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Posts posted by Duma

  1. For these avatars you needs some luck/time, but they are not really hard:

    Bilge Dice, Count von Roo's Deadly Dice, Dice-A-Roo, Gormball - Gargarox, Mortog Smooch, Must... Keep... Smiling..., Poogle Racing Winner and Techo - Cheesy


    These I find just easy games to get to the avatar score:

    Cliffhanger - Game Over, Magax: Destroyer, Meepit Vs Feepit, Top Gamer, Turtum and of course: Whack-a-Kass

  2. Granted. Another species of animal take there place. Their noise is even more anoying, both male and female sucks your blood, and the sting is even way worse.


    I wish I had my dreamjob.

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