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Posts posted by Brover

  1. New to TDN, so, would definitely be appreciative if you'd help add to my gallery, since I haven't interacted with you before.


    Never thought of putting an overall theme to my gallery. I just have categories of things I really like. Bruce, 80's look (digital and 8-bit), and dubloons.


    Guide to Brucicles (Bruce category in my gallery, I'm so close to finishing my brucicles collection as well. Just need the last, most expensive one: Cloudy Brucicle)

    8-Bit Mystery Island Background (For my 80's category in my gallery)

    Limited Edition Platinum Plated Y9 Commemorative Dubloon (Dubloon category in my gallery. I've only seen this once.)


    Thanks in advance if you consider giving these items to me!

  2. Teenage years suck. What you're going through, I went through too. Though, one person's situation is never the same as another. All I can say is that what got me through was the fact that I knew there was something better out there after high school and I had to give myself the chance to see it.


    I know it's really tempting to do something harmful to yourself even if that means it's a "better solution" than actually ending your life, but please don't. Your life means so much. You could quite possibly be the first female president of U.S (if you're from the U.S, Hillary Clinton doesn't get voted in for 2016, and no other female wins after her), or you could cure cancer. I don't know exactly what kind of woman you'll grow up to be, but if you choose yourself, I know for a fact you'll be stronger, braver, and you'll touch people's lives positively in ways you can never imagine.


    Perspective can only happen when enough time has passed, and you'll get that two to ten years from now. Give yourself and the future woman you'll be a chance to prove to yourself that your life is worth it.


    And if you ever need to vent, you can do it here. I'm not having much fun on neopets either. ;)

  3. So, I'm not sure if I did something wrong, but I used one of TDN's pre-made layout, the Book one, and I absolutely love it. Problem is, I had previously set one of my categories as a "Main Theme", and now when I view my gallery as a guest, it just shows my entire gallery.


    All my items are categorized, and I tried re-setting it as my "Main Theme" and nothing happens. I even tried setting my other categories as my Main Theme, but nothing works.


    Does anyone know how to fix this?

  4. Hi, I just checked all 3 difficulties of the Robo Grarrl and the HP is as you said it for the weakest difficulty setting.


    I also just checked the entry for Robo Grarrl in the BP's profile for him.



    I think I figured out what's going on. It took me a while to realize it myself. What you're reading is the difficulty based on which "face" you click on. Which sets the difficulty of the challenge.


    Robo Grarrl

    [Difficulty: 150, 180, 225]


    Difficulty is not the opponent's HP.


    If you look under his profile pic in the entry, there will be this text.


    Arena: Neocola Centre

    How to unlock: Refresh here.

    Starting HP: 250, 300, 375

    Abilities Used: Static Cling , Meditate , Positive Thinking , Sear , Lens Flare


    As you can see, his starting HP is correct at 250 on the weakest difficulty setting for him.



    That's interesting. I never knew that, but I think it's weird that other's like Flaming Meerca, Neopets V2, and some others have the exact difficulty level and hps. That's really confusing.

  5. So, I was wondering if anyone has my problem. I'm looking at the hps Robo Grarrl on the easiest level, which is 150hps. I think I can beat him, but when we start to battle, he starts with 250 hps. It's been like this with other challengers, like Lava Ghoul, and it's not only on the easiest level either.


    Is this a bug or is this how it's suppose to be?

  6. So, for the past few days, I've been clicking on the usernames of the people who own the trade, and I'm always brought back to neopets homepage. I actually copy/paste their username and google it. Right at the top would be the link to their user lookup page, but when I click it, half of the time it brings me back to the neopets homepage again.

    Anyone else having this problem?

    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Spritzie) because of a violation of the forum rules.
    There is already a thread regarding current issues with Neopets here.
    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.
    Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Spritzie if you have any questions regarding this action.

  7. Whoa! Just got a Pirate Draik Morphing Potion from Anchor Management! And here I was, hoping to get a dubloon or a plushie. Another thing going into my SDB.




    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (.Brianna.) because of a violation of the forum rules.

    There is already a thread regarding Anchor Management here.

    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.

    Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact .Brianna. if you have any questions regarding this action.

  8. My very first post here!


    So, I just did the Daily Faerie Quest and I got Grey Faerie, yay! I didn't know what to get from her, so, I was pretty excited. The thing is...she gave me Rainbow Faerie's power as a reward and now I have access to the Rainbow Fountain. I never thought I'd be able to ever get it, and now I did!


    Unfortunately, I absolutely LOVE my pet's look. It's the 8-bit look, so, it's not like it was cheap when I changed it, and it will never be cheap if I wanna go back.


    Will my quest prize expire? And what should I do with it now?

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