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Posts posted by Mirandaell

  1. I thought for a while it would die, especially after selling to the current owners. I thought it's end had come when key quest and certain contests ect were "paused" or ended. 
    But, now that I am back after a year hiatus, I see they seem to be actively improving things. It seems like they're trying to improve it, new dailies, items and the pose thingy I read about. What they need is new members. I havn't seen an Ad for neopets since I was little (20 now)

  2. My wish list items are


    Books for my main pet

    petpet paintbrush

    any lutari morph potion

    oragmi items for my gallery

    any petpetpet

    wearables for my pets


    I am currently sending items to others as well. And I have some NC items ad giftboxes if anyone really wants anything badly. I have 2 lukewarm left over pizzas, 2 red sparkling hair bows, 1 skull headbow, basket of apples, classic beauty mark and some others.

    So far I have been able to give to 20 people! I hope to find someone who wants my nc times as well


    Thank you for the gifts to













    And others! I may have forgotten a few names, my apologies!


  3. I randomly looked at the kadoatery today, and to my surprise I saw one kad wanting a grape chia pop. I was pretty sure those weren't expensive, thinking about how I just donated one earlier in the week and to my surprise I found one for about 1k neopoints on the shop wizard and was able to feed one on time. Usually the food is rather expensive, so I'm pretty excited!.. Anyway I'm super excited... Sorry haha

  4. Anchor management is OK, but I usually just get forgotten shore map pieces--no morphing porions here, and I play daily.   I prefer Trudy's surprise (serious NP!) or the forgotten shore itself.  I'd include Kiko Pop but the music annoys me and there's no obvious way to shut it off except to mute the entire computer.


    Also, don't forget to check on that lonely discarded plushie; he's usually quite grateful!   ;)

    Kiko's pop is great because I like getting the free wearables...But that music! Gross!

  5. Anchor management is my favorite daily, because well I'm rarely disappointed. There are a few days each week were I get nothing (but hey that's fine!) but I have gotten over the years some great prizes! I just got today a Pirate Eyrie Morphing Potion, and earlier this year I got a pirate krwak morphing potion (Which I used) and usually I got some good neopoints, from 1,000 to 10,000, not to mention so many dubloons! I must have 50 of the 10,20 and 50 dubloon coins!

    How do you feel about anchor management? Got anything good lately?


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  6. I just saw it and apparently it works now?
    I was awarded the bad luck prize and given 4000 nps. pretty nice.  
    Overall I'm rather excited for this new daily. I'm happy they're doing some good change, and i feel as if they're making up for all the dailies they stopped.  It hasn't made up for it yet, but maybe soon it will. But honestly nothing would make up for Keyquest. *Sigh* 

  7. I've been having trouble with the trading post as of late.  Where to begin really, for starters i search for a common item that people should be  trading,for example: Christ mas paint brush, i should find hundreds of lots trading them, but it tells me there's no trades for it, I would think there would be, why not? i can find it on the shop wizard just fine.  then when it does come up with something like a specific book it only shows me about 1-4 trades. I highly doubt only 3 people are trading their tuskany treasure book, it's so common and so many usually are just trying to rid of it. there should be hundreds of pages of trades for that, but i find three?  Is this a problem for others too, or just me? I feel like others are experiencing this because I personally are not getting allot of hits on my trades where before a lot of free food would have 5 offers in 4 minutes but now hours go by, and i have 1? I do all of my buying/selling via trades here basically and it's hurting me.  Is there a way i can fix it, is me, or is neopets being janky like usual? :shiftyeyes_anim:

  8. A couple of times I hit the accept button for when someone offered on my trades, when i actually meant to hit the whole not accept thingy. I feel your pain, especially since one time someone completely offered me useless stuff for something over 200K, and needless to say I got some nice dung out of the deal.

  9. Unlikely.
    If I were them I wouldn't even consider it. With all their troubles, it would cause more chaos for them, and us. I can only imagine the lag from the high traffic due to the events, not to mention they need to take time away from fixing the bugs and updates to even create it, maintain and not mess it up. It's quite sad really, I loved the daily dares,

  10. It's my birthday, and I'm finally 16, I'm super excited because now I can get my license and find a job :woot: ! Today has been so far good, My friends hugged me, I received a very sweet present from a bestie, but sadly, My father has simply forgotten. You might say well, there's still so many hours left in the day, he is working etc etc. But the reality is my father is a very bad father, not simply because of this but many things. He usually text me to complain at least once a week around 5-6 in the morning when he gets ready for work, but he hadn't texted me on this special day, nothing. Not even his evil girlfriend who hates all of his kids. I saw him saturday and sunday for his visitation, and my birthday, he did nothing, we were able to go out to eat which i was happy about, but he invited the woman who hates me (and will tell it to my face) and her brother in law and sister. (Whom have no connection to me). They didn't even know that we were going out for my birthday. They said nothing to me the entire time, Last year the same thing happened my dad got me a present though and they asked why i got a gift after spending 5 hours with me at my "party". They don't know or care, and when they found out not a word. My dad just asked me yesterday what i wanted, because i swear he forgot. And if you're thinking I'm too hard on him consider this, He cheated on my mom, ending their marriage, all he does is yell at us and blame everything wrong with his life on my 20 and 24 year old siblings, he forgot my sister birthday three years in a row, and last year gave her an emergency gift of a random gun from his closet, the gun WE bought FOR HIM that same year. He has yet to even contact me, or anything. He doesn't even know what year i was born, or the date and it's the same as his father's. He always tell the pharmacist my brother's birth year. He doesn't try at all, and sometimes It's just a bit too much. I'm sorry for the rant, I just needed to say it.

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