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  1. Like
    cordeliavane reacted to deliciouswaffles in Vote for Obelisk War! Round 50!   
    The Order!
    Something to consider: The Order is the only of the three with the Refreshed Faerie Quests boon, so those choosing them would be able to use that for the last four days of the Faerie Quest event if they win.
  2. Like
    cordeliavane got a reaction from chknlimbosthe1 in Faerie Quest Help   
    Large Mango-Melon Smoothie:
    This two are the cheapest I've found:
    I don't know why they're so expensive! :S
  3. Like
    cordeliavane reacted to Shane for Wax in Faerie Quest Help   
    I had written a long post listing all the petpets i have in my sdb that i was willing to give to people for faerie quests but i accidentally backspaced and lost all because it didn't even autosave :(
    But anyways, if a petpet is a certain amount you don't want to pay I will try to keep an eye on this thread for the rest of the event and reply if I have the petpet in question.
  4. Like
    cordeliavane got a reaction from Ruto in Faerie Quest Help   
    OH... MY... GOD.
    Thank you for showing me kindness, fair Neopian. I'll not forget your deed.

    I have no magic of my own to reward you with, so I'm asking for help from another faerie.
    Rainbow Fountain Faerie, come and bestow your blessing upon this Neopian! I cannot abide a debt that is not paid.

    She will allow you to take a dip in the Rainbow Fountain! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! :woot: :woot: :woot: Thank you so much, Bloo and Shane! I'm very happy :) My beloved Allsunday is transparent now!
  5. Like
    cordeliavane got a reaction from coryldork in Faerie Quest Help   
    OH... MY... GOD.
    Thank you for showing me kindness, fair Neopian. I'll not forget your deed.

    I have no magic of my own to reward you with, so I'm asking for help from another faerie.
    Rainbow Fountain Faerie, come and bestow your blessing upon this Neopian! I cannot abide a debt that is not paid.

    She will allow you to take a dip in the Rainbow Fountain! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! :woot: :woot: :woot: Thank you so much, Bloo and Shane! I'm very happy :) My beloved Allsunday is transparent now!
  6. Like
    cordeliavane got a reaction from Bloo in Faerie Quest Help   
    OH... MY... GOD.
    Thank you for showing me kindness, fair Neopian. I'll not forget your deed.

    I have no magic of my own to reward you with, so I'm asking for help from another faerie.
    Rainbow Fountain Faerie, come and bestow your blessing upon this Neopian! I cannot abide a debt that is not paid.

    She will allow you to take a dip in the Rainbow Fountain! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! :woot: :woot: :woot: Thank you so much, Bloo and Shane! I'm very happy :) My beloved Allsunday is transparent now!
  7. Like
    cordeliavane got a reaction from Shane for Wax in Faerie Quest Help   
    OH... MY... GOD.
    Thank you for showing me kindness, fair Neopian. I'll not forget your deed.

    I have no magic of my own to reward you with, so I'm asking for help from another faerie.
    Rainbow Fountain Faerie, come and bestow your blessing upon this Neopian! I cannot abide a debt that is not paid.

    She will allow you to take a dip in the Rainbow Fountain! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! :woot: :woot: :woot: Thank you so much, Bloo and Shane! I'm very happy :) My beloved Allsunday is transparent now!
  8. Like
    cordeliavane reacted to Shane for Wax in Faerie Quest Help   
    I have a cobrall in my SDB if you want it instead of buying it. no charge.
  9. Like
    cordeliavane reacted to Bloo in Faerie Quest Help   
    nuinui162 1 700
    thewiseowk 1 700
    mzgaskarth 1 700
    Here you go ^_^
  10. Like
    cordeliavane reacted to Shane for Wax in Faerie Quest Help   
    Once again thanks to the SSW
    Shop quantity price
    siangrong 1 2,200 NP
    neosurferfanatic 1 2,299 NP
    anga1 1 2,390 NP
  11. Like
    cordeliavane reacted to Steve in Faerie Quest Help   
    Here are the cheapest I could find on the SW :)
  12. Like
    cordeliavane reacted to Bloo in Faerie Quest Help   
    Anytime, glad to help! :santa:
    Blue Sandshell Mold:
    mhale 1 950
    janieandnick123 2 1,000
    meercatristonhopets3 1 1,000
  13. Like
    cordeliavane reacted to Bloo in Faerie Quest Help   
    Deluxe Blue Toothbrush for LilytheGrundo:
    techno_fata 1 998
    mystichazel1 4 1,090
    sher101200 4 1,097
    Factor 15 Sun Tan Lotion for yahis454:
    sorrychief 1 1,150
    i111111 2 1,240
    goofhubby 1 1,595
    EDIT: So many requests lol.

    Sandy Bubble Bath for cordeliavane:

    calicowhispers 1 1,495
    noizekid 8 1,500
    tashamaaskantje 5 1,590
    Enjoy, all of you :)
  14. Like
    cordeliavane reacted to chknlimbosthe1 in Faerie Quest Help   
    Goooood luck to you! All from the SSW! :)
  15. Like
    cordeliavane reacted to jellysundae in Friends to lovers to friends again?   
    It really is down to time, and the mental make-up of both people. I think there absolutely needs to be a period of time when you don't see each other after a break up. You'd both need time in your own headspace to go through the "getting over it" process, whatever that might entail for the individual person, and however long it took. An ex of mine; we were together for 4 years, we were engaged, we'd bought a house, all very happy families, when we split up I was devastated and it took me a year to completely get over him, but that was 13 years ago and if I ran into him again now I could easily be friends with him again. because I'm just not the same person any more and hopefully neither is he.
    But you know, something I've learnt from personal experience is that some guys, that one included, can have a hard time understanding that they no longer have any kind of proprietorial rights over any ex of theirs, and can't be trusted to not think it's still ok for them to grab your behind and so on, just because they used to be able to do that...
  16. Like
    cordeliavane reacted to Jaavje in Friends to lovers to friends again?   
    It doesn't mean it will be the same for you though :).
  17. Like
    cordeliavane reacted to jellysundae in I think it's time   
    Are you in a position where you could leave home? I read your profile so I'm guessing you're looking for a job at the moment? I just feel that from what you've said your home environment is somewhat toxic for you and that's a lot of the reason for why your self-esteem is so low, and that in itself leads to comfort eating, it's a downward spiral. If you had a way to get away from that, and be around people who weren't generally negative towards you, it would be a huge help for your mental health. There's nothing worse than living around people who don't have a good thing to say to you.
    Do you get out and about much? I'd recommend spending as much time away from your family as possible if you can, not only will it be great for you to spend time around people who don't automatically think badly of you and talk down to you and so on, but it will be better for your physical health rather than lurking inside and playing games.
  18. Like
    cordeliavane reacted to brynchilla in Criticism in the Art Community.   
    I wish there was a 'it depends' answer.
    Just plain criticism with telling what is wrong, usually shouting (also known as flaming) is wrong.
    If it's constructive criticism that not only tells what is wrong but also how it can be improved upon is okay.
    You're not going to get better if people just throw flowers at you and say all is good.
    You need people to be critical about your work (but you'll need to be able to know when to draw the line) if you want to improve.
    Feed back is valuable.
    Good feed back is amazing.
    Although I'm not in the art community, I am in the writing community and it can be applied to both groups.
    Sometimes to get better, you need to have your work completely torn apart so you can see what you need to improve on.
  19. Like
    cordeliavane reacted to brynchilla in Boys vs Housework   
    I would go with D.
    Saying that 'oh he's just a boy' instills a sense that boys are somehow better than girls. It's sexism.
    To say that 'oh, he's just a boy' or 'boys will be boy' just makes me angry. Yes, he's a boy. Yes, he has pent up energy. But guess what, so do girls! Why should boys have an excuse to run around and have fun while girls (apparently) can't?
  20. Like
    cordeliavane reacted to deboratibi in Boys vs Housework   
    When I was growing up, I had to help around the house but my brother didn't. I always complained about it to my parents, and they would just say "he's a boy, he doesn't have to". This still upsets me when I think about it, and it's part of the reason why I hate housework so much. Housework is usually boring regardless, but I feel that if I had learned that housework is everyone's responsibility, I wouldn't hold such a grudge against it.
    So, how was housework dealt with when you were growing up?
    And if you had (or have) kids, how would you (or how do you) deal with it?
    a ) Girls do all the work, boys do none
    b ) Girls do most of the work, boys do some
    c ) Same amount of work, but different tasks (e.g. girls do the laundry, boys help in the garage)
    d ) Same amount of work, same tasks
    I don't plan on having children, but if I did, I would make both girls and boys do the exact same work. I believe they would become more independent this way. I wouldn't want my daughter to depend on a husband to fix things and I wouldn't want my son to depend on a wife to cook him dinner and iron his shirts. I might be oversimplifying a bit, but I think you get the idea.
  21. Like
    cordeliavane reacted to frozenpancakes in Does this sound stupid?   
    It's not because it's complicated, it's because the market for bras for women who have had mastectomies is much, much smaller than the market for regular bras. They would have to spend extra money on it, without having a big return. If there's no profit, they're not going to do it.
    (Side note: Victoria's Secret, in my opinion, does not promote confidence.)
  22. Like
    cordeliavane reacted to Shelley in What's your Achievement today?   
    I GOT IN THE ART GALLERY!! My cheese related image made it in :D
    and then this happened...

    They LITERALLY gave me a cookie. There's a cookie in my inventory. :woot:
    Today= SUCCESS!
  23. Like
    cordeliavane got a reaction from siniri in What's your Achievement today?   
    "Gordos the Collector sniffs and says, "That's a pathetic stamp album! Accept my charitable donation of Commemorative Defenders Stamp #4."  
    More like a random event than an achievement, but happy about it!
  24. Like
    cordeliavane reacted to marthaclark in So what are you reading?   
    I am currently reading a Storm of Swords : Steel and Snow. It's book three of George R. Martins Song of Ice and Fire series and so far it's pretty similar to what was shown in Game of Thrones. A few flourishes were made here and there by the show, mostly for simplicity's sake I'm guessing. At first I couldn't believe just how much was fit into the series, but now as things get more complicated I can see where the show slowed down and got down to details as laid out in the book. I'm thinking by the end of book four I will be up with the show. I may even get there before the next season airs, at the rate I am going!
    I am surprised by how easily it is to pick up the language in the books. I find myself saying things or wanting to say things that I could imagine Cersei Lannister say, or Tyrion for that matter.
    Last night I actually called my boyfriend sweetling...
  25. Like
    cordeliavane reacted to AllTimeMarr in Faerie Quest Help   
    Here you go:
    1,700 NP
    1,849 NP
    1,899 NP
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