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    Nubisbully got a reaction from hanalways in Buying online from China: anyone?   
    I'm not a fan of supporting anything "from China." There's a big pull towards items "made in the US" for example now. We've lost/are losing a lot of jobs and the savings aren't worth it. Everyone has their items made there and there's a big problem with the factories in China stealing the item design and making it illegally themselves and selling for cheap. It's almost impossible to save your product design/patent once it's been stolen there. Sorry to be such a spoil sport but I've seen a lot of negative impact and the quality is rarely there. I've recently had a baby and am using cloth diapers and WILL NOT buy any made in China for lack of quality and lack of knowledge of what they're using. Many of their regulations are lax and who knows what chemicals they're using on the fabrics plus, they allow Walmart to cheat their employees and have the states half support them with food stamps and medicaid.
    I personally prefer items made in the EU or US or Aus/Nz for better quality as I hate falling in love with something only to have it rip at the seams or disintegrate due to inferior production. Depends on why you're buying it I guess.
    I want to clarify that I am not being prejudice against the country since this can/does happen in other places, including the US but the Chinese are smart in that they make/ship out cheap/inferior products but they themselves have stricter standards for their own citizens.
    We (Americans) are also giant hypocrites since we throw a fit about chicken dog treats from China, but ship our (human grade) chickens over there to be defeathered/treated and shipped back to us....
    The dress is cute though, but I'd think you'd have beautiful clothing where you are.
  2. Like
    Nubisbully reacted to Nimphal in Buying online from China: anyone?   
    Careful not to open Pandora's box there, asking me why and all :D I'll try to be succinct, but actually, I have done and am doing a ton of research in the fashion industry (and not only) and human rights and origin of things are a big passion.
    So, let's start with China first. One of the reasons I don't want to buy things from there is purely political - the CCP is pure evil. I won't go into details, but as a child of a former communist country, political communism sucks, the CCP is on a whole new level. I don't want to be feeding that regime. The second reason I avoid buying things from China when I have the choice (and with technology, I simply don't have that choice) is because of the very real chance that somewhere along the line the production of said product included one or more of the following: inhumane working conditions, slavery (sweatshops), child labour, toxic environment. No, I'm not doing that, I can't.
    As for South East Asia, very similar reasons as with China, but in addition to that, buildings collapse from time to time.
    I should make something clear, though. I do buy clothes from South East Asia, but very carefully. I buy Fair Trade, which ensures that workers are treated and rewarded as human beings. If I like something and it is not certified Fair Trade I look at where I am buying it from. In the UK the Arcadia Group (BHS, Burton, Dorothy Perkins and a few more) have a Fashion Footprint programme. I have read the steps they take to ensure that their workers and factories are treated well and am .. satisfied. They also have a lot of factories in Europe, which I am very excited about. I would probably still not buy something from South East Asia unless Fair Trade. China is off the table completely for me when I have choice.
    Buying online makes knowing where your clothes come from quite a bit trickier, because most online retailers don't sate that info on their pages, you have to buy it to know. I am working to combat that with a project that will allow people to share where their clothes are made and will hopefully create a nice database of open data about fashion.
    Sorry, I tried not to make it too long, and it still came out too long....
  3. Like
    Nubisbully reacted to Nimphal in Buying online from China: anyone?   
    I am morally against buying anything made in China or South East Asia (unless certified Fair Trade and even then I avoid China). This is purely my prerogative, though. I have friends that have used AliExpress and the like and for most things, they are good.
  4. Like
    Nubisbully got a reaction from officialsarahjay in Buying online from China: anyone?   
    I'm not a fan of supporting anything "from China." There's a big pull towards items "made in the US" for example now. We've lost/are losing a lot of jobs and the savings aren't worth it. Everyone has their items made there and there's a big problem with the factories in China stealing the item design and making it illegally themselves and selling for cheap. It's almost impossible to save your product design/patent once it's been stolen there. Sorry to be such a spoil sport but I've seen a lot of negative impact and the quality is rarely there. I've recently had a baby and am using cloth diapers and WILL NOT buy any made in China for lack of quality and lack of knowledge of what they're using. Many of their regulations are lax and who knows what chemicals they're using on the fabrics plus, they allow Walmart to cheat their employees and have the states half support them with food stamps and medicaid.
    I personally prefer items made in the EU or US or Aus/Nz for better quality as I hate falling in love with something only to have it rip at the seams or disintegrate due to inferior production. Depends on why you're buying it I guess.
    I want to clarify that I am not being prejudice against the country since this can/does happen in other places, including the US but the Chinese are smart in that they make/ship out cheap/inferior products but they themselves have stricter standards for their own citizens.
    We (Americans) are also giant hypocrites since we throw a fit about chicken dog treats from China, but ship our (human grade) chickens over there to be defeathered/treated and shipped back to us....
    The dress is cute though, but I'd think you'd have beautiful clothing where you are.
  5. Like
    Nubisbully reacted to dawnshine in Buying online from China: anyone?   
    I've never done this, but the dress in the picture is cute so I may have to see what I can score when I have some extra cash to spend. I am a huge fan of buying local and being self-sufficient (I grow a lot of my own food and raise livestock and the works) but when it comes to clothing shopping local blows. The clothes are all the exact same, they're cheap (quality), overpriced, and I'm so over it, haha.
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    Nubisbully reacted to circlette in The Coincidence Adds Cancel Button!   
    About time! Now I might start doing it as a daily.
  7. Like
    Nubisbully reacted to Sannah in The Coincidence Adds Cancel Button!   
    Really good news.
    However, Dr Landelbrot managed to ask me for the exact same items I've been refusing to bring him for two weeks. Guess he really needs those Wheat Flakes.
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    Nubisbully reacted to eliang100 in The Coincidence Adds Cancel Button!   
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    Nubisbully reacted to asterisk_trine in Happy Kougra Day!   
    I don;t care for the clothes. Or really even the Woodland. I think I'm the only person on the planet who doesn't mind Snot pets. They need love too :3.
  10. Like
    Nubisbully got a reaction from asterisk_trine in Happy Kougra Day!   
    I like the woodland, the carved appearance is neat and reminds me of little trinkets I use to carve. The snot Kougra is actually my favorite of that color and I might not re-zap if I got it. The clothes...meh
  11. Like
    Nubisbully reacted to rntracy1 in Random Event Occurrence...   
    Yes, I have gotten TWO pieces of secret treasure map from random events. The more expensive ones at that. I also had the bank error. It was a "bank error in my favor, collect $347." Is it just me, or does that sound a little bit similar to a monopoly treasure chest card? LOL.
    Most of the random events seem pretty good, but I have had a couple of not so good ones.
    Just got an AWESOME random event!!
    While out for a stroll, magickalhorn looks down and finds 47,698 NP on the ground. Today looks like a lucky day!
    I have gotten close to 40,000NP in two REs but never in one.
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  12. Like
    Nubisbully reacted to officialsarahjay in Interesting facts about you   
    I'm really quite terrified. My generation is among the most highly education (we have more college degrees than any generation before us) and yet there are no jobs. My degree is great...so long as I have a Masters. But for now, I'm working a minimum wage job with student debt and the government has the opinion of, "Well, if you couldn't afford school, maybe you shouldn't have gone". But I digress. Jobs are just becoming more and more scarce and there's more and more Millenials needing work. It's a scary situation to be in.
    And don't get me started on mega-corporations and the privileges they're granted.
    My blog is here, I kind of figured out later that maybe the URL is one that should be changed for polite society but eh. It goes with my personality. :P
  13. Like
    Nubisbully got a reaction from nightfall8705 in Interesting facts about you   
    Angel, have you tried an iron supplement from a reputable supplier? Not to be too nosey, my bf and I are just very much into nutrition (his; human, mine; animals and pregnant women/babies.)
  14. Like
    Nubisbully reacted to officialsarahjay in Interesting facts about you   
    Only slightly? Girl be full-blown terrified with me!
    My turn!
    Supposedly I'm a distant descendent of Erik the Red. I have a gold tooth. I actively run a beauty blog and since it's inception in December I've had over 2,000 pageviews from all over the world (I'm impressed by that). I'm the Encyclopedia U2annica.
  15. Like
    Nubisbully reacted to Azurablue in Your thoughts on legalizing marijuana?   
    First, let me admit that I have skimmed over half of the posts because I really have to be somewhere else in a few minutes. :rolleyes_anim:
    I'm in Canada, so though this is a US-aimed question, I voted anyway. We're not the same as the US, but I'd like to see it legalized everywhere in the world, for most of the reasons that the pro side has already mentioned. I understand and sympathize with all of those who are against it for various reasons, especially those who don't want it (or regular cigarettes, cigars, etc.) anywhere near them. I really do feel for you and would wish for people to be far more understanding of other peoples' space.
    Now, here comes the lecture: there is solid evidence that well grown marijuana (not that watered down junk that the governments are allowing for medicinal purposes) can make life bearable for people who need it. I'm not talking about the potheads who are doing it for recreational reasons. I'm talking about people with things like scoliosis, cancer, chronic pain, anxiety disorder, severe depression, etc., who can't take anything else. The reasons could be anything from allergic reactions (to conventional medications) to the simple fact that nothing actually works on them anymore from overusage. I happen to be in three of the above catagories. I suffer from chronic back pain as well as a chemical imbalance that leads to severe depression, anxiety disorder (severe panic attacks) and OCD. There is nothing that works. Absolutely nothing. There is a chance that marijuana might help, but because it's illegal, I can't even try it to find out. (Our greedy government up here has decreed that the price will be going up about 300 percent and that the number of legal growers will be severely restricted, making it virtually impossible to get without breaking the law... which I refuse to do.)
    I fully and completely agree that it and every other drug out there should be legalized, controlled and taxed. It will take the drug lords out of the picture and stop a great deal of the drug wars. The reason why our illustrious leaders in world governments have not already done this is because many of them have been bought by the cartels in order to keep illicit drugs from being legalized. That way, the cartels can keep prices high and they can keep getting filthy rich. I have no proof of this, obviously. It's the only explanation that makes sense, when there is really no other reason to keep marijuana illegal.
    We all have laws to keep tobacco and alcohol "safe" and out of the hands of minors. It's not like that's working. They get it somehow anyway. Same thing with marijuana. Might as well make sure it's the real thing and safer than what they might actually get from some dealer on the street.
    Lastly, does anyone remember the lesson the US learned from prohibition? It's how the mob got started in Chicago and New York. Making alcohol illegal didn't work, it merely made a lot of very bad people filthy rich. It got a lot of innocent people killed in the wars between the gangs. Sound familiar? Keeping things like marijuana illegal won't work any better than prohibition in the US worked for alcohol. It might as well be made into a source of revenue for the government instead of the other crooks out there. That way, the money made from the taxes can go into medicines, schools, education, etc. It might as well do some good since you can't stop it anyway.
    My two cents. (Ooops. Sorry. Not in Canada. Our idiot government got rid of the penny. It has to be a nickel now.) :)
  16. Like
    Nubisbully reacted to .Brianna. in Woohoo!   
    I went with the Uni. Welcome to the family evaechme! :wub_anim:

  17. Like
    Nubisbully reacted to dawnshine in Woohoo!   
    I didn't know how legit woodland unis were! I would definitely go that route. I kinda want one now.
  18. Like
    Nubisbully reacted to georgeringo in Just Wishing   
    I've recently started wanting to paint my Shoyru grey, but there's no way I'd be able to get the NP to get the brush... I've been trying to save up for the Lab Ray Map, but I've been spending all my NP on wearables impulsively... I'm just frustrated that the prices for everything I want for my dreamie are out of reach. :angry:
    ... sorry for the rant LOL
  19. Like
    Nubisbully reacted to Xepha in Browser Help   
    Yup, I had the problem before and I procrastinate solving it for about 9 months. That's when I became really tired to see my pets in their halloween outfits and decided to fix it :P
  20. Like
    Nubisbully reacted to chelperk in Guten tag, everybody   
    Welcome! Your Aisha's name is cracking me up!
  21. Like
    Nubisbully reacted to Angeló in Homemade dry shampoo recipes?   
    I have medium-length/long smooth black hair that I rinse with Herbal shampoo once every 3-4 days ... i dont use conditioner ... i never tried dry shampoo is but you're right , daily use of chemicals causes natural hair oil to dry and your hair will "break" and look old and tired ...
    i found this website on how to make your own dry shampoo
    1 Look in your cabinets. You probably already have the ingredients you need for dry shampoo. A mix of powders and starches works well to absorb the oil from your hair. Choose from the following options: Baking soda. This also helps to minimize odors. Corn meal Corn starch Ground oatmeal (if you use this, grind it to a fine powder in your food processor) Talcum powder or baby powder 2 Mix the ingredients in a bowl. Depending on what you have in your cabinet, mix equal parts of as many of the above ingredients as possible. The mix of course ingredients and powders helps absorb as much oil as possible. If you're missing an ingredient, substitute a like ingredient. For example, if you don't have baby powder, double the baking soda. If you don't have ground oatmeal, double the corn meal. Make sure the ingredients are well mixed. If you want to make sure they're ground even finer, you can run them through your food processor together. (Be sure to clean it well if you use baby powder.) To make scented dry shampoo, mix it with dried flowers or herbs (e.g. roses, lavender, hibiscus, violets, mint) in a jar, close the lid, and set it in a dark cupboard for 2-4 weeks. The scent will mix with the dry shampoo so that when you use it, your hair will smell good. 3 Pour the mixture into a spice shaker. An old, clean salt or pepper shaker, or any shaker that was used for a spice, is the perfect dispenser for dry shampoo.
  22. Like
    Nubisbully reacted to 96037 in Separation Anxiety   
    If you are clinically diagnosed with depression then you should request a letter or waiver from you doctor or psychologist for a social service animal. I have BiPolar and Aspergers, and that is how I have my cat. This, under law, prevents ANY landlord from discriminating or denying you your cat under the understanding that it is required for you better health. Just give them a copy of letter. And also, with the letter they cannot legally charge you a deposit on the animal, though you would be responsible for any damage cause by a SSA. (not that I am saying she has) Hope this helps! I love being able to cut corners. :) and this is federal law by the way, not state.
    SSA's do have quite a few differences from a normal service animal. This is basically the only right they have, you can't bring them in a store, BUT you CAn bring them on an airplane or any public transit to help with anxiety, etc. you just gotta keep a copy of your letter dated within the past three years I think it is?
  23. Like
    Nubisbully reacted to Saxen in Happy Krawk Day!   
    Oooh the paints are really nice!! I haven't liked a dimentional pet yet but the Krawk is quite snazzay ^^
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    Nubisbully reacted to leverhelven in Spring & Easter Customizations!   
    Hey guys! Have you started customizing your pets for Spring/Easter? Even though it's Autumn here, I can't help but join the Spring feeling on Neopets! :D
    Here's my Desci, in a simple yet (I believe) charming Spring-fresh look! (I'm hoping they release a Pastel colour for Cys on Cybunny Day so I can paint her, it'd be perfect <3 )
    What about yours? :)
  25. Like
    Nubisbully reacted to georgeringo in Have you ever been so bored...   
    Haha, I've seen quite a few good joke customizations... This whole pet lookup is a riot for me: http://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=LegitEyrie
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