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  1. Haha
    kayahtik reacted to Vlagopus in My pet's not fat, he's just big boned! >:(   
    My battle Xweetok is 33cm, and weighs 37lb (16.8kg). So she's a little taller than a piece of A4 paper, and heavier than the cabin baggage weight permitted on some airlines...
    Another Xweetok I just adopted is 17cm and weighs 40lbs. I'm really weirded out by this discrepancy lol
    Your Eyrie is taller than me 
  2. Like
    kayahtik reacted to TokaValencia in The Backstage: Alternative Entries!   
    Although I ended up liking my other special edition entry better, I really wanted to try out Clay for a Bronze/Copper-ish look 

  3. Like
    kayahtik reacted to DragonPhoenix in New Avatar: Brain Tree Quests!   
    Just as a note, the last two days the Esophagor has asked me for foods that can be won as battledome prizes when fighting in the spooky arena. Now, I'm not going to get that lucky every day - no one is - but if you're looking to build your stockpile of potential foods needed for these quests without spending a ton of NP while it's all inflating, there are a number of BD challengers that give out spooky foods. Several of the spooky arena challengers have very low HP on easy, so even if you're not an advanced battledome player you can use this method. Good luck to all those trying for the new avvie!
  4. Like
    kayahtik got a reaction from Kute in Faerie Festival   
    Site events tend to be released around noon NST, so it will probably be live later today. 
  5. Like
    kayahtik reacted to jellysundae in Vote for Obelisk War! Round 142!   
    He also said the same in Portuguese about one of the books, they finally read that particular one in German, lol.
    I've ended up with only 3 that are unreadable, put those into my gallery as I've nowhere else to put them to keep them separate from others.
    Intelligence boost from 1106 to 1374 so 268 gained from approx. 91 books. ?
  6. Like
    kayahtik reacted to jellysundae in Avatars: What have you got?   
    And because Seekers won I got to put my plan into action and...
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'HT - Richer' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!  
  7. Like
    kayahtik got a reaction from Kute in Restocking newbie asking for help   
    I would recommend starting out in one of the book shops! There isn't usually a ton of profit to be made there, but most of the items are inexpensive, so even if you make a bad call, you don't waste too many nps. The main bookshop in Neopia Central is good, because it stocks a lot of items at once, so there's less competition. However, the other bookshops (in Faerieland, Kreludor, Lost Desert, Brightvale, etc.) can also be good because they stock fewer items at once, which makes it easier for you to look through them and spot the good ones (although it means that there's more competition). 
    It's probably not the answer you want to hear, but pretty much the only way to become good at restocking is practice and patience. You'll need to sit in a shop, refreshing every few seconds, for hours and hours and hours before you finally start to learn what the junk items are and what the good items are (looking through the JN item lists can help you study this even while the shop is empty), and also how to quickly and accurately select the good item, haggle, etc. It can be really disheartening because it takes so long to get good, but for the most part you get out what you put in, so keep at it! Good luck!
  8. Like
    kayahtik reacted to jellysundae in Brightvale Portals Open!   
    I feel you guys were expecting a bit too much hoping for a participation prize from a mini-event, but maybe that's just me. I'm mildly worried that TNT are raising people's expectations a little too much with these 2 minis close together, as I'm guessing they were only so close together because of where the respective regional day's dates fell on the calendar, I wonder if the Faerieland map will get a refresh for the Faerie Festival... does it even need one?
    @Kute @Duma
    Did you ladies see this?
    Hardtotame dropping hints...

  9. Like
    kayahtik got a reaction from Scoobert_Doo in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Snorkle Snout has been deflated for quite a while now. Maybe @hrtbrk or some other staff can edit the avatar solution with a more accurate price? 
  10. Like
    kayahtik got a reaction from jellysundae in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Snorkle Snout has been deflated for quite a while now. Maybe @hrtbrk or some other staff can edit the avatar solution with a more accurate price? 
  11. Like
    kayahtik reacted to Rayd1978 in Coconut Shy Explosion   
    Happy Dance!!

    Didn't get an explosion, but did just get a coconut to fall... then went to finish out my set and knocked down a second one!   So I have fairly good luck with knocking them down.... still waiting for an explosion.
  12. Like
    kayahtik reacted to Josi in Happy Kyrii Day!   
    What a good day! All colours and item are lovely, and especially that desert themed gown is exceptionally beautiful! If only Kyrii's did not look so menacing... (yes I am thinking of the UC royal boy and girl)

  13. Like
    kayahtik got a reaction from sarahpaulson in Does anyone know what this trophy is?   
    It's a bronze trophy for Petpet Protection League: 
    According to JN, the Purple Kepru won PPL on February 8, 2018:
  14. Like
    kayahtik got a reaction from Kute in Does anyone know what this trophy is?   
    It's a bronze trophy for Petpet Protection League: 
    According to JN, the Purple Kepru won PPL on February 8, 2018:
  15. Like
    kayahtik got a reaction from Duma in Does anyone know what this trophy is?   
    It's a bronze trophy for Petpet Protection League: 
    According to JN, the Purple Kepru won PPL on February 8, 2018:
  16. Like
    kayahtik reacted to Kute in The Official Stock Market Board   
    I cant believe TAG is still that high. 
    No good stock for a while.  Highest right now is at 41.  Oh well. Gives us all a chance to hoard shares for the big payoff. 
  17. Haha
    kayahtik reacted to jellysundae in Mystery Portal...   
    The real question here is, are you now going to investigate the WTF (what the Fyora ) that's undoubtedly being hypothesised on the boards?! ?
  18. Like
    kayahtik reacted to sarahpaulson in Rainbow Fountain Dip Disappeared   
    Thanks so much guys, this is exactly what was happening. Think my brain must have short-circuited last night. ?
  19. Like
    kayahtik got a reaction from jellysundae in Rainbow Fountain Dip Disappeared   
    Sorry that this is super obvious, but just to be sure, are you checking the Rainbow FOUNTAIN and not the Rainbow Pool? I made that mistake once and even sent a ticket to TNT complaining about my 'lost' FFQ, but when they replied back saying that the FFQ was still available on my account, I realized I had just been visiting the wrong place. 
  20. Like
    kayahtik got a reaction from Nielo in Rainbow Fountain Dip Disappeared   
    Sorry that this is super obvious, but just to be sure, are you checking the Rainbow FOUNTAIN and not the Rainbow Pool? I made that mistake once and even sent a ticket to TNT complaining about my 'lost' FFQ, but when they replied back saying that the FFQ was still available on my account, I realized I had just been visiting the wrong place. 
  21. Like
    kayahtik reacted to jellysundae in The Backstage: Alternative Entries!   
    My brain did a dirty on me and didn't let me submit my Runway entry, nor even let me come on here at all for the past few days, so I'll post mine here instead, lol.
    I went for Osiris, the god of life and death and the flooding of the Nile. He's one of the ones who married his sister (Isis), though I think they pretty much all did that didn't they.


    I was pretty pleased with myself for being able to portray his bandaged feet, though I wonder if they were like that from permanent athlete's foot from causing all that flooding. ? and why on earth was he green?!
  22. Like
    kayahtik reacted to Duma in Rainbow Fountain Dip Disappeared   
    This! This so much. Make sure you check on the right spot, so in faerieland! I didn't go as far as send a ticket but it's happened to me too. I was all confused until I realized that's not how the page of the dip looks and that I was in the wrong place.
    If you are at the right place and it really is gone, you could always sent a ticket/e-mail to TNT.
  23. Like
    kayahtik got a reaction from charelan in Rainbow Fountain Dip Disappeared   
    Sorry that this is super obvious, but just to be sure, are you checking the Rainbow FOUNTAIN and not the Rainbow Pool? I made that mistake once and even sent a ticket to TNT complaining about my 'lost' FFQ, but when they replied back saying that the FFQ was still available on my account, I realized I had just been visiting the wrong place. 
  24. Like
    kayahtik got a reaction from Duma in Rainbow Fountain Dip Disappeared   
    Sorry that this is super obvious, but just to be sure, are you checking the Rainbow FOUNTAIN and not the Rainbow Pool? I made that mistake once and even sent a ticket to TNT complaining about my 'lost' FFQ, but when they replied back saying that the FFQ was still available on my account, I realized I had just been visiting the wrong place. 
  25. Like
    kayahtik got a reaction from midnight_spell360 in New Avatar Released! Solution Unknown   
    Hmm, that could be. If that's the case, I hope it's also available in the PM, otherwise I won't be getting it anytime soon. I need my beauty sleep!
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