Sciurus carolinensis

      Sciurus carolinensis

      Whoops! Should have made that clear. Babaa - Maths Nightmare.

    3. Angeló


      i am hopeless at this one ... x even with all the tips

  9. In preparation for painting my slorgclops, The Blorp Rises, rainbow, I tried my hand at drawing one. I know it's not the exact pattern of a rainbow slorgclops. I did it my own way on purpose and set it as my profile pic.

  10. It's my Candy Acara's birthday! Hopefully her mouth will be unglitched soon. It's currently in her eye, which is the reason she always wears contacts. 

    Now to return to bed.


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